the end of the road, a new start on the way

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Hi Ands,

A freda high five to you!! Chuffed for you that you found the strength to get up and make yourself do something you wouldn't normally do. When you are feeling low, it feels impossible to do that so kudos to you. Hopefully thats another corner turned today.

Sounds patronising but really well done, think u might even have surprised yourself, u certainly surprised me.



Posted : 29th September 2009 6:15 pm
Posts: 2966

That is so cool! an assault course, awesome 🙂

I hadnt read your diary before chat or I woulda asked you all about it.

My therapist years ago used to always say, it is so important for adults to 'play' too. Sounds like you had a good old muck about and lots of fun - its revitalising isnt it? good for you! I love going off doing something a bit mad to have a giggle - whats the harm as long as its not something destructive?

Me and R went to the playpark on christmas day last year and acted like kids playing on the swings and going down the slides on our bellies. It was flippin brill.

Hope you continue to find ways to let off steam - you are doing FANTASTIC!!!!

f x

Posted : 29th September 2009 9:11 pm
Posts: 2966

PS - hope I didnt come across all preachy in chat about how booze reduces the effectiveness of your pills. Just knew that a lot of people dont realise that. It wouldnt stop em working altogether, just counteracts em a bit.

Posted : 29th September 2009 9:14 pm
Posts: 175

Hi Ands

That is great you got out and did the assualt course, im picturing you in a blue outfit(krypton factor)running around like a madman. ha sounds like you had fun. good for you.


Posted : 30th September 2009 2:03 am
Posts: 0
Topic starter

Day 93 i did not gamble today, had a good seesion at counselling and have had a nice evening with my sons. All in all starting to feel alittle better, Its just hard getting motivated at times, but this will improve im sure.....3 weeks now since my one and only slip and i have had no urges, like i said on an earlier post it does not comfort me anyomre, or does wine lol!

Lost the plot the last week or so but im back on track now and ready to join the real world...

take care all and thanks for the support

Posted : 30th September 2009 9:00 pm
Posts: 0

Hi ands

Just remember that none of us are perfect. Just try to do your best with the resources you have. Acceptance is key to our recovery. It's OK to not be up to scratch at every turn as long as we do the right things the right things will happen.

Take care

Steve E

Posted : 30th September 2009 9:51 pm
Posts: 0

Hi mate,

Sorry i ain't been around much of late got a bit of stress on, just to say keep going, your winning mate, you are a winner, but this time in life. all the best to you and the boys.

green x

Posted : 30th September 2009 10:56 pm
Posts: 0
Topic starter

Day 94, another gamble free day!

Thanks for your posts, have had a reasonable day and now looking again for permanent employment and have applied for 3 jobs today.

Been on tablets for nearly 2 weeks and i believe my mood is lifting, no urges to gamble, and have had a couple of good nights sleep. So glad another rough patch is out the way, got a nice weekend lined up.......Cheap and cheerful thats me lol! Life is improving for me and this time im hoping it going remain like this. I need to deal with bad news differently from now on instead of getting all depressed and feeling sorry for myself!!!!

I encouraged myself to get of my skinny a**e and do something and i am so glad i did.

If i can do it anyone can, believe me.... i will beat this sh*tty addiction and i will have a good life with my sons!

Take care all, life is definitely what you make it.......ands

Posted : 1st October 2009 4:11 pm
Posts: 2966

You are one tough cookie ands,

I have enormous respect for the resilience and fighting spirit that you have. Please dont let anyone ever tell you that you are not strong.

Im really glad that your mood has started to lift, it should continue to improve even more over the next week or two.

And in answer to your question - it is day 100 for me today! I kind of wish I hadn't played the lotto for the last couple of weeks, as I am a perfectionist in that respect, and wouldve been nice to say Id been clear of all forms of gambling for the entire 100 days. However, I think the fact I actually forgot to check my ticket last night is a good sign that Im not getting an unhealthy buzz out of my £2 a week 🙂

Take care soldier,

f x

Posted : 1st October 2009 4:18 pm
Posts: 0

Hi ands

Just like to say how much you underestimate yourself on this forum. You are an integral part of my recovery so keep going.

Take care

Steve E

Posted : 1st October 2009 10:15 pm
Posts: 175

Hi Ands

And a part of my recovery, i also look out for your posts and like to raed what you have to say.

And hey i chose your diary the other day to let it all out with the problems with the ex.

And you helped me greatly, so thankyou.

next time you feel the need to let of steam, feel free to do it on my diary.

Keep going mate, you seem to be more upbeat as the days roll by, hope its up hill all the way for you. cheers.


Posted : 1st October 2009 10:49 pm
Posts: 0
Topic starter

Day 95, i will not gamble today...

Looking forward to weekend, sat nite me and my sons are of to the theatre, going to watch Wicked, and its ment to live up to its title. Going to the Victoria Appollo, london's second largest theatre! Have got the tickets on the cheap from gumtree lol! £25 for all 3, normally £60 each so result.... Of to a very old friends house for the night tonight, then into oxford tomorrow.

I have a friend back in my life, he has known me for a long time, guess time helped in his forgiveness towards me. Very emotional call last night, both of us in tears, he also apoligised for dumping me when i needed him.

Feeling kinda ok, chirpy, what a difference a week makes.... The sun is out and the fog around me seems to be slowly but surely clearing!

Thank you for your posts, kind words and support...very much appreciated! couldn't have got this far without all you guys and gals.

take care all and have gd gamble free weekend, i intend too............ ands

i will beat this addiction, life can be good, and i guess im an okish kinda my boys and glad im alive!

Posted : 2nd October 2009 10:06 am
Posts: 314

Little by little it`s improving. So glad that friend is back in your life. Slowly Andy, hopefully things like this will keep happening as you draw further away from the bet.

Posted : 2nd October 2009 11:41 am
Posts: 0

Hi Ands,

What a great post. Could feel the positivity radiating from you. You deserve it. You have come a long, long way in 95 days. I really hope you have a great weekend and may it be the 1st of many for you and your boys.

So chuffed for you,


(K sends her best wishes)

Posted : 2nd October 2009 1:36 pm
Posts: 0

Hi And's

lovely post mate, i really needed to read somthing positive today and it's your post, today ands you are helping me to see i need to get my life back on-track after this last week i need to.

Have a great weekend, looks like your in the right place and it's great to see.

speak soon mate

Green x

Posted : 2nd October 2009 2:50 pm
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