the end of the road, a new start on the way

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Hi Ands

Glad to see you are remaining gamble free, especially when everyday life can be tough, many would run to gamble to escape or whatever, so you really are doing great ands. It wont always be like this, get through the hard times and enjoy the good times when they DO come along, because they will. All the best mate.


Posted : 20th October 2009 11:39 am
Posts: 0
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Day 112, i did not gamble today...

Thanks Neil for your post.

Dont want to say much today, so not going to.

take care all ands

Posted : 20th October 2009 5:44 pm
Posts: 314

Yep, sent you a test e-mail that so far has not been bounced back. |Hope you liked meeting Ann on SH. Nice lady in fact a lot of nice folks come on there. I have a very good friend there called Ken L I would love you to meet. Think he did something like 35 years in gambling and has now had a long recovery.

He is one of many decent folk who like to put out the hand of support. If you feel like it, put a post up on the message board, you will be welcomed.

You might like this idea. I am trying to put to put together a time each week when we agree to meet up on SH for informal chat/ banter. Not moderated and Gamcare, who support the site have given me the go ahead to advertise it there. So far little response.

I know that the " formal " meetings are not every ones cup of tea as they tend to be a bit rigid. It would be nothing like that, just a social get together.

Anyway, let gamcare know if you didn`t get my e-mail addy and we can sort it.

Posted : 20th October 2009 11:40 pm
Posts: 0
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Day 113, I have not gambled today.

Thank you for your post Graham, it was nice talking to Ann last night on SH its nice to know there is another source of support out there, and people who we can relate to. So i thank you!

Went to single dads group this afternoon which was quite productive. I did however miss my counselling today and will continue after the half term break.

So i plod on, and stary focused and not gamble. Still feel like s**t but hey such is life.

Take care all, thanks again Graham. ands

Posted : 21st October 2009 4:10 pm
Posts: 175

Hey Ands

Just dropping by, making sure your ok mate. Hope you are well and the kids not driving you too guessing they are great kids, but like all lil ones they have their moments. Take care.


Posted : 21st October 2009 8:10 pm
Posts: 0

Hi Ands,

Just dropping by to say hello and hope that things are ok for you and your boys.

Take care,


Posted : 22nd October 2009 1:11 pm
Posts: 0
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Day 114, i have not gambled today.

Thanks for the posts guys!

Had an afternoon up at the school watching my sons assemblies which was realy nice to be honest....Had some very pleasant remarks about my sons again today, they are certainly doing well at school. Dont know why i find it hard to accept praise, but i just do!

Another day passes for me without a gamble, so all in all i am making good progress on the non gambling front.

Starting to get used to feeling quite low, just gonna take time and effort by me to lift my mood if you know what i mean?? i will get there!

My determination not to gamble is stronger than it has ever been.........

So i plod on, and not gamble.

take care all, ands

Posted : 22nd October 2009 4:02 pm
Posts: 175


Im doing everything to put off going round to the shops on my pushbike in the pouring rain, im starving and really need to lol, but just drop in here 1st.

Take a mental picture of a 32 year old guy getting blown all over the place with bag of shopping, coz that will be me in approx 20mins!!! Take care mate, and chin up, i know them low feelings and they are s**t. O well best go and do this.


Posted : 22nd October 2009 4:15 pm
Posts: 175


I opted out of the idea of going shopping on my pushbike in the freezing cold and rain, and opted for the soup thats been in my cupboard months lol.

Just finised a big fat greasy kebab, feel full now and happy i got through today without a bet. Hope you are ok. cheers.


Posted : 22nd October 2009 10:52 pm
Posts: 0
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I have not gambled today

Posted : 23rd October 2009 4:17 pm
Posts: 4881

Good man! .. neither have I .. 🙂

Posted : 23rd October 2009 6:59 pm
Posts: 314

Hey that`s a few of us that ain`t gambled, I like that. keep pressing on Ands. I know you find it hard to accept praise but honestly, you are doing a fine job, I mean that.

Posted : 24th October 2009 12:03 am
Posts: 0
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Day 116, i will not gamble today

Thanks Graham and SA for you posts

have a good weekend all, take care ands

Posted : 24th October 2009 10:43 am
Posts: 314

Have a good week end m8.

Posted : 24th October 2009 11:02 am
Posts: 175

Hi Ands

Thanks for the continued support, means a lot. We gotta take the good with the bad, and its my turn for the bad at the moment.

Hope you have a great weekend, yours sons are so precious...make the most of every minute with them mate, before you know it they will be kicking you into a oap home lol. Just joking mate. All the best.


Posted : 24th October 2009 5:50 pm
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