Cheers for post Duncan much appreciated. Another tough day at work, although lots of exercise. Day two of ten down at work horray.i like the idea of the secret Santa at home.
Hi Adam... and thanks for your support and yes if i'd of known 20 years ago what torture I was going to put myself through, then i;d surely have opted out there and then. But it is what it is, am still alive and if writing about my pain and misery (of which there has been alot) has helped others not to follow the same path... then thats got to be a good thing.
You seem to be on top of things at the moment. Keep up the positive momentum. And like you say exmas is about spending time with people, not transfixed with a gaming machine.
Regards.. S.A 🙂
Hi Sa sorry for tardy response not sure what I was up to yesterday lol. I'm sure ur diary has helped many many people as I shows how difficult gambling can make life. All the bed I hope this month u will be able to do sensible things with ur wage.
quite excited tonight as been looking at booking a holiday for may. As im not drinking, smoking or gambling i can afford a holiday this year. Going to Aiya Napa again woop woop. Wasnt going to have a holiday but looking at photos of past holidays last night its made me realise that the holidays bring forth great memories that last a life time so going to book the time off on monday then book it up. Horray
Evening diary, another relaxing weekend, went a walked round town yesterday and looked for holidays then today went to gym and rowed for forty mins then done some weights, boy am I feeling it now tho. One more week left at work then I'm off for Xmas horray. I'll pay for the holiday one hundred pounds each month till may then fifty pounds a month to spend on living easily achievable of late. Seventy pounds spent on Xmas presents this year and got them all for good prices and they will really like them. Good night
It sounds like you’re in a good place, Adam.
Aiya Napa will be great. Something to look forward to. Comgratulations on your continuous progress mate. You’re doing brilliantly.
16 weeks down and still going strong, day 7 of ten at work done today, still looking forward to my time off work. not much to add today
Superb going Adam.
Great to see you doing so well.
Thank you for posting on my diary Adam. I appreciate your support.
You are now 115 days gamble free which is a wonderful achievement requiring courage, determination and tenacity.
I am full of admiration for the excellent progress you are making and don't wish to be negative but please be on your guard. Last year you stumbled on 119 days which was followed 2 months later by a prolonged period of gambling - (Trigger 1). Next week you will be finishing work for a long christmas break with time on your hands and money in the bank - (Trigger 2).
Take care my friend. Stay strong, brave and defiant if ever the addiction is lurking in the shadows.
If ever you are feeling sad or vulnerable than just live with it because everything must pass and who knows what might be blowing in tomorrow's wind!
Respect and best wishes Adam from stephen
Thanks k2, thanks Stephen that's very very true hadn't thought about my relapse at 119 last time I thought I could just go to one days poker a week and not go on fruit machines lol, how wrong was I sixhundred pounds wasted due to that (enough for a weeks holiday). I will spend this years six hundred pounds on an actuall holiday to Kos. Just waiting for auauthoristion for booking it up. Day 8 of ten done at work today, feeling run down but alls good as only got two days to go then I can rest up for a couple of days then hit the gym. Horray. Cheers again peeps
Feeling down now, really down, ive got loads of holiday and absolutely nothing planned I'm more focused on not spending any money. Mates birthday today and their going out for drinks Saturday but I wont
Hello diary feeling better today, went to work, worked no n stop just stopped with ten minutes of shift left for a cuppa tea lol. Then went and saw my docter alls good there . She recommended asking for more hours in Jan with my review, I think its a good plan. Then tonight I've made plans to visit a friend to watch the spurs barca game so that'll give me something to look forward to. Lots of gym coming up everyday,
Glad to hear that you’re feeling better today, Adam. This journey does throw up it’s fair share of good days and bad ones. You have to just ride through those tough days and embrace the good ones.
You’ve come a long way from where you were at mate and you should be extremely proud of what you’ve achieved. Life will continue to get better and better for you.
Top man mate. Thanks for your continued support.
Hi Adam just seen your post on my diary sorry didnt reply sooner, its good to see you doing well mate keep it up and hopefully it will continue into 2019 and you can keep adding the gamble free days
Hi Oldham cheers, been off work one hour and can already feel the urges to meet up with old poker friends over Christmas. Tricky time to not drink really, so got to be vigilent. On plus side I'm off work now till the 27th horray.
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