Hi all,
A similar story to most so I won't go too much in to, basics are i'm 26, started gambling at 17 and pretty much been hitting it hard ever since.
While I've just lost another load of important money, I'm going to get my feelings down so I can revert back to this the weeks to come when the devil on my shoulder tries to convince me that I'm 'cured'.
I had been posting on a diary here just weeks ago and was nearly hitting the 100 day mark. Approaching Christmas this was a great achievement for me.
Unfortunately, I stupidly gave in to an urge which saw me opening an online account to play slots. I managed to withdraw £480 but should have been three times as much but I couldn't stop. I've subsequently lost about £1000.
I asked for money for Christmas off my family and Girlfriend as I wanted to buy something in the sales. Today was probably the lowest I've ever gone even beating lying to my mum and dad which I will never forgive myself for.
I headed in to town and got my haircut, stupidly stopped off at a bookies on the way back with the Christmas money in my pocket and lost it all in minutes. I then chased and lost another £250. Then comes the sick feeling in your stomach that I'm all too accustomed to.
So I was doing really well repaying my gambling debt, life was getting too good and I had to ruin it. I am absolutely disgusted in myself. I feel like an absolute failiure and a let down.
So now for a bit of positivity (stuggling for this at the moment). The only way forward is to put every block in place to stop me gambling again. I cannot afford to do this again, it will cost me everything including my family.
No more bets, no more gambling, no more self induced unhappiness, no more lies, no more let downs, no more distrust.........
I also have to recoup the money some how, and that's going to be overtime at work as a punishment. 10 extra shifts will cover it.
Positive posts to follow I promise
Thanks for reading
James, I know the feeling all to well, telling yourself if I win just a little bit in the bookies I can buy something. crazy because even if we win and buy something we will go back into the bookies the next day or the day after that and put it all back.
Hi James,
Welcome back,
Best wishes on your recovery,
Suzanne xx
Day 1
Thanks Mark and Suzanne for the kind support. Your right Mark, and this is another case where even when I win, I can't stop until its all gone!
Not going to gamble today. Looking at buying betfilter or gamblock, prices have almost doubled from when I last bought it so might have to wait until payday in a few weeks.
Still carrying a lot of guilt, not particularly pleased with myself and rightly so, i've been such a bad person gambling my families hard earned cash from xmas presents.
Got to start getting my life back on track
Thanks for reading
honestly i wouldn't wait james
as soon as you can get the money together get the blocks in place
well done for coming back
Day 2
Thanks triangle, took your advise and just bought betfilter. Really impressed with it, had gamblock before and seems a lot less discrete while blocking everything i tried when trailling it.
So can't access gambling sites on my laptop, my phone is the biggest problem now but i am a lot less likely to go down this avenue. Wish i'd got a Samsung now so i could put blocking software on it unlike me Iphone.
No issues today, had a nice day out with my girlfriend before tonights dreaded night shift 🙁
Still better than gambling,
Thanks for reading
Hi James,
This horrendous addiction has a lot to answer for well done for not giving up and getting to day 2,
Stay strong
Suzanne xx
Day 3
Thanks Suzanne, it certainly has. It's amazing how many people gambling effects, it's only when you start opening up to people that you realise the variety of people this addiction attacks.
Work was okay last night, back in tonight so won't gamble. Finances aren't the best but nothing too serious. Got to take this as a positive because at least i have enough to get to pay day in two weeks.
Things are getting better already by not gambling, i've slept well, eating well, not as moody and more myself. It feels good to be honest. Whilst gambling, I was getting hardly any sleep and felt awful for it, especially then having to get through work
Onwards and upwards
James, this was surely just a blip caused by complacency?
Great to see you are coming out the other side so quickly...Hopefully armed with the knowledge from your previous attempt you will find the journey much easier this time around - ODAAT
Day 9
Hi ODAAT, yes I think it was and to be honest this has been the extend of my gambling for the last couple of years - a lengthy spell ended with complacency.
I think this was my motivation to buy betfilter when I couldn't really afford it.
Thinks are going quite well, no major thoughts of gambling, had the odd urge to bet on the football but easily overcome. Back on the right path now and just need to stay on it!
Been working loads recently, some of which overtime so may be able to pay a bit of debt off next month.
Onwards and upwards
Hi James,
Thanks for your message on my diary.
I'm interested to know how you reward yourself for not gambling? I find it very difficult to spend money on myself. I try to pay as much debt back as possible and I know this isn't helpful, but while the debt remains it's a constant nagging reminder of previous failures.
Day 13
Hi Paul, I tend to spend little amounts as I also try to pay off as much debt as possible. I have a few hobbies so I always have something little I could do with. Even if it's to save £50 to spend on clothes, just something to treat yourself every 30 days.
I'm going to treat myself to a car when I get debt free next year. This is a big target and a big reward but I need a car anyway, should have replaced it ages ago but decided to line wealthy peoples pockets instead!
No major thoughts of gambling, in a good place mentally, hope this continues - need to stop messing up.
Onwards and upwards
James well done. Reading your posts think we are quite similar. I also stopped for a long period last year and only started when i got complacent. When i look back i am pretty mad with myself as i managed to get through a world cup and 2 stag weekends without gambling then gave in to an urge to try and win £50 to go out for a meal and ended up losing £300 and back on te gambling. I feel better prepared for this assault on tackling my gambling demons and my aim is 1 full calendar year with no gambling.
Day 17
Hi Greggsboy, thanks for the post. It's always the way isn't it, you want to win an amount and end up losing 3 times as much! I'm also going to try for a year, never actually reached that during my time as a gambler which is quite sad. The aim is no gambling in 2015! I'll track your progress too when i have more time,
Day 18
Recovery is going well, 18 days gone and not really missed gambling that much as I hammered it so much before quitting and lost a lot of money! Staying vigilant though and trying to remain positive especially when reviewing the dire financial situation.
Installing Betfilter has definitely helped and I know this will come in to play a lot more as time goes on and the urges become very strong again.
Have a friend going through a tough time with his gambling problems, brings it home again the destruction it causes.
Keep ploughing on people, together we will win!
Still no bets in 2015 🙂
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