the end of the road, a new start on the way

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Hi Ands,

We were in chat when you said about the new job and it really made for a great weekend, we toasted your success in the pub.

Genuine congratulations and if anybody ever doubts how hard this journey can be, they should read you diary and see that with LOTS of determination, life can get better if we stop gambling.

Made up for you and your family and k sends her love and best wishes.

Take care,


Posted : 3rd December 2009 5:18 pm
Posts: 0

Wow Ads you sound in a fantastic place at the moment. Keep going and like you say don't ever go back! Thinking of you


Posted : 3rd December 2009 5:53 pm
Posts: 2966


HIGH FIVE!!!! congratulations on your new job. Im so very happy for you. I really admire your strength.

You are stronger than me I think, but hey its not a competition, lol.

Sorry im congratulating you so late. Must admit to not reading diaries much at the moment. Loved your story about buying the boys great presents. Who cares what you did last year, you are a good person who was in a bad way.

I will be thinking of you, well done 🙂

f x

Posted : 3rd December 2009 8:07 pm
Posts: 0

i can see from the posts that you have got a new job.

congratulations and all the best in your new job.

thanks for writing in my diary. i have started second week and feeling bit relaxed than before. slowly and slowly, day by day, it is getting better and less painful.

Posted : 4th December 2009 9:15 am
Posts: 0

Hi ands,

Great to see life is good mate, i can honestly say it's fantastic to read your story and how things have turned around for you, an inspiration my friend and long may it continue, have a great weekend with the boys, and i just know one day you may well tell them your story of recovery, and they will say ' were so lucky to have a dad like you' nice one mate.

stay strong.

green x

Posted : 5th December 2009 10:51 am
Posts: 0

Hi Ands, I hope you are having a good weekend and are looking forward to your big day on Monday. I hope your kids love the presents, I am sure they will as they sound awesome. Well done mate.


Posted : 5th December 2009 7:05 pm
Posts: 0

Morning Ands,

Hope everything goes ok today, your many friends on here are rooting for you all the way.

Good Luck,


Posted : 7th December 2009 7:40 am
Posts: 0

Hi Ands,

Congrats on new job, hope all go's well today

Good luck

Jane xxxx

Posted : 7th December 2009 9:17 am
Posts: 0

Hi Ands,

Thinking of you as you start your new job. You've done really well!

Jas xx

Posted : 7th December 2009 9:28 am
Posts: 2966

Been thinking about you today buddy,

You cant see us, but we are all behind you cheering you on, Im shouting 'yay! high five ands! give me an A, give me an N, give me a D, give me an S etc.' because im a bit more silly than the others...

f x

Posted : 7th December 2009 7:50 pm
Posts: 0
Topic starter

Day 160, i have not gambled since my last posting and i will certainly not be gambling tomorrow!!!!

Thank you as always for the post and kind words on my diary, very much appreciated!

Boys in bed, ironing done, first day back at work completed and im knackered. Been a good day, job kinda ok, boss friendly, seem a nice team to work with..

Had dinner in canteen at work, not the arcade which would have been the norm! So i am now employed and this time im not f*****g my sons, life is for living and gambling sucks and so does the 177 bus (the slowest bus in se london), lol...!!!

take care all and thankyou so much for all your support and kind words. ands

Posted : 7th December 2009 9:15 pm
Posts: 2966

Hi ands,

bless your heart posting to everyone after your first day at work! you must be knackered! you are a very sweet man.

Glad it seems ok on first impressions. You made me smile with your post on my diary 'i think i know who you are talking about' !!!!! could only be one person couldnt it? lol. I have done wrong by him too, but boy it hasn't been pleasant to hear his latest rantings.

Thanks for your support. As you can appreciate, it stings a bit, but I will be fine.

Do you still feel like no one will like you, or do you think that was the depression?

I still get paranoid that people wont accept me. That im not good enough, or not normal. Just curious if this feeling has gone away for you? Hope so.

Anyway take care and again well done you!

f x

Posted : 7th December 2009 10:53 pm
Posts: 2966

Hi ands,

your post didnt sound dim at all, you are very good at putting across what you want to say, in my humble opinion!

Its weird, because although I dont want anyone else to feel rubbish like I do, its a bit comforting to know im not the only one! People always worry they are the only one dont they? lol.

If its any consolation, I was stammering to get my words out all the time when I started volunteering, but it has eased off a bit now. Hopefully these nerves will ease off for you soon too.

Thanks for your support as always, R says I seem to have my bounce back a bit.

Take care,

f x

Posted : 9th December 2009 12:41 pm
Posts: 0

Hi Ands,

Hope all is good with your new job and evrything. Hope you have a good weekend.


Posted : 11th December 2009 8:01 pm
Posts: 0
Topic starter

Day 161, 162, 163,164 and 165..........and i have not gambled! One slip up in this time is now a whopping 95 days ago, this is now the longest i have ever gone without a gamble since the age of 12.

Have completed my first week in my new job, one more week then i break up for christmas til jan 4th, 2010...Normality is in my life, still on the anti ds and more than likely be on them for quite a while!

Thank you for your posts, have good weekend all, ands

Posted : 12th December 2009 9:57 am
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