Hi I just wanted to do a little post about the reviews universal credit are doing at the moment. I know alot of people with a gambling addiction are going to be scared about these reviews, having to show 4 months bank statements, whilst being a gambling addict is going to be so scary and stressful for so many people on here. I wanted to give my sisters experience to everyone, she has given me permission, and I know each reviewing officer is different so it would be really good to hear other peoples experiences too, good or bad.
Myself and my sister have a gambling addiction. My sister has just had her review. She was spending every bit of money she had on gambling, her child benefit, universal credit, pip, most of it was going on gambling. She had hundreds if not more transactions to gambling sites, money coming into her bank that she had won, then most of it , if not all off it going back to gambling sites. The reviewing officer she had was so nice. I was with my sister supporting her when she had the phone call, she broke down, told them she had a huge problem. The officer reassured her that her money wouldn't stop, and encouraged her to get help, he advised many things to her, these are just some
*blocking gambling sites with her bank and bank card
*getting help from gamcare
*signing up to sites like gamstop
*getting advice from stepchange and citizens advice for the debt shes got herself into
*making an appointment with her gp and admitting how depressed she is and asking about therapy
He said you would be very surprised with how many of these reviews have showed people struggling with gambling addiction, that the figures are shocking, apparently every 1 in 5 reviews they do show a gambling addiction.
I have my review coming up soon, after an awful relapse, and although I feel calmer after my sisters review, its still a worry, so would be really good to hear other peoples experience.
Advisors, I'm not sure if I've posted this in the right part of the forum.
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