Stopping before it gets out of hand. AGAIN

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New to this as i need to make and sort solutions and what basically is a gambling addiction.

So i've always been gambling since i was 20 now 28. Multiple times i have stoppee and restarted when i haven't even needed to. I used to win big and lose bigger got myself into financial trouble and absolutely ruined my credit score.

For the last 2 years i have been building my score back paying bills before gamblimg but then losing what i had left to get me by. I registered self employed july 2018 and my income increased by a lot. Anyway i put myself into a very good situation being able to move out and also gamble free for around 11 months until may came. I won a huge amount off £100 2 weeks later lost the lot plus the savings i had. Plus on top of that i have no taken out a loan of 8k with a very good rate luckily only having to pay back 8.5k but i also gambled that instead of paying my van off with.  I'm in the position now where i need to get control quick before i end up working to pay my debts off. I csn still save money but intend on clearing the loan by christmas to get myself straight for the new year.

Hoping people understand the type of situation i'm in and can give me such much needed help/advise. Thanks, scott. 

This topic was modified 6 years ago by Forum admin
Posted : 24th June 2019 7:52 pm
Posts: 85

Hi Scott


I am 42 and it is fair to say I have probably been financing debt since that time because of my gambling.    Also I got that free once or maybe twice it’s always been a problem so I can totally totally relate to what you’re saying.


 While I got debt-free once or maybe twice it’s always been a problem so I can totally totally relate to what you’re saying.


The key is that you have stopped quickly and you can repair the damage done.   No judgment because that would be hypocritical. Have you put blocks in place?


 No judgment because that would be hypocritical. Have you put blocks in place?


I don’t know how you gamble but I gambled online. As a result I have now installed gamstop on all my devices to try and help me stop and to make it more difficult. If you are someone who goes into gambling establishment you can asked to be banned equally if you gamble online you can exclude yourself from there but Gamstop will cover most UK sites for five years.


I would recommend coming onto the site and reading stories I am in a gamble free for 12 days however I have been inspired by those who have been free a lot longer from the addiction and has helped me realize I’m not alone.


Take care and don’t beat yourself up instead focus on clearing that debt and getting back into a good position. Sarah x

Posted : 25th June 2019 3:23 pm
Posts: 4
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Hi sarah. Thanks for the reply. Good to know you know where i'm pretty much at.

I have had 3 big set backs now since i was 20 years old where i have blew everything i have saved agter working hard for it. 

I have managed to stopped going to shops as i am fairly busy so don't tend to think about or even contemplate going in. Its purely online at night when i'm settling for bed looking for a quick buzz before i head off.

Looking at installimg something to block all them accessible sites so i can't be beaten that way and them to find a new hobby.

I darnt tell my family about this as they think i am in a very good position again and hearing that i have gone off the rails again would cause some serious grief. I know i can do it alone i have before but getting involved in this will hopefully give me that extra bit of help and distraction from it all. 

I just dont know why i chased more after being a 5 figure some up and now being way into a 5 figure sum down. 

Thanks again will catch you around scott. 

Posted : 25th June 2019 3:33 pm
Posts: 487

Hi Scott,

Its a familiar story - the ability to stop for short times ending in a catastrophic relapse.

I know this much.

1) People need a framework. It's never just about the money.

2) People need a program.

3) Stopping is a lifetime commitment.

4) People need appropriate tools to help them.

5) People need to be ruthlessly honest with themselves and be open with loved ones.

6) People need emotional support.

7) People need to be holistically healed.

8) It's very, very hard to do it on your own.


"I know i can do it alone i have before"

I've no doubt you can pause gambling, pay down your debts, but why will you not relapse again ?

The pattern suggests you will.

I always describe myself as a functioning, coping compulsive gambler, betting in thousands per week, winning enough to pay my debts off several times, but it never being enough. I've gambled for the best part of 40 years and am in debt to the tune of ÂŁ35k - all through betting.

I doubt if I'd ever steal from an employer and end up in jail,  but believe me its no way to live.


Give Gamblers Anonymous a try.


Posted : 26th June 2019 3:03 pm
Posts: 487
Posted by: SSG91


 Its purely online at night when i'm settling for bed looking for a quick buzz before i head off.

Looking at installimg something to block all them accessible sites so i can't be beaten that way and them to find a new hobby.


As an absolute minimum register with GAMSTOP - and do it for 5 years.

and install blocking software

Posted : 26th June 2019 3:06 pm
Posts: 85

Hi Scott


how is it going?  Are you staying strong and free from the demon.


hope you are doing ? 


sarah x

Posted : 5th July 2019 5:28 am
Posts: 4
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Hii, i'm well yourself?

Going okay. Banned from anything online wise and been far too busy to even think about going into a store. 

I mean i still think about how i'm going to get the money i lost back but thats something im working on to forget. Thanks for the message. 

Posted : 8th July 2019 6:57 pm
Posts: 4
Topic starter

Thanks for the message smartie. Definitely working on beating the early urges but no where near out yet. 

Posted : 8th July 2019 6:59 pm

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