Time to stop

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99 not out.....

Posted : 4th May 2016 8:01 am
Posts: 1831

Wooohhhhoo damo....x

Posted : 4th May 2016 8:14 am
Posts: 0

Hello......im kind of new to all of this but felt the need to share with others....im not at that point with my partner or family yet im feeling very stupid and ashamed.....this is the first day i want to stop.....ive gone from winnings of 13k to now a loss of 5k on the space of 1 week! I cant believe i have been so daft and reckless.....im lucky in the fact im not in the red with my bank and i have good credit elsewhere and a decent paid job but mentally i havent been able to stop beating myself up the last few days and feel so ashamed and disgusted to be so reckless.....all through combination of greed and boredom and chasing a small loss that turns into chasing a big loss.....today is the first day i have vowed to make a change.....i just hope things turn out ok

Posted : 4th May 2016 8:31 am
Posts: 0

Hey Damo well done on reaching day 100. Onwards sand upwards.

Posted : 5th May 2016 7:05 am
Posts: 1831

Pint on the bar for you damo
Massive well done on the 100 days love xxx

Posted : 5th May 2016 8:19 am
Posts: 480
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Thanks guys....really appreciate your comments as always 🙂

Well day 100 is here and to be honest it just feels like another day...another day of not gambling that is though.

As I've said before I read a lot on here and one of the better posters on here has mentioned that stopping gambling, or saying you want to stop gambling, is not really enough and you need to tackle the underlying issues that cause you to do it. I don't think there is a set way that this has to be done and everyone has to right to do it in anyway they choose fit but until you have done this I'm not sure that you will ever be able to move on fully.
Personally I do this through 1 2 1 counselling and will continue to do this until I feel like I can actually look at myself in the mirror and think maybe I am not that bad. I have done some terrible things in my life, things that haunt me daily but I am starting to think maybe its time to forgive myself and move on. Time for me to become a better son, grandson, partner and most importantly father.

There is so many good people on here and I thank everyone for sharing their story as they have all helped me.

100 up and here's to the next 100.

Have a great day everyone!!!!

Posted : 5th May 2016 8:41 am
Posts: 832

Congratulations Damo and good post


Posted : 5th May 2016 1:24 pm
Posts: 0

Hi there lovely Damo, so sorry I'm late to the party but a huge belated congratulations in reaching that magic number! Keep up the good work and thanks for your post on my diary - our Mum's rock, eh?

Take care pal xx

Posted : 9th May 2016 10:24 pm
Posts: 480
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Thank Annie 🙂

Day 107

Spent last two days stuck in bed with a sickness bug of some sort....made worse by the fact that I'm away at work and on my own.

On a positive note the family are all coming up tomorrow to spend the weekend in the lakes with me....and even better the weather forecast looks good....who would have believed it :).

Have a good weekend everyone.

Posted : 12th May 2016 6:15 pm
Posts: 1831

Have a great weekend with the family damo....build some good memories. ...your doing great x

Posted : 13th May 2016 8:06 am
Posts: 0

Hope you're feeling better Damo and hope that you had a fab weekend with the family. Life's so much better when we are gamble free.

Take care pal xx

Posted : 15th May 2016 9:58 pm
Posts: 0

Hi Damien , many thanks for the post , always appreciated and it's always good to hear from you .

Well done on all the 111's today , it's a superb achievement and one you should be very proud of ! , hope your feeling a bit better after last week and things remain all good in your world .

Best wishes for now ..................Alan

Posted : 16th May 2016 11:22 am
Posts: 0

Hi, Damo,

Just seen your post on Deano's thread which prompts me to ask the obvious question? There's been no mention of it either way. I'm not trying to catch you out, no need to reply if you don't want to, it's not my business. But if not, maybe challenge your thinking as previously?


Posted : 19th May 2016 5:18 pm
Posts: 480
Topic starter

4 months ago today I placed my last bet ever. Been a topsy turvy few months with a lot of ups and downs but things are slowly starting to improve.

Through counselling I am starting to deal with the issues that cause me to gamble......

I have done some awful things in my life tomy ex partners, friends and family, things that still haunt me but now I think it's time I start to let these things go and to start moving forward.

I'm not a bad person if you take gambling away from me.....that's the person I want to be now.

Thanks to everyone for their continued support.


Posted : 26th May 2016 7:27 am
Posts: 1831

Well done damo. ..
We all have to forgive ourselfs from the pain our gambling addiction caused to f/f. ..I can remember saying to my counsellor that was the hardest but for me to move on from....the losses...well that was just money...but the hurt took longer....but it has passed it's worse...very occasionally I do get a little pang. ...but like an urge...but I kindly tell myself...that's done...that's dusted. ..I've put right the wrongs...I've said the apologies....I can't do anymore...so I think it's another thing that has to be let go off....so we can move on in our recoveries....we can't turn the clock back...the only was is forward....we can use the memories of the bad times to also keep us on our toes...use them as another block...a mental block...we've moved on now...we're all lovely good people without a come addiction in our head...pheeww...we're did all that come from lol...xx

Posted : 26th May 2016 7:39 am
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