Day 129
Feeling positive
Day 134
As part of my new gf life I joined Buckt a subscription of activities which inspired me to write a bucket list too. I have been spending time and keeping busy doing things off the list.
Have had a couple of urges this week but kept busy
Day 136
Broke my wrist roller skating (bucket list) to think I thought this would be beneficial lol! Still feeling positive and glad to be gf. The OH reckons he is gf too. Haven’t checked up on him (bank statement etc) but I believe him
Day 137
Feeling a bit P**P. Get paid Friday and it’s goong to be a struggle. Really annoying not gambling and still have no money. I know my debt would be higher if I kept gambling but I feel like it’s going to take forever to have any spare cash again!
Hi w2s, i dont have much to offer for your frustration other than youre not alone. I feel exactly the same way. Somtimes it really gets me down but usually i can tell myself the debt didnt mount that high overnight so ive got to be patient. I wish you well and stay strong x
Day 140
You are right and each gf day stops it getting higher. I just get frustrated that my actions caused this and will take years to sort out
Day 142
Feeling good. Been having several gambling dreams lately and then I feel disappointed and frustrated luckily I wake up
Well done on your streak, it’s a phenominal achievement so well done.
As for being sad about being skint, I’ve found it helpful to see myself doing this as a ‘6 month jail’ time, albeit without jail but having to struggle financially for a bit. It’s proved helpful to think I’m just doing my time. It’s not forever.
All the best with your recovery
Day 145
Yeah I know what you mean. Did the crime do the time. But most of these debts will take 5 years with some taking the 10+
Day 150
Rarely thinking about gambling nowadays. I say rarely it’s daily but just things that remind me of the games not urges to actually play them. I know I should be careful as this is prob the easiest time to relapse
Day 152
Typical after my last post. Having a few urges
Day 157
Still gf. Not had many urges but felt really c**P this last week
Day 158
Feeling stressed
Day 160/Day 0
w*f have i done. I have gambled. No idea why or where it came from
Affected by gambling?
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