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Hey shortie

Wowwww indeed 100 days is absolutely brill

Very very well done

Enjoy your gambling free day today you certainly deserve to

Best wishes

Suzanne xx

Posted : 30th June 2014 8:24 am
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Day 104....crikey just checked my experian report really wish I'd not bothered 🙁 didn't think the debts were as bad as that but I do know that in just 2 years time they will be at least halved and in the grand scheme of things 2 years isn't that long. There's no way I would risk making those debts even worse it's scared the s*i* out of me!!

Posted : 4th July 2014 9:30 am
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Day 107...good weekend, debts were at the back of my mind for a change which was nice. Not much to report, having good days and bad days at the minute feeling a lot of regret but still determined to get to that debt free day xx

Posted : 7th July 2014 9:27 pm
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Day 109...mind been consumed by debts the past couple of days...when I started this 109 day stint my aim was to get to the 28th of this month when financially I would be holding a few more cards. Well that day is almost upon me and I have to say having money and knowing what to do with it is as much of a head f**k as not having any and trying to find some! Do I pay off the husbands credit cards that are at zero interest rate but reduce the risk of getting caught or do I pay off my high interest loan and then have a bit more expendable cash each month to put towards the credit cards?! I think I know what I'm going to do I just hope I don't live to regret it. The other good thing about paying the loans off is that I can't re-spend this money like I could if I paid a few k off the credit cards and in the interest of reducing access to large amounts of cash it ticks that box. Plus my credit rating is rubbish so there's no way id get accepted for another loan anytime soon! So things are going to be good....I think. Just got to get through the next 2.5 weeks and I should be in a much more solid place with an even bigger light at the end of the tunnel.

Posted : 9th July 2014 6:54 pm
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Day 113...been so busy recently I swear I don't know how I ever found the time to gamble!! Off on holiday on Thursday, can't wait. 4 days of not thinking about money or debts might even treat myself to something new 🙂

Posted : 13th July 2014 9:46 pm
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Day 116...not much to report still awaiting the 28th so I can get the finances sorted. Looking forward to improving my credit score and making sure I'm not crumbling under interest payments. Things are looking up I can't complain and am gradually starting to feel mildly proud of myself for sticking to recovery and seeing that light at the end of the tunnel...finally.

Posted : 16th July 2014 9:13 am
Posts: 0

Hi shorty

116 days is great

Enjoy your holiday gambling free

And yes you should be proud

Stay strong and positive and that light will get stronger

Suzanne x

Posted : 16th July 2014 4:26 pm
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Day 125....wowsers...can honestly say that a gambling thought has barely entered my head in the last

9 days. Being out of the country for most of it has obviously helped...maybe I should emigrate! Monday is a big day...huge pay packet...chance to clear a big chunk of debt and have a bit of extra money to spend each month. There's still a mountain to climb but it's doable.

Posted : 25th July 2014 7:38 am
Posts: 0

Hi shorty

You are definitely clocking those days up now you are doing brill

Stay strong and safe

Suzanne x

Posted : 25th July 2014 7:50 am
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Day 139...in the last 4 months I have reduced the overall debt from 60k to 43k...this is due to a number of things...most importantly not gambling but also ploughing every spare penny into the debts, a bonus from work and sum extreme luck with a credit card with an interest free money transfer offer that has allowed to pay off 2 of my highest interest loans. I have ensured that I have no large amounts of money available to me, no overdraft and only 1 credit card but it has a 300 a day cash limit so even if I did get an urge it wouldn't be disastrous. 300 would not scratch any gambling itch I got so to be brutally honest I wouldn't even bother which suits me just fine. I have also managed to set everything onto direct debit, save 750 and set up a 250 pound a month standing order onto a savings account. I have deleted my financial spreadsheet and now just have a list of bills and the dates they come out. I do not want to focus on the money anymore. 90% of my debt is on interest free cards and in 6 months I hope to have all of it this way. I am paying about 600 a month off the debt and also saving for a rainy day. In the past I have been over the top with worrying about every penny and it is boring the hell out of me. Not only is my aim until Christmas to not gamble, it is to not obsess about what is in the bank, I don't want to check my bank balance 3 times a day, maybe once a week at most. I wasted so much time gambling and then wasted so much time obsessing about figures now is the time to set everything up so that I don't have to worry.

Posted : 8th August 2014 3:08 pm
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Day 154 🙂

Posted : 23rd August 2014 8:08 am
Posts: 0

Hi shorty

154 days is brilliant

I know what you mean about the finances and debt I am getting obsessed with paying mine off as quick as possible (PD loans) the rest I can live with without stressing

Have a great weekend and stay safe

Suzanne x

Posted : 23rd August 2014 8:21 am
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Thanks Suzanne...I think it's harder to turn off the obsession over debts than it is the obsession over gambling!

Day 159....payday...no plans to gamble. Got a bust few days lined up - chances of gambling are zero. Have set myself a new target of the 1st of feb. By this point I can look at clearing the last of my loans and I will finally be in a level of debt repayments that I can live with. Obviously the aim is to be debt free but by feb I hope to have reduced my monthly payment by 350.

Targets targets targets!!!

Posted : 28th August 2014 9:52 am
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Day 170 when did life get so busy?!

Posted : 8th September 2014 9:31 pm
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Haven't posted in a long time been so busy with just life in general, work, kids etc etc. been off work the last few days and today I had a mad 60 seconds where I considered online gambling. So I came back here to remind myself how far I've come and today I'm on day 199!!!!!! Am so proud of myself. The debt is slowly but surely coming down I have managed to move it about and pay off some loans that were costing me a fortune every month. Am hoping early next year to pay off the rest of the loans and then it will just be a case of keeping the credit card debt on interest free. I have even managed to save some money for a rainy day.

So tomorrow is 200 days! Amazing. I would have been really P***** off if I'd gambled today and then come here to see that tomorrow would have been day 200!!

Posted : 7th October 2014 1:44 pm
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