I’m only at the early stages of them as only started looking into then at the end of January. I put one into the FOS 2 weeks ago, and got a letter the same week asking for more info to go to them, I sent it in on Friday along with my second compliant. I have another one to go to them next week. I have another one that’s at the 8 weeks in a couple of weeks. The other 3 lenders I used there was no point going to as less than £100 interest between them lol. Good luck with your claims I hope they help you out. I still have £4K to pay off on bests because of a holiday I took last year so any money I get back goes off them
Day 94
Still gf and not had many urges lately either which is good
I started in Feb. The 8 weeks was up last week so some going to FOS. Been good as I have been using time and energy on the complaints rather than gambling
Day 97
Between last login I ended up feeling a bit tempted stress related I think. OH still ridiculous. Really P*****g me off. I understand his situation but he doesn't seem to try. He is depressed too and blames everything except the gambling. Can be really nasty and argumentative
Yoi're not alone and are so strong to get to nearly 100 despite everything. Hope you treat yourself to something, however small you deserve it S:)
Day 98
Not had too many urges. They come and go. Bit stressed though with these debt complaints
Day 99
Not long now for triple figures. Pleased I have got here. Not sure how
Day 101
Feeling furious. If there was ever a time I would gamble it would be tonight! Pulse is racing heart thumping full of anger!
I'm OK. I did some housework then watched some stand up comedy. Going bed now still gamble free 🙂
Stay strong W2S. I feel sure many on the diaries will be willing you on at this difficult time.
Your in the century club now and freedom from the gambling addiction is in your ***.
Wishing you well...stephen x
Day 103
Yeah century club here I am. This week could be terrible. OH On nights and I have money in the bank from a payday loan refund. I want to use it to help my debts etc but I know there is a little demon in my head. Let's see if OH gambles tomoro. He is meant to be buying our daughter main bday present for Monday.
Day 108
Paige's birthday day today. Glad to say I will be spending it gamble free. OH Still gambling most days but have to think of my journey. My problems. Myself.
Thank you w2s for sharing your journey on here. I have spent this morning reading your diary which mirrors many of the feelings I have had and still have. Some days can be real battles but every day gamble free is a step in the right direction. Your strength and courage are inspirational.
Congratulations on reaching day 108 and happy birthday to your daughter. I hope today is a great day for you both - you deserve it.
Day 109
Felt a bit tempted last night but I can distract myself long enough for it to pass
Thank you for reading. It ca n be embarrassing putting it out there but it does help me
Feeling good
Day 110
Few more urges lately. Doesn't help the OH has won for once. My stupid brain thinks it can do the same and have control. I know I can't
Affected by gambling?
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