My gamble free life has got off to a good start and I am feeling very positive about the future.
Having taken an honest look at myself, I have identified several ways in which I can make positive changes to my life.
The Stephen who went in betting shops is no longer running the show. I am the new Stephen with a fresh set of values and ideals. What is more, I am thoroughly determined, that from this day forth I shall live a happy, contented life - free from gambling.
That's great Stephen you seem really focused good one mate Tony
You have to put in all blocks, everywhere. You must now know your trigger points. You got to find that loophole that makes you think what you really want. Ask for help with friends or family. See a counsellor or meeting. Find what will work for you. Or stop giving up gambling and find a way of dealing with it in a non punishing way. My sister gambles ten pound every week. She makes a tenner last for whole week. Joins in quizzes and the games the hosts online play. For me that was boring. I couldn't go to doing that. So it was all or nothing. You keep making that heartbreaking decision. Come on Stephen I'm routing for you hunni. You can do this. Xx
Thankyou for posting Tony and Bella. I have replied on your diaries.
Everything is hunky dory with me. I now see things in a different light and understand why my previous attempts to stop gambling have failed.
This time I know I will succeed.
I am the new Stephen with a fresh set of values and ideals. What is more, I am thoroughly determined, that from this day forth I shall live a happy, contented life - free from gambling.
Good luck mate. Every human being has the potential to do this... You just need to find the way that unlocks yours.
Let's hope you have this time ?
Rooting for ya!
Excellent post Signalman. As you so rightly point out, we all have the potential to stop gambling.
The good news for me is that not only do I have the potential, I also have a strong will coupled with a genuine desire to stop gambling and a good mindset.
My finances may be a bit tight this month but I will have sufficient to pay the bills with a few pound a day to live on.
I am going to look upon the next few weeks as a great opportunity to lose the excess weight I am carrying. Now 13st 10lbs my aim is to get under 12st 07lbs. This will help me with my breathing difficulties and also ease the pain in my foot.
I see the doctor again today as the antibiotics he gave me last Wednesday havn't cured my chest infection. Anyway apart from that, I still need to lose some weight
My diet for the next few weeks will comprise the following foods:
Porridge every morning made with water - a large bowl of that costs 7p.
In the evening I will boil brown rice and a bowl of that sets me back 15p
I got 2 bags of quinoa in Holland & Barrett which was a fraction of the usual price as it is near its sell by date and that is good - easy to cook and only 15p a bowl.
Add plenty of fruit, a bit of veg, garlic and some extra virgin olive oil.
Food fit for a king and gentle walks to the riverside will soon have me feeling as fit as a fiddle. I am no longer a member of the fitness club so will have to use the great outdoors for my exercise.
Food fit for a king and gentle walks to the riverside will soon have me feeling as fit as a fiddle. I am no longer a member of the fitness club so will have to use the great outdoors for my exercise.
All sounds good ? best of luck!
Thankyou for posting on my diary Signalman & Smartie.
I did notice that the letters "S I G N A L M A N & S M A R T I E" also spells "ME IN MARTIAN GLASS" and I thought that was a bit of a strange coincidence because.......
'Me' implies that stopping gambling is all down to me.
'In' obviously means In-tegrity is needed.
'Martian' lives on Mars which is a planet so obviously I need to plan it.
'Glass' gives reflection so maybe best to reflect on my past mistakes.
I think it would be wise to get rid of my bank card before the end of the month. I have asked a friend to look after it but was totally honest about my past efforts and they declined.
Thankyou for the advice Smartie.
Hello Diary ... It is a week ago today since I last had a bet and that is a good start to my gamble free life.
Someone just said on a radio that for people to find peace and happiness they need to forgive those who have mistreated them!
I struggle to get my head around this because it seems that one is condoning the actions of someone who has chosen to behave badly towards others!
For example: If someone has hurt many and is still causing people pain than what right does one person have to say, "I forgive them."
It is not much good to people who may still be suffering at the hands of a monster!
However, I do believe that one who has renounced their wicked ways is deserving of support, encouragement and understanding.
Hi Stephen very pleased you have got the first week out of the way. Stay focused and whenever the stupid urge gets triggered do always remind yourself of how you feel afterwards, and run away from it as fast as possible! Go somewhere else, anywhere but the bookies.
We are right behind you.
Thank you for posting on my diary Rob and congratulations on your 110 days without a bet.
I have started my 2nd week from from gambling and everything looks rosy
The crazy man that I once was is now a part of history
And why I acted like a fool is really quite a mystery
Renouncing evil fobt machines is really all it took
They say some bookies will lose jobs but I don't give a ****
No more the fool - I'm mister cool
9 Days Gamble Free
Strolling along the gamcare road as happy as can be.
Double figures - 10 days GF
Rocking on singing a song
Heading for glory and this is my story - Yihaaaa
Excellent progress on 2 fronts.
I have not gambled this month and am now on day 10.
My other goal was to bring my weight down from 13st 10lbs to 12st 07 lbs and already I have lost 5 lbs.
This man is on a mission and won't give in
I've thrown the gambling in the bin.
You did good my friend.
What's the secret to your weight loss? Is it that minimal eating thing you suggested you were going to do?
If so, isn't it testimony to how a plan can reap rewards and progress if we just stick to it.
Perhaps your weight loss and gambling abstainence can spur each other on ??
Affected by gambling?
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