The promise - part 2

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Well done Change on getting to your quarter of a century. Keep up yr good work.


Posted : 26th February 2016 12:57 am
Posts: 1701
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Been away for few days and dropped mate off at house which is near a bookies I used to go in... had a slight urge so avoided and come on here for a snoop around instead. Hope all well.

Posted : 28th February 2016 1:40 pm
Posts: 107

Hello Change,

Great choice to keep away from those horrible dingy smelly dirty places. You have done well keeping out of the shop.

I know how hard it is we just have to keep working at it!

You have won this weekend! A massive well done.

Posted : 28th February 2016 7:07 pm
Posts: 1701
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Cheers LL - I did well today. In the past I would have gambled today. I would definitely have relapsed. Big games on TV today. Had been away in UK and had withdrawn some money over a couple of days and not spent that much plus some mates owed me cash for stuff I had paid in advance... so in short I ended up with a wedge of cash in my hand. When I saw it this morning I thought 'gamble'... I can go on way home and won't even need to make an excuse to tell the wife about why I need to nip out. I even went online to see the football games scheduled today as I had no idea of the fixtures because I avoid sportpages nowadays. However, something just clicked in my mind and I thought of my wife and my kid and I thought I just want to get home back to them and be a better man.... so I did.

Posted : 28th February 2016 9:09 pm
Posts: 0

Hi buddy , just wanted to say great post ! Glad you made the right choices for you and the family ! Well done me old mate !

Posted : 28th February 2016 10:09 pm
Posts: 1789

I'm a little drunk so nothing constructive to say other than well done.


Posted : 28th February 2016 10:45 pm
Posts: 1701
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I acually felt pretty proud of myself today. Hopefully I've had a moment where it's clicked and I've realised it's not worth it anymore. Pressing on with the days and hopinh to get to xmas again. Got a few interviews lined up for new jobs. One really excites me but can't set my heart on anything as I'm not very good in interviews.

Posted : 29th February 2016 9:33 pm
Posts: 0

Hi Change , must just say I've noticed you starting to sound a bit more positive of late and it's really good to see old friend ! Stay safe fella and best wishes for what's to come ! Al

Posted : 29th February 2016 9:43 pm
Posts: 1701
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Interesting article on addiction and you can find the videos on you tube...

Posted : 29th February 2016 9:50 pm
Posts: 1701
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Had a really tough day but positive is that I haven't even thought of gambling and I had that wedge of cash on me today which I just took to the bank. In short, my boss is treating me as if he's a school yard bully and it's getting too much. A colleague has asked me to speak to hr but when you do that there is no turning back so I'm concerned but I think I do need to do it or I could have a mental breakdown. Life is so tough for me and I don't need a boss that is nit-picking at me constantly each and every day.

Posted : 1st March 2016 10:30 pm
Posts: 1789

Hi bud

Good work on putting the money where it belongs that's a little win in its own right.

I've been there with the work thing and gone down the hr route which just made my boss dig even further and find all the little rules you do break, back 2 mins late from lunch, using Internet when should be working, checking my emails all petty little thing that everyone else is doing.

I've had the same boss for 9 years I ended up having a talk with my boss and saying lets have a clean slate stop butting heads and get on with the job which I'm very good at.

It worked for me I'm not saying it will for you but thought I would share it with you.

hr should be a place you can go with no concequence but that is not always the way so if you do go down that route have some evidence because they will have stuff stored up about you.

Take care bud


Posted : 1st March 2016 10:43 pm
Posts: 1701
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Yeah Oldham - really good advice. I have tried to reason with them but to no avail. Like you say though... the whole thing closes in when you have that hr conversation and you might as well just leave. I just feel like I want to say my piece though.

Posted : 1st March 2016 10:50 pm
Posts: 1789

Maybe its time to start looking about keep you head down keeping doing your job but be active about finding another job leave on your terms put the effort into find that job for you.

I was reading a post by Louis(cardhue) about confidence and maybe taking that leap outside your comfort zone and believing in yourself that other jobs out there are not beneath you.

You always found time to gamble maybe find that time to find that job.

If you've not read the post read it I've you have seen it read it again.

Posted : 1st March 2016 11:04 pm
Posts: 1701
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Thanks Oldham and Louis - I read the confidence post and I re-read it today again. I can relate to some chunks of it but not all the sections. I believe my issues stem more from motivation than confidence. I lack motivation to push on rather than the confidence to it. I have no doubt that I can achieve the goal but its the motivation to actually start it off and then see it through. I hope that makes sense.

Posted : 3rd March 2016 10:12 pm
Posts: 1789

Im glad you went back for a read and you make a fair point change.

I can see that in me. I too lack that get up and go just coast along taking a day at a time not just in gambling in life itself.

Hopefully this might inspire Louis to do a post on motivation, I would but I can't be ars*ed.... Only joking I'm just not very good being thought provoking in that way.


Posted : 3rd March 2016 10:28 pm
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