Thank you Signalman.
You have hit the nail on the head my friend. The secret is to make plans that are achievable and than stick to it.Â
I am finding it easy with the diet. I like porridge made with water to which I add an apple & a banana. Boiling brown rice takes 25 minutes and is quite delicious when I have added some extra virgin olive oil, tomatoes, garlic and anything else that takes my fancy.Â
Porridge and boiled brown rice are not only very nutritious but also filling.
No worries for me - life is heaven - my gamble free days are up to eleven.
Hi Stephen,
Well done on double figures ?.Â
I did write on your thread when you started this but it wasnt approved as wished originally.
Any way, thank you for your support and encouragement. I still study my reactions and behaviour to relapses...I seem to take it 100 times worse...but that's an individual one isn't it.
So, let's not have those episodes no more and keep winning the good fight ?
There with you - in my thoughts and soul.
All the best!
S&B xx
Many thanks for posting on my diary Sandra.
I was just listening to an old song which reminded me:Â ... "Life is not a highway strewn with flowers but still it holds a goodly share of bliss." Wise words indeed.
I have finally come to my senses and realise that gambling is a mug's game and I want nothing more to do with it.
Looking for I know not what and searching all the while
I skip along gamble-free wearing a beaming smile
My soul is full of yearning and the sun shines down on me
This life will have more meaning now that I'm gamble free
I'll climb the gamcare mountain and whistle a happy tune
Singing, shouting and crying up at the silvery moon
Stephen storming onwards
Steady & Serene
Staying out of betting shops and this is day thirteen
Sailing along peaceful and calm knowing what I seek
An ocean of tranquility on a ship that does not leak
Two weeks ago today was when I had that final bet
But now my ship is homeward bound and all my sails are set
Beautiful & inspiring Stephen.
Stay safe, keep sailing to the calmer waters.
S&B xx
Thank you for those kind words Sandra. I have replied on your diary.
It has been a nice sunny day and I had a lovely walk along the riverside.
I think I might have offended someone who has been off with me lately but maybe it is all in my mind. Anyway I certainly won't lose any sleep over it.
"You can please some of the people some of the time but you can't please all of the people all of the time."
Half a month gamble-free so happy through and through.Â
"Yabba dabba dabba Yabba dabba doooo.
Was 13 10 & now 13 04
Winning the battles and just passed GO
Want to be lean and feel real keen
Gamble free on day fifteen
Head held high - Fire in my soul
Ready, willing and able so let's just Rock N Roll
Hi StephenÂ
I was just thinking that you have so much positive energy, considering the knock backs you have had over the years and even with recent relapses. I am full of admiration and wish I wasn’t such a miserable git!Â
Keep going strong and make the right choice each day. We are all rooting for you.
Many thanks for posting on my diary Rob. I see you are almost 4 months gamble-free and that is brilliant.
I am good and approaching day 17.
Positivity is something that helps me cope. I have numerous regrets and there many things in my life that I am not happy about but there are some positives and my hope is that I can use them as a foundation for me to build a better life.
Smiling face, courageous heart, stand tall & journey on
Forgiving indiscretions from the days when things went wrong
Now eighteen days without a bet on this my noble quest
I'm heading for I know not where and will surely do my best
To climb any mountain or swim infested seas
And if the need arises I'll crawl on hands and knees
But I will not give in as I look to the sky and shout
"I arrived on earth with nothing and will surely leave with nowt."
19 Days GF.
Angel number 19 reminds me that self-help is often the best remedy and that my angels will love and support me in my quest to help myself (and others) lead happier and healthier lives."
I know that my destiny is mine to fulfill and the angels will give me guidance and support along the way."
My angels they are very pleased that I am gamble free
They cheer me on with whoops and yelps towards my destiny
Laughing crying and dancing we sing a happy song
This road will lead to freedom and a place where I belong
Good Golly Miss Molly I guess I've been blessed
Gone are the times when I felt all stressed
Contentment, fun and happy days is all I really seeks
So keeping out of betting shops away from all the geeks
Angels offer me guidance and I know what's right and wrong
So here I stand my ground - smiling and singing a songÂ
Feeling on top of the world - smiling - gamble free
Eyes wide open so I can plainly see
22 days without a bet and future looking bright
It's not at all confusing for I know what's wrong and right
Heading for a better life with a heart that's full of hope
Washing away the urges with a bar of gamcare soap
I looked in a mirror and what did I see
A gamble free man staring at me
Looked in his eyes and he looked in mine
I said "how yer doing" and he said "just fine"
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