Day 51.
I have not even felt close to having a bet since I last posted. That's probably why I am not posting much. It's just not entering my head. This feels like a world of difference to 2009 when I literally could not get through a day without having a bet without logging into here.
I've got a diary with the dates for the whole year across one page and it feels good circling each day as it passes bet-free.
As an aside I even heard an advert on the radio the other day encouraging listeners NOT to gamble destructively. Things are looking up.
Well done on 51 days Curly.
Keep it going mate.
All the best
Hi Curly,
Great to read that you've passed the 50 day milestone, and that you're feeling strong without the gambling temptations. As you said yourself, its not about how many times you fall to one knee on this journey, or slip along the path, its about picking yourself up, learning, and going on regardless.
Boxing's been a little bit dead over the last few months, but it really livened up last weekend with the two Brits fighting, even though they both lost. Another decent weekend ahead too. I must admit that my charity boxing bout was really rewarding, and while I learned in sparring (taking a whupping against the proper amateur boxers in the gym!) that I could never be anywhere near a decent boxer, having a scrap with a mate for fun was genuinely enjoyable, and it provided a focus for that whole month which I haven't had in a while.
Anyhow, keep up the good work, and feel free to drop by, whether you're thinking of gambling or just want to lament the fact that Mayweather v Pacquiao is five years too late, yet still the biggest fight of the year by a distance.
Hi Curly 10, congratulations on 8 weeks of winning 🙂
I'm just dropping by to thank you for your support on my diary as I'm gonna be checking out for a bit!
Stay strong - ODAAT
How you doing Curly. Are you getting through this difficult week? I really miss the festival. My own fault that I can't gamble sensibly like normal people!
All is good with me. New job in April, getting the house sorted and looking forward to the cricket season. My golf is on the back burner, that said, I'm golfing down near Brighton this weekend. My first few rounds of the year.
I hope you can get it this time. It's strange when it happens. The penny finally drops.
Take care, Russ
Quick check-in.
I've still not placed a bet in 2015. About 70 days now I think. Delighted to have got through this week in particular. Cheltenham was always one of my big punting weeks. Not anymore. Even the constant barrage of TV and Radio adverts fell on deaf ears.
Happy days.
Day 99.
I can honestly say that I've breezed through to this stage. Until today. Today was hard for some reason. It must be that old cricketing cliche of the nervous nineties. I sold some tickets to a mate last night for £100 and I completely forgot about it until I opened my wallet earlier. A tough day in work and lo and behold the demon rears it's head seeking to persuade me to turn that £100 into a bit more. It was touch and go for a while but the common sense side of me won through. I'm not throwing away 99 days for a cheap thrill.
I may have edged one to the slips but thankfully it did not carry. Tomorrow I'll be raising my bat.
Hi curly more balloons floating by fantastic going. 99 days.
Here's to raising your bat tomorrow, well done
Suzanne xxx
Hi Curly,
Massive congrats to you on passing that 100 day Mark,
I hope you raised your bat very high, and are very proud of yourself. because you have done something amazing.
Have a lovely gambling free day.
Suzanne xxx
Thanks Suzanne.
I actually went into a betting shop on Monday. A bet I'd placed back in December on a future event came to fruition. A very rare winner which we all had from time to time. The only difference this time being that those 'winnings' are not being handed back. I felt a real sense of achievement getting in and out of there unscathed.
I've nothing else still running so that's me done. What a great end it would be to my gambling life if I could end on a winning note.
I like the sound of that.
Time for an update.
Things are going incredibly well. Something feels very different this time to previous attempts that I have made to give up gambling. I'm nearing 150 days now and I've no thoughts whatsoever about having a bet. I still pop by the diaries most days for a nose. I miss my old friends on here but I'm so glad that the reason they are not around is that they are continuing to win their own battles. I feel like 'Red' in the Shawshank Redemption when Andy and his buddies are no longer around!
Redemption. I'll have a bit of that.
I hear you're a man who knows how to get things?
I'm back in that five hundred yards of stuff at the moment, but that is relapse and recovery for you. Well done on heading towards the 150 days, hope that different feeling is a positive one that means its going to be permanent.
All the best
Having spent a week in Zihuatanejo a few years ago (I was attending a wedding in Mexico City, and thought it'd be crazy not to go there!) I can confirm the blue of the water is amazing, the sand is golden, and while there are now a few more bars along the beachfront, there are no bookies, at least in the area I stayed in!
I'd go back to work there in a heartbeat!
Hi Curly,
An amazing 149 days today, the big 150 tomorrow,
Great going
Suzanne xxx
Just popping by and great to see you doing so well. I miss our drinks up on the prison roof, but sometimes it's time to move on! I'll be waiting for you at an amazing golf club in the near future, shining up the classic mizuno blades! You never know, Jeff, Seano or wp may join us!
On a serious note, well done buddy. From my experience, it never leaves us....but it can be managed.
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