Stephen ~ Compulsive Gambler ~ Last bet 3rd January 2018.

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You havent let anyone down, I remember how gutted I was when 3 weeks ago I relapsed, and you was one of the first to say pick yourself up, dust yourself down and start all over again. Were all here because we dont like gambling and what it causes us to do, but your working it out as we all are and we all have different mechanisms of making it work. If only there was a stop gambling pill that would just stop you, maybe we should invent it. 😉

Posted : 8th January 2018 9:01 am
Posts: 0

Hi Stephen

Thanks for posting on my thread.
You're not a hypocrite and you're certainly not pathetic, what you actually are is a well respected and highly thought of individual who is on his own journey to being gamble free.

When learning to drive the goal is passing your driving test. Everyone learns at a difference pace and finds different manoeuvres hard to master. Some pass 1st time and others have to keep admitting they have failed, get back to it, learn from their mistakes and try again.
Some pass with few minors and some scrape through by the skin of their teeth but once we're all driving...who cares how many attempts it took.
What I'm trying to say is it doesn't matter how many times we fail and start again, it makes you stronger and more determined. As long as you keep trying you will get through this.

I can't offer any advice as you're so knowledgeable and have probably heard it, been there and got the T-shirt, but I wish you all the luck in the world and have faith that you can beat this once and for all.

Keep going, one day at a time.
Slot Fool 🙂

Posted : 8th January 2018 6:20 pm
Posts: 1828

That's a fantastic post Slot Fool 🙂

Posted : 8th January 2018 6:36 pm
Posts: 3947
Topic starter

Thank you for the posts on my diary. Great advice and I have taken it all on board.

1~ To keep my head up (failure is not an option).

2 ~ Accept that I will never get back any of the money I have lost gambling.

3 ~ Stop the gamblin in a trance, grab a partner have a dance. Up an hill or in a valley, rock n roll with my aunt sally.

4 ~ Endeavour to do the right thing but avoid beating myself up. The addiction loves to stick the boot in me.

5 ~ Understand that mistakes can be very useful if I choose to learn from them. Forewarned is forearmed.

Hello Diary. Went to hospital today for an Echocardiogram and i'm wearing a heart monitor for 24 hours. Feeling better in myself though so think everything is ok.

I am going to get a funeral plan started. It's only £35 a month for 10 years. It wouldn't be right to leave my family to foot the bill. I have always intended paying for my funeral in advance but was waiting for a good win. I had a picture in my mind of the bookies paying for my funeral but it never happened.

Posted : 8th January 2018 9:55 pm
Posts: 545

No you certainly haven't been a hypicocryt you just relapsed and when you do that we just have to start again. OK might not make u feel better at time but I speak from my experience a few days later your glad for yourself you did. Keep on going.with it

Posted : 9th January 2018 5:12 am
Posts: 763

Morning Stephen .... Keep your head up and keep posting mate, you are a great voice on these forums and i always look forward to reading your posts, full of great advise and wit. Personally number 2 on your list "Accept that i will never get back any of the money i have lost gambling" has been a big reason why i always seem to relapse as i find it hard to let go of money lost but which i hope to draw a line under, also like and can relate to numbers 4 & 5. Good to hear you are feeling a bit better health wise, take care of yourself.

Posted : 9th January 2018 9:37 am
Posts: 0

Stephen, to echo what others have said, I wish you all the very very best. You can do this.

Never give up on giving up x

Posted : 9th January 2018 11:25 am
Posts: 1828

Hey Stephen,

I hope today's going as well as it can be for you. I notice you're talking about funerals; I've often thought that'll be the death of me 🙂

It's interesting, though, talking about mortality. None of us know how much time we have left. We might as well enjoy it. We thought we 'enjoyed' gambling till we realised what a cash and emotion draining activity it really is.

Such is this feindish thing called life! But we persevere, concentrating on what matters - we have a 'golden ticket' just to be here, let's enjoy the ride. Gambling doesn't need to feature thank you very much!

Especially when there's such a good vibe here on what is perhaps the liveliest thread on Gamcare 🙂

We're all here, live and kicking, Stephen. With you all the way. We're all on the same bus of life - we've just got different tickets!

All the very best to you mate.


Posted : 9th January 2018 6:49 pm
Posts: 3947
Topic starter

Thankyou Christer,Chartom and Who am I. Feeling good to be back on the recovery road and more determined than ever.

Hello Diary. Went hospital earlier to hand in the heart monitor, should get the results soon but think it's ok as I am feeling better. Went from there for a swim and steam and going to Salsa class later.

Intend keeping myself busy and enjoying non-gambling pastimes. Have booked on the English course at Adult Education for another term. That's free, so good value for money.

Wishing everyone well as we keep going forward.

Posted : 9th January 2018 6:55 pm
Posts: 859

Hi Stephen, I can't thank you enough for your kind words as always. It means so much to me to have your support and solidarity against gambling. Sometimes I can't believe I let myself get into such a mess but I am doing everything possible to sort myself out. So glad you're feeling better and are back in the saddle. Take care my friend S:)

Posted : 9th January 2018 7:14 pm
Posts: 3947
Topic starter

Thanks for posts on my diary.

Mixer.... Hope everything goes well and you enjoy the 2 days in Brummie. I read somewhere that you get great curries there.

Sharon... Thank you for showing what can be achieved. Congratulations are certainly in order, for today marks the 300th day of your gamble free journey. You have done amazingly well.

Hello Diary. Enjoyed the Salsa class. Great fun, good exercise and relaxing.

Posted : 10th January 2018 12:28 am
Posts: 0

Hi Stephen,

How are you getting along today?


Posted : 10th January 2018 8:08 pm
Posts: 3947
Topic starter

Thank you Scott. I am feeling on top of the world and I have a cunning plan which involves me not gambling again.

I have put a piece of card in my wallet which has written on it 31st October 2018. On this day I will be 300 days away from my last bet. I feel that will be sufficient distance to give me a fighting chance of overcoming the addiction.Whenever I go in my wallet this card is the first thing I will see.

I am on Mixers Guru Challenge in which 300 days has special significance. Also our friend Sharon is 300 days GF today which I find very inspiring.

I am on a mission to stop gambling and nothing is going to stop me now.

Sorry you have the flu Scott and hope you will soon be feeling better. Congratulations on 41days gamble free. An excellent start to your new life free from gambling. Compulsive gambling is not only a waste of money, it is also a waste of a life.

Take care because the addiction is very devious, underhanded and manipulative. It is also a grandmaster in the game of "Let's beat the gambling addiction." I say it's a grandmaster because it usually triumphs over the willpower of compulsive gamblers. But it doesn't win all the time and it's certainly not going to beat me again.

Posted : 10th January 2018 10:09 pm
Posts: 7071

Hi Stephen!

I like the plan you got in place! Reminders like that always helps.

Today I thought about gambling..but only a little and in respect of what it is doing to us CG's. It takes and takes and takes as long as we keep giving. I still don't know why we tend to forget the hurt it created and sometimes want to get back there. It's something I struggle to c rack because in the bright light of the day - you can see a wreckage created. It's devastating.

Only by stopping gambling we can start building the bridges ahead. Life to be lived and enjoyed & not escaped from.....

Little steps forward..brick by brick, stone by stone..the foundation we lay, will serve it's purpose eventually - safe ground to walk on.

Getting a little deep here lol...time to say goodnight to cyber world me thinks!

You're doing great yourself and should be proud of every day in your journey!

Take care & stay safe

S&B xx

Posted : 11th January 2018 1:13 am
Posts: 7071

Jesus Christ Abs! Grief is for living person and I'm sorry I put it in wrong wording..i guess better leave it here, all I meant - time heals everything☺

My sister is pain in a b*m also. I just tried to sort dates out fir a break at work and they clashed with hers so I suggested for her to go without me & only her family. Hell broke loose! "I'm not gonna be able to understand" don't think you need massive language to check in & our of hotel, & the place is pretty much straightforward to get around so guess they wouldn't get lost lol..i am her sister & not translator or a tour guide!..jeezz I'm anxious and have no confidence but she deffo outrun me here! Shame big sis...shame!

Rant! Love them & also want to shake them at the same time lol

Hope today was good to you, look after yourself.


Posted : 11th January 2018 8:29 pm
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