Well done on the 4 months and the counselling. Here's to the next month.
Diary it is now Day 131 and still no gambling.
Spent the last 2 weeks writing down all the bad things that I've done because of gambling as I'm struggling to let them go....I must admit it wasn't a nice thing to do....some painful memories there.
I've started to do a timeline with my counsellor and it did feel good gettin some of the stuff out in the open....there are some thing I haven't ever told anyone.
Life has certainly improved ten fold for me these days....took my step son out for a cycle along the canal and for some crazy golf on Saturday and then had the paddling pool out today for the kids. I've been struggling a little with concentration in work so really need to get my head down from tomorrow.
Talking of work I declined the euro sweep stake as I am sticking to no gambling if any form. Feel pretty strong about doing it that way at the moment....only way for me to deal with it.
Hope everyone has enjoyed the good weather as much as I have.
Hey damo...great to see your still going strong...
Sounds like you had a nice time with step son...that's lovely...
Amazing how life improves without the gambling....take care x
Day 140 (20 weeks)
Still going strong and head is in a far better place than it has been in a long time. Still got a long way to go but taking it one day at a time.
Take care everyone.
Hi Damo,
150 days are here. Keep racking them up. It's a long but fruitful journey, great to see you still fighting your way onwards and upwards.
Day 151
Sad day when you see some of the more positive posters feeling they have to leave.
I can see where they are coming from as there are some awful posts being written on here recently...such a shame as this used to be a positive place where people took constructive criticism and used it in the right way.
Hi Damo, huge congrats on 150 days gamble free. I read your story this morning and can relate alot to it.
I now log on here just about every morning and night, times when I used to gamble online. The forum is a great tool for recovery and a shame to see people considering leaving. I for one will not. I couldn't have done the first 2 months gamble free without it and know I need it for the future.
All the best on your continued recovery. Have a great weekend gamble free.
Hey damo...mahoosive well done on flying past the 150 days...respect to you ...x
And thankyou for the birthday wishes...x
Morning Damo,
How are things going? Not seen you post recently just hoping you are still gamble free.
If not, don't stay away and don't hesitate to get back on here for support.
Hi damo just thought I would drop in a say a massive well done on 167 days of winning keep smashing them in pal
Well diary it's been a couple of weeks. Been going through a mixture of emotions so decided to write down what I've been thinking and what I've been talking over with my counsellor recently.
It's been 160 odd days since my last bet and I honestly thought I'd feel a little better about things by now...am I over thinking things, probably, but I still feel pretty down about life in general.
I'm not enjoying my job, which I loved, very much at the moment and finding it very hard to get motivated.
I wish I could say I have told my partner everything but once a coward always a coward....well for now anyway. I have told her I was gambling to much and that I have now stopped and told her that if she saw or heard of me betting then to tell me to stop.....I was in a way hoping she would ask me more about it, but she didn't and as usually a took the cowards way out and kept it to myself. One day I will step up and tell her.....she deserves that!!
I have been making small changes to my life and all for the better.....doing a lot more with the kids and with my partner so in general things are much better.
Financially things are better as well and although a large debt lingers in the background I have sorted out long pay methods. We have a 2 week family holiday coming up soon and then I'm going to Munich for a stag and then taking my partner to Barcelona for her birthday so it's not all doom and gloom even if it feels like it at times.
Gambling doesn't really come into my head anymore as I know it was just a cover for me not wanting to deal with my issues.....and i am trying to work through these even if it's not going as quickly as i would like.
Feel after this length with no bets I should be more positive but just writing with honesty how I feel just now.
Hey Deano just saw your messaged as I finished mine mate. Thanks for the shout out as always. Good to see you about the site again.
Hi Damo , not been on here much of late but just caught your post , well done mate on doing so well , it's great to see you going for nearly 6 months and still moving forward , it's not easy and sometimes we imagine after a certain period of time it's going to become all singing and dancing , I felt like you have for a while after a few months , like I'd reached a certain point and why wasn't I feeling wonderfull about everything around me but then realised that " It's just normal life " and that in itself is something we haven't had for a while and were not really used to dealing with everyday situations and feelings because theyv'e been buried by gambling for so long .
It gets better mate I can assure you , " Normals " really good once we accept it for what it is and start living again and beleive me it's a whole lot better than all the ups and downs and twisted emotions that gambling brings to the party .
Draw on all your positives mate and move forward , looking to a great future and the new journey and challenges that lie before you , accept it , let it in and love every moment , good or bad .
Take it easy my friend , like you said " No need to overthink things " ?
Respect and best wishes , AL
You will enjoy it damo it's a great read. It's only a fiver in playstore
Another good read is sniper one
It's not gambling related but it's a great page turner
Morning Damo,
just catching up on your diary. you sound like you have a nice few holidays and trips planned! thats something to look forward too! ive been to a stag do in munich and it was brilliant, we had a great time.
Although youre feeling down with work, just picture yourself 160 odd days ago when you were gambling, life sounds so much better for you now.
keep on fighting mate
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