Had a stran​ge day woke up had voices still and got depressed as suppost to be going back to work tomo. Then mum convinced me to go out and got some fresh air and came back done some housework and feeling a lot more positive. I don't think I suffer from depression I think everyone gets down every now and then just got to roll with it. If I'm not well at work over the course of next week ill just have to come back home that's all. Fingers crossed for a positive week. O yeah and no gambling still. Horray
Back to the forum and boy did I miss it, really goes to show how much we use and value something when its not available for a while. Just got over the fifty day mark and worked out it'll be 260 days gamble free this year if I make it to new years and then beyond the world is my oyster.
Hello Adam my friend. Great to see you in a good state of mind. Confident, determined and gamble free for 55 days.
Sometimes we can feel a bit down in the dumps but tomorrow is always another day and things can look a bit better after a good nights sleep.
I lost the plot for a while but am now back on the road with a new diary. Keeping a smile on my face to brighten up the journey and I always live in hope. As the old saying goes "Who knows what's blowing in tomorrows wind." Take care my friend and keep going forward...stephen
First day back at work, here goes, feeling nervous but should be fine once back in the swing of things
Really good first day back at work, back into the swing of things.
Hi Adam, thanks for posting on my diary the other day. I appreciate it a lot.
I'm glad that you've had a good first day back at work and many congratulations on racking up 50+ gamble free days. All the best mate. Take care.
Already wondering what to call my 2019 diary,ive got a feeling its gonna be the landmark year of complete abstenance. Something I couldn't dream about doing in 2015 when I joined here. So back to work now tried my hardest to put in some good shifts cant change being off sick for five weeks I wasn't pulling a sickie I was actua
Lly ill. So today marks 58 days gambling free, 600 days smoke free,44 days alcohol free 10 years drug free I'm now officially tee total for everything. I couldn't do it without my parentshelp they got me thru another difficult period.
Day 60, off to work now, another day, looking forward to the weekend.
Congratulations Adam on 60 days without a bet.
600+ days off the ciggies, 10 years off the drugs and nearly 7 weeks off the pop. WOW you are amazing. It just shows how strong willed you are when you set your mind to something.
Life certainly has it's ups and downs but maybe sometimes we take things a little bit too much to heart. By chasing after things we can't have or don't need we can easily overlook all the good things that are there for us. They say the grass always looks greener on the other side but that is not necessarily true. Sometimes we don't really know what we want. Take care my friend and keep going forward ...stephen
Excellent post Stephen thanks a lot. I actually broke down in tears at work today and it rings very true that I take things to much to heart. I gues I like to hear positive things but aftr what ifve been thru I cant deal with stressful situations any.more and just breakdown.
Thanks for your post Adam in my diary. Well done on getting to 60 Days :). Sorry to hear about the work stress, how are your colleagues with you in that situation?
Hi scotto, work has been very good, ive got the occupational health doctor to see once a month. Well I was working in another department but they said I was too slow, well very long story I guess but I'm back in a different department and its suppost to not be too stressful. Hopefully work will get better today.P
First week back at work navigated, difficult start as we are going thru a refurbishment , would do some overtime to help out but doctors orders are that I only do 25 hours a week. I apologised to my manager for breaking down yesterday . I actually came home and spoke to my mum and then started hearing voices again. I really think stress brings it on. My new medication makes me seem more alert but I think it makes me more emotional. Looking forward to a relaxed weekend got some box sets to watch and going on a steam train tomo.
Thanks for popping by my thread Adam, sounds as though you are having a tough time, starting back at work isn't easy. Just remember one day at a time. And stick to the 25 hours the doctor has recommended, become confident in that, and then build it up if it is the right thing to do. I'm having trouble with emotions at present, but know that I must not try and run from them....everything will work out in the end. Enjoy your weekend and your trip tomorrow.
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