Another day here we go, off to doctors in a minute then to work. Looking forward to the finale of this world cup its been a blinder.
So I've started going back to my five pound Monday night tourneys at the club, its pretty fun and is only a tenner for a nights entertainment, as long as I don't go on the fruit machines ..... its gonna mean I'm not going to count my days not gambling anymore however I'm going to give it a go for a season and see how it pans out, must be disciplined tho.
So today is day two of not gambling and not drinking. Decided to knock the poker on the head. Hoping this will lead to spending less over the course of this year. Off to work I go.
Well another week at work almost complete. Off to work tomo, then gym after, been invited to poker game tomo night but declined. Probably go to town Saturday morning for a coffee then have a look in charity shops as usual for cds and DVDs. Only on day three of not gambling at mo and day five of no drinking but glad that I'm succeeding at not smoking, currently on day 564 horray. So many vices to keep track off. Changing how I take my medication next month, instead of tablets every day I'm having an injection once a month, should make it easier. A quiet life is the best life in my opinion.
Thank you Adam for your kind words posted on the Guru Challenge.
Big congratulations on 564 days since you stopped smoking. That is excellent, I stopped 17 years ago, detest it and don't miss it one bit. Hopefully one day I will feel the same way about gambling.
It is certainly a difficult road to travel and sometimes we are not too sure just what we want to do with our lives. I wish you well on your journey and hope you have good adventures along the way. None of us will get out of this alive so we might just as well savour the experience, have a few laughs and enjoy the ride.
Like smoking i detest gambling now. Went out both sat and sun both times to gamble, what a waste of a lovely weekend. On Sunday was walking past bookie and my mind thought about the thirty pounds in my wallet so I walked inim excluded but that didn't stop me. Put thirty in, went to cash machine put 50 in then 50 again then 100 then 50 then 50 total of about three hundred went in absolute madness. Ended up getting 230 out but still one hundred down in an hour. I really cant control myself,
So day one today, time to make some inroads into recovery. The last two months have seen me go back to my old ways and the temptation was too much. I realise I cant just play poker I will allways succumbe to other forms of gambling. Ive found even if ur excluded bookies will let u gamble hundreds in their shop. Ive found that I need to find more healthy pursuits again. I will put the money back in my account at the next opportunity which will put me just into my overdraft before payday on Tuesday next week. I'll then transfer all my money to my dad like I used to and visit the gym rather than going to the poker game. I did terrible at poker anyway I was bottom of the league this time. In a way I'm thankfull I couldn't do it sensibly as ive seen my old friends again and learnt a lesson. So I'm starting at day one today. The first few days are the hardest so ill write on here more.
So day one today, two days of three days worked to earn back what I stupidly lost in an hour on Sunday. Worked hard today. Unsure of whether to start a new diary but think if you keep starting a new diary every time bad things happen it reduces the use of it in telling the story. Anyway think ill keep this diary for the year then start a new one in 2019. Not drunk alcohol since saturday which is good but been too tired after work tk go to the gym. Shame really.
Horray I've worked enough to pay for what I lost at the weekend and Monday. Just took three whole days working to do it. What a waste of time ey. So last night I joined gamstop and stupidly this means that my dad cant bet online on his horses anymore, he never bets much, but because I joined gamstop with tho address his account got frozen and they wanted lots of evidence to let him use it again, they even refused to give him the money in his account untill he threatened that he'd go to martin Lewis. So he has now had to stop. Not a bad day at work, a bit hot to be outside so I stayed in mostly. Off work on Friday so will be going to a swimming pool and trying rock climbing. Should be fun.
Brilliant day today in the sun and its rained today so should be cooler to sleep tonight.
Gonna start a fresh diary
Wont bore with details but needless to say I gambledyesturday. In my overdraft now till Tuesday then I get paid and hopefully should be able to pay all bills before going in overdraft again. A full month a head , I quiet month ahead I shall have to be very sensible from now on
So today is the start of another week where I will earn nothing as I spent it in bookies already.
Feel pretty low today, the only way is up, just got to go to work, earn a wage and come back sleep and repeat for a month untill I'm out of my overdraft. The only thing that stopped me on saturday was my daily limit on taking out cash. Absolutely pathetic. Just gonna take a few days to get over it I guess.
Well Thursday is here, got thru a couple of days without gambling. Managed to borrow some money off a friend to keep me out of overdraft and not have to pay fees. Going to have a quiet weekend once I get there, still today and tomo to get thru. Lifes not all that bad just to get thru the fog of the gambling hangover.
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