Something's got to change.

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That's 2 weeks down no problem. It's good to have such great support around you.

Posted : 14th February 2014 8:51 am
Posts: 0

Never give up trying new start that's the main thing ....

Have a good day

The bear

Posted : 14th February 2014 8:54 am
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3 weeks in and no problems. Think telling my wife was the best thing I ever did.

Posted : 20th February 2014 11:45 pm
Posts: 0

Well done on reaching the 3 weeks! Yr story very similar to mine! I go through all banking with the wife weekly now showing her banking in and outs of all our accounts! I carry just enough money for shopping needs but have no cards! Might be worth a try either giving yr cards to somebody realible who you can trust. My diaries a few pages back if you get time have a read! I'm over 14 months gamble free now! Keep it up

Posted : 21st February 2014 12:25 am
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Had such a busy weekend that a month has passed now without me even noticing and still going strong.

Posted : 3rd March 2014 1:28 pm
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really glad your donig well , i am single at the mo but still have my son to think about, but think your right about telling someone , so i have just told my work colleuge , although couldnt bring myself to tell her how much i have lost in total,

you are spot on , glad somebody else has said this , when you said 75p booking fee but yet wasted £200 on gambling, i have wasted a grand a week ago but before that and after wont put my heating on , wheres the sense in that , its just a cruel addiction that gets hold of us and we play along with at any cost, money ,personality, situation ect... that is until we do something about it , anyway you certaintly are and i wish you all the best , keep strong and keep self excluding and dont give in, thanks simon

Posted : 3rd March 2014 2:25 pm
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Thanks for the support. Don't look on here as often as I should because although it makes me proud to see how far I've come I wish I could forget that I'd ever been so desperate and low as in the last few months. Getting stronger all the time but I was in a similar position just before Christmas too and that went horribly wrong. Good luck to everyone battling this horrible addiction and above all else I would surgest sharing with some one you care about who will support you, self exclusion and restrict yourself with regards to access to money in what ever way suits you best. That way when you feel low instead of turning to gambling you can turn to the people that matter to get you through.

Posted : 5th March 2014 5:35 pm
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100 days in and going strong. It's still not always easy but it's getting there.

Posted : 11th May 2014 6:41 pm
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Just when you think you've got it all under control you you realise that it's never under control and you'll always be managing the problem.

I went out with a crowd on a night outwho wanted to spend some time in a casino. I thought that I'd been so good and I'd be able to just have a few drinks and amuse myself by watching everyone one else losing their money. Several rinks later and nearly 1000 later I realised I'm still the same idiot I ever was.

The compulsion is still there and I've just been managing it to keep myself away from temptation. Perhaps I'll never be free of this urge to throw away money but I now know that I can't even put myself in a position where a fruit machine is accessible.

After trying to hide the loss from my wife I came clean and admitted it and she's been really supportive. I just now need to be more aware of the situations I put myself in, especially when I've had a drink.

I'm sorry to those I've let down, again. I'm trying and I guess that's the point, that I'll never be able to not try. It will always be a struggle, no matter how in control I think I might be.

Posted : 22nd May 2014 7:20 am
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Well here we are again. After 22nd of May's post I never really managed a long spell away from gambling and was back at square one. Got my wife and brother on side and keeping an eye on me and my finances at my request. My wife has been amazingly understanding but now knows this is something that after a couple of months will not have gone away and we now both need to keep an eye on what is going out of our accounts. Bro is there also if I need someone to talk to.

Been trying to to get off it for a while now but having regular splurges but a gamble free new year was the goal I set myself so I will just start from right now. 1 day done and going strong and feeling positive, but how long will it last?

I wish you all a gamble free 2015 and good luck and my best wishes to you all. X

Posted : 2nd January 2015 7:43 am
Posts: 0

Hi New Start

Great to see you so honest and not throwing in the towel as that would have been the easy option. Well done and keep going.


Posted : 2nd January 2015 4:57 pm
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Thanks for the encouragement Paul. It's always nice to know someone reads your posts. Doesn't feel quite so lonely.

Posted : 2nd January 2015 11:28 pm
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Another day done and feeling very positive. Being around my family makes it easier but think I will manage ok come Monday. Many tests ahead but I really want to be able to kick the habit this year.

It's only a date but it seems to make a big difference.

Posted : 3rd January 2015 8:41 pm
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Still managing to stay off those slots. I'm feeling strong any keen to keep off the machines in 2015.

I'm someone who finds it very hard to discuss real things and feeling with people so being able to write in here feels brilliant. I hope this really will be the start of the end of gambling for me and everyone else starting giving up again this year.

Good luck everyone. Stay strong.


Posted : 4th January 2015 10:20 pm
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Another day done. Getting close to a week. That hasn't happened in a while.

Posted : 5th January 2015 11:34 pm
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