Sadly I gambled yesterday. I apologise to all my gamcare friends for letting the side down.
I have enjoyed lengthy gamble free periods so I will do a longer gamble free period. A gamble free period so long it will last the rest of my life.
My name is Stephen. I am on a mission to abstain from gambling for financial gain. Life is a gamble in itself and I will enjoy the ups and downs which are all part of it's rich tapestry.
Hi Stephen,
I wish you could stick to a thread as it's the unique you with good, bad and the ugly!..& help for people like me who gets easily confused and starts panicking where the author gone ☺
I hope you have a good day..make it a good one! You most definitely can!
S&B xx
Ooohhhh..capcha...did good with fire hydrant! Lol..thats the first!
Hi Stephen,
Thank you for your honesty, that's strength of character, and respect for you, and to others, right there.
Look at this 'blip' as just that, a 'blip' that you've now got out of your system.
Ready for a good, solid month ahead. Itch scratched, and back 'in the saddle'.
We're all with you, you're continuing to develop underlying strength. Stronger, Older, Wiser 🙂 !
Thanks Stephen!
I truly hope you will stick with this thread whatever the weather!
Still..i maintain...look for outside help and support also! Groups does helps us with loneliness..its good to share! Esp when likeminded souls are listening
Keep looking after your health, it's vital for physical & emotional balance.
Nice & steady...dont rush - day at a time!
My lil angel is doing well, thank you. She indeed takes me out and about in whatever the weather and I am so so thankful for it. She gave me something I cannot pin point...i never felt this care and responsibility before.
I love her more with each waking day and I just adore her to pieces!
Animals brings so much light in our hearts it's surreal! I am very greatful that the pain seem to gone for a while now. She is off the meds and doing well, May it continue forever!
Sozzz...carried away here lol..dont ever ask me about pets as I can blab on for ages lol..i truly love those God send creatures ☺
Stay calm and keep fighting the good fight!
S&B xx
Sorry to hear that bud..keep the head up don't be too hard on yourself and definetly refrain from chasing your losses!you can beat this mate one day at a time.
Thank you Mixer, S&B and Sel. I appreciate your support and understanding.
I am a real hypocrite giving advice out and than giving in to the urges. Totally pathetic.
Anyway I am back on the road. Just been for a swim and intend keeping myself busy with one thing or another.
Hello Stephen,
I've seen you around as a regular poster. You are not a hypocrite giving advice out. You have experience to offer and people will be grateful to hear it.
You are clearly a good person but you have made mistakes. We all have. I know its hard (especially after a relaspe) but you need to find a way to love yourself. You have some great advise and you keep coming back. You have a respectable level of grit and determination to beat this and that is to be admired. I hope you can allow yourself to find peace with who you are and stay on the road to recovery for the long haul.
All the best.
Hi Stephen. Remember that failures in anything are part of the journey. Without any downfalls there would be no highs. You have proved that you are capable of abstaining from many destructive things for a long time. But clearly you've still got some soul-searching to do. Happiness comes from the heart - emotions, sentiments and self-esteem. I didn't want to mention it before, but as it's been written I have to say that I agree it must be hard living on your own. I used to think that I'd be happy and content living alone but I was disillusioned. Then again, as suggested, perhaps you will benefit from taking part in volunteering or project work with others who may also be reaching out for a meaningful human contact.
Everybody needs somebody. To pour their heart out now and then. A shoulder to lean on, a listening ear, or someone to take the micky out of.
Take care mate.
Your advice is all sound as is your continued support for others on here which we can only return to you. We are all in this together, fall together, rise together as it were. Chin up.
Hi Stephen - sorry to hear about your relapse but there's no need to apologise. Like Scotto says, we're all in this together. A relapse does sting like hell but moving forward, let the new year bring with it the lifechange of being gamble free.
I wish you all the best tackling this again - and a million thanks for the post you left in my diary before Christmas - it really did stop me from a moment of relapsing. I owe you for that.
Take care
Thank you for the posts on my diary. Wonderful advice and sentiments which I totally agree with.
I have to stop gambling permanently or I will never have any peace.
A relapse may not last long and it may not involve much money but it really messes my head up.
Hello Diary. My name is stephen. I am a compulsive gambler. My last bet was 3rd January 2018. I am committed to my recovery and know it is within my power to refrain from gambling.
I let myself down and I let my gamcare friends down. It cannot happen again.
A few days ago my financial situation was looking quite bright and I had money to spare. I didn't lose much when I gambled but it has left me only just able to get by. I have sufficient to live and pay bills but my head is back to juggling figures around and thinking of money. I believe this is the addiction trying to get me back gambling in a non too subtle way.
Day 2 is early days and I am going to have to stay strong. The addiction has bloodied my nose and would love to finish me off.
All day yesterday and this morning I have kept reminding myself of the title of this thread. The 3rd January 2018 has got to be the day I finally stopped gambling.
Well done you for admitting ur mistakes. In situations like this we try and pick ourselves up and try to carry on good luck x
Keep fighting Stephen, have had similar thoughts worrying about money etc, but we both know gambling is not the answer it just makes things 10 times worse .... your nose might be bloodied right now but you have abstained for long periods in the past and i know you can dust yourself off and go again ... with you all the way mate not going to be an easy ride but we can do this, we have no other choice .....
Hi Abs,
We all have those moments and we all lapse - do not be hard on yourself - all part and parcel of being an addict.
Take a a deep breath, let the fog subside and then get back on the road to recovery. You can and deserve to do it.
Best wishes,
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