Day 111
More temptations today
Day 112
More urges 🙁 am so close right now to gambling
I was logged on as email got sent with 20 free spins. Used them. Wanted to gamble. Was close. Self excluded instead. If I didn't and left the site open I would have gambled
Day 113
Resisted. Feeling good
Day 115
Still glad to be gf. Surprised how many urges I have had recently. Feeling run down though
Debt now £10763.26. Thanks to some payday loan interest refunds. Spent it wisely trying to sort finances. Would have wasted it gambling before
wants2stop wrote: I was logged on as email got sent with 20 free spins. Used them. Wanted to gamble. Was close. Self excluded instead. If I didn't and left the site open I would have gambled
Thats not a good thing to do, you are just putting even more temptation in your way by doing free spins, and you already have too much temptation in your life with the OH gambling. Congrats on self excluding though!!
Day 117
You are right. I'm normally very good get several emails a day from gambling sites and usually just delete them. Its silly to do free spins and expect not to want to continue. But the logical part of the brain doesn't really work in addiction
Hi W2s 117 is a great achievement and your strength shines through. I have a similar amount of debt but can see a vague light at the end of the tunnel. Take care Sx
Thank you. I start to see the light but its going to take a long time. Trying to snowball so I see a difference. But I only earn 6500 a year so gonna be hard
Day 118
Hoping the OH doesn't gamble this day. He's been really nice this last week. Would love it if he didn't gamble today
Day 120
He did gamble but only £50 so much better than usual. He's still being nice too
Day 121
Been working on a bucket list. Enjoying using my time and energy on things other than gambling now i am free from it. Needing to keep busy to stop gambling has led me down different routes. This is the one using now x feeling good x
Day 122
Lovely gf bank holiday 🙂
Day 125
Urges seem to subsided now however dreamt of gambling last night. Glad it was a dream and not reality. Felt like a failure
Affected by gambling?
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