The Day I decided my Daughter is far more important than Gambling

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Fantastic positive and happy post. I'm really pleased for you mate. Sounds great. Just a word of warning not to get complacent although you're not showing any signs. Well done again.

Posted : 5th September 2015 3:11 pm
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Change wrote:

Just a word of warning not to get complacent although you're not showing any signs. Well done again.

Very wise words above Change and thanks for mentioning.

I can't remember exactly how long ago and how long it was for. However it was 2-3 years ago I was gamble free for probably 2 months. Thought I had it cracked. On day 61 for arguments sake I received my monthly wages and thought "well I'll just pop in on Friday night and have one bet." That night/weekend I preceded to lose my entire months wages after getting home and gambling it all away. Can't/Won't let it happen again.

5th/6th September 2015 - Day 27/28

Think I missed a day somewhere as I know the last day I gambled was a Sunday and my profile says 28 days. They put me as the Treasurer as well. A re-election may be needed!

Day 27 - As mentioned above. Played Golf in the morning. Entertained my daughter in the afternoon. Followed by San Marino v England and then The X-Factor. Watched a repeat or two of Mrs Browns Boys and that was me shattered.

Day 28 - I must be being a good boy. This morning my partner said I could have a lie in. So I took full advantage of that and was still asleep until 9.30am when my daughter came in to check on me. Not been able to rest like that for a long time, much appreciated. My partner took my daughter to the shops so I could get on with some work. We decided to do a mini-bbq. So purchased one of those £2 disposable BBQ's as didn't want to buy a new gas canister and leave it in the shed all winter. Picked my Mum up and went in the garden at 2pm.Very simple sausages and burgers and Diet Coke - for me anyway - Mum was drinking. Once again when I would have been backing/watching Horse Racing on a Sunday between 2pm and 6pm we were out in the garden.

Came in and watched the second half of the Wales game whilst my daughter and my Mum played 'Shops'! Took my Mum home and put my daughter to bed. Her first day at School tomorrow so me and my partner will be taking her there. Early night for her and pleased to say she is very much looking forward to it.

Currently watching the Jamie McDonnell boxing and Golf before an emotional day tomorrow.

4 weeks now completed and it does feel good. Just a start still, but a start nonetheless and I will remember the words from Change above with regards being complacement as I have been many times before.

I hope you all had a great weekend and more importantly a gamble free weekend. Keep it going. We can do this.

All the best.

Not Again

Posted : 6th September 2015 8:34 pm
Posts: 1701

It's great to see the transformation in your life over the past 28 days. You must feel good but you daughter and wife must be over-the-moon... they'll be noticing the difference and that makes it so fantastic. I know you won't want to mess that up. Keep going pal and hope your daughter enjoys tomorrow.

Posted : 6th September 2015 9:05 pm
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7th September 2015 - Day 29

Thanks for the comment Change. You're right they have definitely noticed it. Thanks, she did enjoy it and not surprisingly she was thoroughly worn out when she came home. She's staying at home with me this afternoon, whilst I do some work, so I look forward to her stories of what she got up to today.

Well Day 29 is out of the way. As I mentioned, it was my daughters first day at School and I'm pleased to say she enjoyed it. Long may it continue. So after taking my daughter to school, I was dragged kicking and screaming to the Golf course yet again. Played with two very good golfers, one with a handicap of 14, the other of 8. So the pressure was on. Despite them insisting it was all about enjoying it and keep on telling me to relax. Which I eventually did. Ended up with 3 pars, which was great for me and I even holed a shot direct from the bunker.

After that I was dragged once again kicking and screaming to the pub with them. Were we - OK, I - reminisced over my bunker shot. A late one, having got home about 10.30pm. So no time to event think about betting on Day 29.

Now in to Day 30 and my first milestone is only 12 hours away from being complete.

I hope you are all OK and staying gamble free.

All the best.

Not Again

Posted : 8th September 2015 10:57 am
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8th September 2015 - Day 30

Well the first milestone has been reached. 30 days without gambling. Onwards and upwards as the next milestone is 50 days.

Quite a boring morning yesterday. Just got on with work in the morning. However it did brighten up when my daughter came home from school and spent the afternoon with me. She almost made my day/month/year with one of her sentences, but then she spoilt it.

She was sitting eating her dinner in the kitchen whilst I tidied up the kitchen and said "Daddy, it's been lovely spending the day with you at home"

Me "Ahh, that's a lovely thing to say, it's been lovely being with you as well"

Her immediate reply "But I wouldn't want to do it every day cos I would get bored of you"

Hmmm, I think I can see her point. Bless her.

I hope you are all OK and staying gamble free. Let's keep it going.

All the best.

Not Again

Posted : 9th September 2015 4:59 pm
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9th September 2015 - Day 31

The 31st day completed. I think there's something in this wearing yourself out early in the morning and not gambling later in the day. You're too worn out to do it!

Was up at 5.45am to get to a golf course to tee of at 6.40am. Started raining half way round. Was worn out after. Came home, got some work done and by 9pm that was me done. In bed and up at 6am this morning for a meeting.

Let's reach Day 50.

Keep battling everyone.

Not Again

Posted : 10th September 2015 10:49 am
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10/11th September 2015 - Day 32/33

Two more days in the bag.

10th - Busy working in the morning/at a meeting. Returned home at 11am. 2/3 more hours working at home befoe going to play 9 holes of golf with a couple of mates. A couple of drinks after the golf and then returned home for dinner. An early night and pleased to say gambling did not cross my mind once on Thursday.

11th - Once again up early for work. Left home at 6.15am and returned at 10am to carry on work. Stopped around 3pm on Friday as my head was just going round and round in circles and wasn't being very productive. Turned the Cricket on and watched England beat the Aussies in the 4th ODI to equal the series 2-2. D-Day tomorrow in the 5th and final match. Me and the Missus shared a bottle of wine in the evening, but must to admit was worn out and in bed just after 10pm.

Daughter has a play date today so she is very well occupied with her friend all day. I did pop in to the betting shop this morning inbetwen visiting shops in town. Picked up the Racing Post and read the Sports section. Must admit I did look and noted some teams down that I would have previously backed straight away. However I had no real temptation to bet, I guess I just needed a Sport 'fix'. Surrounded by people that I used to know in there, still gambling their lifes away, betting on every single greyhound and virtual horse race that was going on in there. Kind of made me happy that I wasn't doing that anymore.

Going to have a Sport day today at home. Just about to watch Everton v Chelsea followed by keeping up to date with the 3pm kick offs, followed by Man Utd v Liverpool at 5.30pm. No interest as in bets, but purely for Fantasy Football purposes. I won last season and am curently in 3rd place this season. Need to pull my socks up!! Sanchez is the captain this week, so need a performance from him. Not to mention, Romero, Kolarov, Targett, Gomez, Pedro, Ayew, Mahrez, Aguero, Benteke and Wilson!!

Have a great Saturday everyone and resist any urges to gamble. Gamble is a very naughty boy.

All the best.

Not Again

Posted : 12th September 2015 11:37 am
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12/13th September 2015 - Day 34/35

5 weeks completed and feeling good. The bets I mentioned above would have lost, so that's good as well!

Read a lot of diaries on here and also about 'The Triangle'. It all seems to make sense re keeping yourself busy seems to be the common factor. It works for me anyway. Saturday I spent all day watching sport and entertaining my daughter.

Sunday, I took my daughter to the park. We spent two hours there in the morning and then I bought her some chips as she was very well behaved for the way home. Had my Mum round for dinner and we had a drink in the afternoon. Sunday night I was absolutely worn out and was in bed by 10pm.

Good to get another weekend out of the way of being gamble free, especially with all of the football going on.

I hope you are all OK and keep resisitng the urge.

All the best.

Not Again.

Posted : 14th September 2015 12:13 pm
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14-16th September 2015 - Day 36-38

A few more gamble free days tucked away. Once again it's all been about keeping myself busy. Working hard, went to the driving range the other night. Last night I went out with my brother for a few drinks. This afternoon I'm playing 9 holes of Golf with a couple of friends.

The last few days I haven't thought once or wanted to think about gambling. Have to keep going though, I've been over 2 months gamble free before and got hooked back in. Keep the guard up and keep on winning and moving forward.

Hope you are all OK.

All the best.

Not Again.

Posted : 17th September 2015 12:32 pm
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Day 42 and 6 weeks up!

Well not posted since last Thursday as have been very busy. Pleased to say no gambling or even an urge to have a flutter.

Golf Thursday afternoon. Work Friday followed by picking daughter up from School. Saturday was a football day followed by a night out with the lads. Sunday felt terrible, getting far too old for this drinking sessions lark! Did take my daughter to visit my Mum in the afternoon, but by 9pm last night that was me needing my bed.

Work from home today, followed by an interview for some part time work this afternoon. Taking the time and or location element really is working.

I hope you are all OK and staying gamble free.

All the best.

Not Again

Posted : 21st September 2015 7:46 am
Posts: 1701

Great to see you're still gamble free... unfortunately I made some bad decisions this weekend and back to day 0. I'm appauled by my actions but I've been like this in the past. Just can't seem to shake it. So disappointed. Need to really really focus this time and make amends. Total and utter disaster and my mind has been racing all day.

Posted : 21st September 2015 6:16 pm
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I see your new diary Change - and commented on it - I see you are taking part in the 100 day challenge as well. I wish you all the best with it. Just have to cut off all the avenues available to eliminate it.

Posted : 28th September 2015 6:24 pm
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Day 50 is (finally) here

I must admit I haven't had an awful lot to say other than I've been following on from my previous posts that have kept me away from any form of gambling, namely.................keeping busy!

The best day of the past 50 had undoubteldy to be yesterday. Now, I know I should be concentrating on paying all of debts of and I do have a DMP in place, which gets paid by DD each month.

However, yesterday (Sunday) I said to my partner, "Shall we go shopping". She was shocked to hear this as I can't stand clothes shopping. However, I've been saying for months I need a new pair of jeans and she had wanted a couple of new tops with it getting a bit colder.

I was pleased when we got in to Town that the majority of the shops had Sales on. I picked up two pairs of jeans I and my partner liked in Debenhams. They were labelled as £45 each but on the clearance rail. I just thought that someone had put them back in the wrong place and just left them there. However, my partner took them to the till and asked them to check. Was delighted to be told they had 70% off them in the sale. So £13.50 each. Took both pairs!

My partner bought two new tops in another shop, both reduced again. Then my daughter fell in love with two dresses in H&M. one was £10 and the other in the sale was £1. She'd been good all day and with all the money I've not wasted on gambling we let her have those plus a sparkly hairband - of all things - that was marked as £2, but when we got to the till that was also only £1.

We'd already promised our daughter a Mcdonalds before we set off shopping and we duly took her in there. Must admit I don't like that food myself. With the money saved on the jeans and the other bits and pieces I treated me and my partner to lunch - OK it was the Wetherspoons, but it still counts! - in the pub and a couple of drinks before we went home.

All in all around £100 spent, but going back 50 days and beyond that would have been gone on one horse or one football/golf bet.

Obviously can't afford to do it every week, but it really did make a change and it was great to see them both so happy - and exhausted at the end of the day.

That's certianly something to take from this diary. Even though I'll be repaying my debts over a very long period of time, it was nice to treat the family and spend an afternoon away from constantly checking scores and results.

Onwards and upwards on to the next 50 days. Have to remain busy as i do not think about gambling at all when I am busy.

I hope you are all well and remaining gambling free.

All the best.

Not Again

Posted : 28th September 2015 6:39 pm
Posts: 1701

Hope you're well Not Again. Your last post sounded great.

Posted : 6th October 2015 12:52 pm
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Hi Change,

Thanks for your message. I hope all is well with you. Your new diary looks very encouraging, I hope you keep at it. I see the 100/124 day challenge diaries as well. With coninciding that with Christmas and New Year not being too far away it's a great incentive and a new landmark to set to get to the festive season gamble free and let the gamble free days tot up.

61 Days now past since my last flutter

Not been on for a while as I have been keeping myself very, very busy. The last post 12 days ago was I think - and I certainly hope - a point which really made me stand up and be a man about all of this. The simple things in life are often the best. From a simple day out with the family it's made me realise that life should be more about that and not sitting in some jazzed up betting shop who hand out water, squash and 10p packs of crisps to entice you to spend and waste a fortune.

My work life is picking up as well, hence another reason for being so busy. I've took on an additional part time job at the weekend. Just a few hours on a Saturday or Sunday at present, but hopefully it will grow in to at least 6 hours on either day to make it worth the travel time/cost. The new job actually pays me for watching football which has two advantages, I'm getting paid to watch football for a start and more importantly it's Saturday/Sunday afternoon which would have previously been my peak time for gambling.

I'm working on a couple of projects in my full time job which is keping me more than occupied. I've been to the gym three times this week and last night my Dad came over near where I live and took me, his partner and my brother out for dinner which was very kind of him. I paid for a round of drinks in the pub and he kindly footed the restaurant bill.

These days I can look at all of the sporting fixtures without the fear of gambling. Mainly to see what there is to watch on TV. I can safely say what a pile of rubbish there is today! Apart from if you're Welsh of course and good luck to them against Bosnia later. So I think today will consist of tidying up and shredding paper work (I work from home most of the time). My daughter is out at ballet and then has a friend over later. Cue all of the dressing up and singing/dancing to Disney songs - from her, not me. Then tonight I think I will actually put up with whatever my partner chooses to watch on TV (first for everything) with a bottle of wine.

Almost 9 weeks gamble free and it feels better by the day. I have no need/want to gamble today or in the near future as, as has been mentioned in people setting up recent threads what better incentive could I have to see my daughter opening a nice Christmas present or two rather than me wasting all of that money!

That's that out of the system. I hope everyone is happy and staying gamble free. Have a great weekend.

Not Again

Posted : 10th October 2015 8:50 am
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