the end of the road, a new start on the way

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Day 133, 134 and 135, i have not gambled, i know i dont say alot but my diary is a very important part of my recovery.... would not want to bore ayone lol!! Im plodding on gamble free thats for sure.... My sons are son are fine, noisey and funny, be lost without them..........Love them both and always will.

Thank you for your posts, always nice to read...take care all, ands

Posted : 12th November 2009 8:59 pm
Posts: 0

Hi Ands,

Always good to read you and the boys are well, and life is still gamble free, just like you i sometimes feel the need to post, and sometimes not, depending on my mood.

Hope the weekend is a good one, and you and the boys enjoy your time, i have Maddy tonight, making cakes and Christmas cards, should keep us busy and messy.

green x

Posted : 13th November 2009 6:46 pm
Posts: 0

Hi Ands,

Good to read you are doing ok and sincerely hope that life continues to get better for you. You are often in my thoughts and really proud of you for your achievements in your recovery,

f*****G well done, coz it ain't easy,


Posted : 13th November 2009 7:31 pm
Posts: 314

Just a quick hello from me. Well done Andy.

Posted : 14th November 2009 9:44 pm
Posts: 0
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Day 136, 137 and 138 i have not and will not gamble today!

Thankyou for your posts, cooking sunday roast and boys playing in bedroom.

take care all, ands

Posted : 15th November 2009 10:58 am
Posts: 0

Hi ands

Thanks for the post on my diary.

I am glad to see you doing so well, it's amazing how all these days at a time build up into weeks, months, years.

As long as we stay focused and never forget what gambling can do to us, put those barriers in place and keep them there, then we can beat this addiction, one day at a time.

You are doing all the right things and you will succeed if you carry on.

all the best

Jim (last bet 22/04/06)

Posted : 15th November 2009 12:46 pm
Posts: 314

Doing well here Ands. Roast, mmmm, I`m round to yours. My wife is working to quite late today so no roast here!

Was thinking. We had a lady in the Safe Harbor meeting who has been gamble free for 4 months. Sadly a massive relapse, wrote some bad cheques, it`s illegal in the USA. My heart goes out to her as she is now having to work on damage limitations.

Anyway, you are doing great and I am pleased for you mate.

Posted : 15th November 2009 1:57 pm
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Day 139, i have not gambled today!

Thank you for your posts always nice to read.... Have finally got interview, thursday morning at 10.30 for admin job working for insurance company near london bridge. Believe me if i get this job i will be very happy, not the most exciting of jobs but its a job and a start.. I am almost at the title of my thread now! Andrew;s back and starting to feel alright, pills defo help and a combination of keeping busy and concentrating on the important things in life, my beautiful, adorable sons!

So i am winning my battle and i thank all you good people for all the support and advice over the past 139 days, couldnt have doen without all your help.................

At the end of the day we all have choices i choose not to gamble!

take care all, ands xx

Posted : 16th November 2009 4:34 pm
Posts: 0

Hi ands,

Nice post mate and great news, good luck with the interview, really will be crossing my fingers, legs etc.... for ya mate. I just got in from work 10pm grim, but life without gambling is like you say a life we can now choose.

keep going mate, your post tonight made me smile.

all the best and good luck again.

green x

Posted : 16th November 2009 10:29 pm
Posts: 0

Hi Ands,

Great news on the interview! Hope it goes well for you. You deserve a bit of good fortune and as green says, everything crossed that it goes your way. Really really pleased for you, things are on the up and that's because of your strength and determination.

Fair play,


Posted : 17th November 2009 7:27 am
Posts: 314

Hey some great news Andy! You have come so far. Well done ! Proud of you mate and looking forward to you telling us all that you have that job!

Posted : 17th November 2009 12:42 pm
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Day 140, 20 weeks, 5 months and i have not gambled today...Be 10 weeks tomorrow since my one and only slip in this time...I say roll on thursday, feeling much better the last couple of weeks!

Life's certainly worth the effort, i have learnt so much since joining this forum, have had some real downs and some unforgettable highs, including the day social services came, and then they went.

My boys and me are ready to tackle life and i no longer hate myself, im a good dad have 2 great sons and im proud of myself!!!

Still have the odd urge to gamble but i have learnt that gambling will not help me financially or emotionally so i stick my middle finger up and say f*** off to the fruities........waste of time and money and so very destructive....once a cg always a cg, no half measures, zero gambling for me...

So all in all, i feel my journey is nearly over, the fresh start is so very close now....I will not wallow in selfpity or feel sorry for myself again.

Life's for enjoying without the sh*tty depressing hold gambling used to have on me.......

Take care all and thanks as always for your posts.......ands

Posted : 17th November 2009 4:17 pm
Posts: 175

Hi Ands

Wow great posts, great news about the interview aswell. Really do wish you all the "luck" in the world. argg hate that word lol, but i really do hope you get the job. Be thinking of you thurs and send you some positivity vibes thru! keep up the good work my friend, and be proud. cheers.


Posted : 17th November 2009 7:28 pm
Posts: 0

Hi Ands,

Really is good to see your back up and living life, I'm 100% trying to do the same thing and like you say life is good at times, your boys, my Lil Maddy, we have so much to keep going for, but it is a lot easier when we start to feel good in ourselves,

Hope the interview went OK, keep us posted with any news.

I'm going to take a back seat for a while, post a couple of times a week or just when i feel the need, this place has been a godsend to me, but I'm moving into the next chapter of my life and, although i won't be leaving all you guys just yet i will be posting less, and living more.....:-)

keep strong ands,

speak soon

green x

Posted : 19th November 2009 4:47 pm
Posts: 0
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Day 141 and 142. i have not gambled, had my interview today, i messed it right up, anyone seen the film trainspotting, well if you have, i was like the guy on whizz at his interview, i just found myself going of on one and i went on and on, lol...Did make the panel laugh tho, they where wetting themselves when i told them a realy crude joke.... I find out monday, lol!

Thank you all for your posts.. ands

ps if you haven't seen trainspotting get it, it's funny!

Posted : 19th November 2009 5:44 pm
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