wants2stop wrote: Day 54 Still proud to be gf. Such kind words. I don't have much self worth. Trying to build on that. I know it will all work out in the end its going to be a struggle. I shouldn't wish my life away hoping to be out of debt. I need to live my life. Enjoy my life the best I can. Money does limit that somewhat but I am going to try my best
It sounds like I could have written this. I am £6k in debt (not caused by gambling) but it’s what led to me doing it again a fortnight ago. So I started a diary on here and so far it’s worked. I’m taking a leaf out of your book and simply not going to worry about it so much.
I wish you well in your recovery!
Day 55
Just checking in.
Keep it up. We are not alone in this. Coming here sometimes makes you realise how true that is. It is not so abnormal to be as we are. We should be kinder to ourselves
I dont want to gamble but when I think I can never gamble again I get freaked out!? Anyone else had/have this?
I can relate to both of you here! I know I originally gambled for a 'quick fix' financially but I know full well at the height of addiction if I was given 5k no strings at to I would have blown it on gambling! I have to be super disciplined because I know that £10 leads to wiping out my account, a gard lesson to learn. W2s you are stronger than you think and slowly things will click into place, take care Sx
Day 56
I dreamt of gambling last night! I felt gutted to lose my streak and like a failure. Glad it was just a dream
Debt now £11423.97 and 19 creditors.
Reduction of £822.45 in 56 days.
Wow didn't realise I had done that much!
Feeling super stressed. Feeling at my limit. Could easily gamble right now! Will probably fill my face though and still feel like s**t! Bad day. Can't snap out of it. Fed up to the max. Not coping well
You have really bashed away at your debts! If you feel like gambling put aside what you would have spent and pay half of it towards your debt and spend the other half on yourself. Sending positive thoughts Sx
Day 60
I'm still gf just been I'll and busy with work and life.
Woke up to a gambling dream this morning! I wasn't winning either and I felt so ashamed. Glad it was a dream and i hadnt given in
Got a moneybox that you can only open by smashing (a gift from a while ago) going to pledge to put £1 in per gamble free day and spoil myself once its full. I'm a few quid behind at the moment but will catch up 🙂
Stay with it W2s - the only way is up.
Congratulations on 60 days without gambling.You have shown a lot of courage and resilience.
Take care and have pride in your good progress.
Day 62
Started seeing a chiropractor to hopefully help with the pain. Problem is it's £70 a week to start with! I dont have any money spare so I'm not sure how this is going to work. Fingers crossed it helps and is worth the money. Bit stressed again about finances as my budget and debt repayment plans left no room 🙁
We will see how this goes. (The first 3 sessions I have used my birthday money)
Day 64
A gf birthday for me 🙂
Brilliant great 4 see you still GF, have a great weekend S 🙂
Happy Birthday W2s. Great way to celebrate by staying off the gambling. It's probably the best possible birthday present you could give your self.
Sorry you been having medical issues. Hope the treatments with the chiropractor will improve your condition.
Our journey of recovery can at times seem a bit daunting but we know our lives will improve as time goes on. We need to keep faith with ourselves and stay positive. Getting through one day at a time seems like a good way to go forward.
Take care ...stephen
Day 66
Thanks both. Yes one day at a time it is. Been pretty easy sailing so far considering (in the gambling front).
Bit nervous now as gamban is off the PC now. So although I haven't had many urges when I did I couldn't fulfil them will need more willpower now
Had it uninstalled as the computer pretty much stopped working. I would feel better having a block in place
Still stressed as usual with added pressure to find money for chiropractor too.
Just feel I can never relax.
Affected by gambling?
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