Stephen ~ Compulsive Gambler ~ Last bet 3rd January 2018.

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Hi Stephen, hope you're feeling positive knowing that everyone is 100% with you here. I must say January seems endless(I'm v.impatient!)but odaat is the only way. Take care my friend S:)

Posted : 5th January 2018 8:36 pm
Posts: 271

Stephen I hope you are feeling empowered today. You are strong and you can do this. Since Halloween I have gambled again and today is my first day gamble free. I am 1 day behind you. We CAN both do this. Let the relapse strengthen your conviction. Keep swimming and dancing and most importantly be kind to yourself. X

Posted : 5th January 2018 11:24 pm
Posts: 3947
Topic starter

Thank you for the posts on my diary. Despite having your own problems to cope with you have taken the time to offer me your support and encouragement. I feel very fortunate to be a part of this gamcare family and privileged to be sharing this journey with you all.

No two of us are the same, our experiences are unique, but we are all fighting the same battle. Like in any family there will sometimes be differences of opinion and misunderstandings but that's understandable. We are all under a lot of pressure and it's heartwarming to see the warmth and generosity of my gamcare brothers and sisters.

Posted : 5th January 2018 11:27 pm
Posts: 4422

Fella a long term poster on this forum once shared with me something that I didn't understand the importance of at their time of posting but today I believe I truly do understand its relevance.
To truly recover from addiction you have to be prepared to give your recovery away.
I believe you are a great example of that in the effort that you give to what you write here on this forum, you are not a hypocrite by offering advice because you relapsed, you are honest in what you write and for me every time you share what your own journey has gifted you,you empower your own recovery, you blood the nose of addiction.
Everyone in life makes mistakes,surely it's what we learn through making them that matters.
This for me is a war we fight, yes we may lose battles along the way but it's the outcome that is defining.
Keep writing,keep being true to yourself,most of all keep sharing.
The authors of every thread on this forum are indeed a combined voice of for me of hope.
I am honoured to be able to be part of that.
Together we stand.
Abstain and maintain.

Posted : 5th January 2018 11:49 pm
Little miss lost
Posts: 745

No words of wisdom, just words of love all wrapped up in a great big hug!
Be kind to yourself Stephen - we all know how difficult this is. X

Posted : 5th January 2018 11:59 pm
Posts: 3947
Topic starter

Thank you Duncanmac, I agree, we are in a war with the addiction. It is an ongoing battle and we are fighting for our lives really. As long as gambling has control over us we don't have a life to speak of. On a positive note I think we can overcome the urges to gamble if we show courage, hope and keep our wits about us.

Thank you Little miss lost, that hug was awesome, I'm wondering if they are available on prescription so I could take one 3 times a day!

I really appreciate your support and enjoy reading your posts. The addiction has caused you loads of grief and has beaten you up on several occasions. It than has the audacity to come round asking to be your friend and inviting you out to play. My advice to you would be to have nothing more to do with it.

Hello Diary. Day three gamble free. I will not gamble today. Going to do a few chores, have a swim and later will go down to the river for some fresh air and reflection.

Posted : 6th January 2018 1:17 pm
Posts: 527

Ok buddy. Glad to hear that your picking yourself up and fighting against this addiction. I'm sure you will find enlightenment and happiness very soon. There really are so many rewarding activities for you that do NOT involve gambling. Ok so You've been stung again by the dreaded f.B.T. (Fixed Betting Terminal) ha ha. Except it's not really funny when it makes you feel sad. You're worth more than that!

Posted : 6th January 2018 6:26 pm
Posts: 271

Way to go day 3. You nailed it!!

Posted : 6th January 2018 9:02 pm
Posts: 0

Just popping by to give you my support. Hang in there bud, as everyone says. We will fight this all together.

Posted : 6th January 2018 11:18 pm
Posts: 3947
Topic starter

Thankyou for the posts on my diary.

Changemylife...Yes I definitely got stung by the f.B.T. and it is sad that I succumbed once again. So strange that I can be so confident but than it gets me again. I have taken on board your thoughts about the compulsive gambling bubble. If I start entertaining thoughts of gambling (even though at that stage I haven't had a bet), than I have walked into the bubble and start losing my way.

Annie... I hope this time next year we are both celebrating a year gamble free. Let's take it easy and just focus on one day at a time.

Scotto... We can stop gambling if we bury the past and move on. If we're having a bad day we can remind ourselves that it will pass. Surely it will get easier as we distance ourselves from that last bet.

Hello Diary. Day 4 gamble free. Feeling good. Alongside my gamcare friends and savouring the fresh air and freedom of rhe recovery road.

Everything has now fallen into place. The thought of me, in a trance like state, pouring money into a bookies pocket. How crazy is that.

Posted : 7th January 2018 1:08 pm
Posts: 1828

Hi Stephen

I hope the weekend's treating you well. As you say, the fresh air of being gambling free is sweeter than most! It makes you shake your head with bemusement, doesn't it, when the gambling devil on our shoulders 'strikes' and we go into that devestating, gambling 'trance'.

Well, I know you've bidden this demon farewell with a big boot up its scrawny posterier and know you'll keep kicking it into touch whenever it has the gall to resurface.

We live in a crazy world, everythings crazy and sometimes we can be crazy too! But we can switch from super-mad-crazy to super-smashing-great (courtesy of the great Jim Bowen!!!!)

Enjoy the rest of your weekend Stephen 🙂

Posted : 7th January 2018 3:12 pm
Posts: 397

Hi Sir Stephen ,

Failure is an option but giving up is not ! So big props to you for kcoming straight back on the saddle . Life is not a straight line ,it’s a series of twist and turns, hills and valleys . If it’s that easy we won’t all be here at all. Keep your head up sir !


Posted : 7th January 2018 3:54 pm
Posts: 0

Glad you are feeling good Stephen. I certainly have no intention to gamble and the thought of gambling to win back my losses has certainly lessened over the last few weeks. I only hope that trend continues. Well done on another day GF.

Posted : 7th January 2018 6:27 pm
Posts: 0

Your a cool bloke Stephen. Duncan got to this following point before me, but begone any thoughts about being a hypocrite, in truth, my belief it’s a bad word for addiction, because in a fashion we all are but we’re trying to forge the head for others. Also, only from from my experience but don’t be sorry to others In ‘ letting them down ‘, don’t hold a guilt like that, it’s futile and goes against you. Look at me harping on, yet not even being a day gamble free but I know Stephen that I / we will get there.

Posted : 7th January 2018 6:34 pm
Posts: 271

Well done on day 4. Keep positive. Totally know what you mean by trance like state. No more trances.

Posted : 7th January 2018 8:49 pm
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