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Hi Shaun,

It was really good 2 catch up with u in chat 2nite, thanks 4 all ur kind words 🙂

4 months gamble free, u r doing brilliant!

Enjoy ur celebrations... and ur drink or 2 lol

Stay strong xx

Posted : 6th June 2012 9:03 pm
Posts: 0

Hi Shaun, thank u 4 ur kind words on my diary 🙂

No worries, ahhhhh bless her. They r sooo worth it tho 🙂

U r doing brilliant Shaun 🙂

I think its gr8 u r gonna support ur m8, with ur help he will do well 🙂

Take care xx

Posted : 7th June 2012 9:17 pm
Posts: 0
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Well been a very busy few weeks with work and other things so gambling hasn't been a thought which is brilliant.

Again things haven't been good with the other half not sure if its down to gambling but either way im not letting it get me down as don't want to feel gambling is the answer because we all know gamble is not the answer.

Have managed to get into chat a couple of night and it really does help talking to some friends.

So mixed feelings really, happy that I have got to 4 months without a slip but on the other hand I have to stay focused as proven on here it just takes one moment and thing can be back to square one.

How long do we stay focused for is a question I keep asking myself, is thins with me for the rest of my life or does there come a time when it becomes easyier?

Thanks for taking the time to read my diary.

Best regards


Posted : 7th June 2012 9:24 pm
Posts: 0

HI Shaun,

thanks for the post no worries about not saying bye on chat. You are doing really well and your so right gambling is never the answer its much harder to stand up and face things rather than hide behind gambling, but thats what your doing each day. Carry on mate things will carry on improving and for me it is getting easier.

Blondie day 45

Posted : 7th June 2012 10:41 pm
Posts: 0

Hey Shaun, thank u 4 ur kind words on my diary. It means alot 🙂

U r doing brilliant , u should be soooo proud of urself!

I hope u'v had a gr8 wknd 🙂

Stay strong and keep going xx

Posted : 10th June 2012 6:14 pm
Posts: 0
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Hey Char,

Thanks been another busy weekend worked yesterday and taken girls swimming today, the baby really doesn't like water so we are trying to get her to like it lol so good to spend some family time though.

Hers to another gamble free week we can do it mate keep at it I have up most faith we will beat this!!

Best regards


Posted : 10th June 2012 10:41 pm
Posts: 0

Hi Shaun,

I'm glad u had a gr8 wknd with ur family 🙂

Yeah, I agree we can do this 🙂

Stay strong, speak soon xx

Posted : 11th June 2012 10:25 pm
Posts: 0

Hey Shaun,

Thank u soooo much 4 u support and kind words on my diary. It means alot.

U r doing brilliant Shaun, people like u keep me strong and give me hope 🙂

U r making ur loved ones proud Shaun, u r rite we can do this!!

U r inspirational, keep going Shaun and stay strong xx

Posted : 14th June 2012 9:46 pm
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Thanks char for your kind word really does help that someone can see that I am trying my best.

Well it's four and a half month's now and things are getting better me and the other half have sorted things out hopefully no more arguing, it's quite funny while driving past a bookies where as once I had to go inside now it just sends shivers up my spine quite weird but I guess a good sign.

Well since I have stopped one of my pals can see the benifits of not gambling and has opened up admitting e has a problem also spoke to his mum when she told him the real reason why she left his dad can you guess? Yes he was addicted to gambling so this has both help myself and him made it hit home that I could lose everything if I go back to my old ways.

Tomorrow is pay day and was once a day I dreaded as all the money would be gone straight away but now I look forward to it as I know I have paid my bills and shaved some of my debts, it's my little ones 4th birthday on Sunday so I am going to buy her a couple of extra toys it beats putting it in any machine 🙂

Right I'm going to stop rambling on, I hope everyone is managing to stay strong.

Posted : 14th June 2012 10:33 pm
Posts: 0

Hi Shaun,

I'm sooo glad that things have got better for u 🙂

U r doing brilliant and should be soooo proud of urself!

Treating ur little girl is soooo much more rewarding than gambling, u r rite. Ur little ones r lucky to have a dad like u, I hope ur little girl as a gr8 bday 🙂

Each day we don't gamble is a better 1. We can do this Shaun 🙂

Have a gr8 day and stay strong xx

Posted : 15th June 2012 9:42 am
Posts: 0
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Morning everyone,

Thanks char for your kind words I appreciate it. 🙂

Yesterday was a testing day as I thought It would be at one point I thought to myself 'if I give one of the lads some money and they put a bet on that way it wouldn't be me doing it' but luckily I soon snapped out of it and the urge passed. I think it's just with all the football thats on at the mo and constant adverts on either tv or the radio about best odds an all that jazz.

So I can take strength in know I have the will power to say no and be happy gamble free.

Another one of my mates has admitted he has a problem and last night while watching footy we had a good chat about being gamble free and keeping an eye on each other.

So all in all a good day, got little ones party today so hopefully any though of gambling will be at the back of my mind.

Here's to a good day everyone and let make it gamble free for us all.

Best regards


Posted : 16th June 2012 9:47 am
Posts: 0

Morning ,

Well done for making the right choice yesterday.

If you had of got a mate to put that bet on, it would have still been the same as dipping your toe into the quick sand , and soon it may well of been your foot , then before you new it you would have been upto your knock in it.

Recovery is never an easy journey but as we travel along it, over the testing ground , we gain strength to fight the bigger challenges when they arrive .

It's great you have a mate you can support and who can support you, the more tools we use to fight this dam addiction the better as far as I am concerned.

Hope your party goes well, jelly and ice cream all round.

Have a good one

Dusty xx

Posted : 16th June 2012 10:18 am
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Thanks dusty your right would have been a nightmare if I had done it, crazy how our brains work trying to think of ways to get a bet on grr.

Yea it does help as thy were the people I would gamble with and now they are seeing the fruits of not gambling and have joined me makes things that little bit easier.

Finger crossed party is ok 15 screaming kids running around will be fun lol.

Hope things are good with your self.



Posted : 16th June 2012 10:29 am
Posts: 0

Hi Shaun,

Well done 4 resisting yesterday, u should be sooo prouf of urself!

I'm glad u and ur mates r helping each other out, hopefully it will make it easier for u all!

I hope ur little one as a gr8 bday and party, u may need some ear plugs lol 🙂

U r doing brilliant 🙂

Stay strong and keep going xx

Posted : 16th June 2012 10:55 am
Posts: 0

Hi Shaun,

Thanks 4 ur kind words on my diary. It means alot right now 🙂

I hope u r ok 🙂

Stay strong and take care xx

Posted : 19th June 2012 11:12 pm
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