Was ВЈ50k, now £14k in debt May 1st 2015 day one

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Keep up the good work Dave

Posted : 15th March 2011 3:53 pm
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Day 43 done no problems!!

Night night allxx

Posted : 15th March 2011 11:06 pm
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Day 45 is coming to an end!!

I have been working in London again this week, and I cannot beleive how many bookies there are, every other shop is a bookies!! Then just to test my resolve I have a 16th floor hotel room in the Hilton and when I look down all I can see is a Billy Hilly and Corol reef!!

Keep going all, I will not buckle

Posted : 17th March 2011 5:59 pm
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Day 46 and part of 47 done!!

Its been a tough week, as I have been working in London and as I mentioned every other shop seems to be a bookies!! I mentioned it to a colleague of mine who does not gamble and lives in london and he said he had never really seen it like that, but obviously as a addicted gambler looking to stop the shops stand out a mile. Luckliiy I did not go in, although I was looking through the windows as I walked past and I just wante dto shout at the people in them, stop you will never win!!

50 days is looming and payday is on Monday again, I have managed to do one payday without gambling and I am so positive I will do anothner no problem.

Enjoy the sunny weekend people xx

Posted : 19th March 2011 2:24 pm
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Day 47 done

47 passed without issue, and now I am on 48 only 2 away from the 50 mark!!

Today I am playing football then spending the day with my family, so I will again not have chance to gamble.

I am in such a good place at present, and even my wife seems to have changed her attitude latley!!! but I think maybe its because the lies have stopped, and I am now actually listening to her, as opposed to just doing what I want to do.

The reason I come on here is I was shopping with the wife yesterday, and in the past I would be sweating when we are going around, saying we dont need that etc etc as I was worried my card would get turned down at the till. So I would make my family go without stuff just to feed my addiction??? How crazy is this??!! I would argue with her in the aisles, just because I was worried about the money, but I would make her put back a 1 pound item, but then go and blow 2k in an afternoon session at the casino and it did not bother me. Its strange how as a gambler you can justify spending thousands on a turning wheel and a little ball, but then you cannot justify spendinga pound on kids shampoo for example!!!

I am never going back to that place, ever. Some of my mates went to Cheltenham last week, and invited me. I obviousley turned it down. Then yesterday at football, two of them were bragging about how much they had won, and I just wanted to say to them you have won nothing, its just borrowed until the next time you gamble. Or its not winnings its just a small portion of what you have given them over the years. I ended up just walking away, as I could feel myself getting angry with them, but maybe they just gamble for fun, who knows ?

Off to get ready for football, hopefully I will get 90 mins again!!

Posted : 20th March 2011 8:24 am
Posts: 0

thank you thank you thank you


have fun at the footie... beautiful day for it... i shall be cycling some of the strawberry line later!!

good to hear about your family life improving... amazing how gambling impacts on so many other things in your life isnt it?

take care,

thanks again



Posted : 20th March 2011 9:34 am
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Day 48 is over!!

Played 90 mins of footy, then had a couple of beers in a very sunny beer garden then a lovely roast, what else does a man need in life!!!

Still feel great, and now not missing the gambling as much as I did.

Why did i waste so many hours of my life trans fixed to a machine designed to steal my money ??

Posted : 20th March 2011 8:06 pm
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Day 49 or 7 Weeks over!!

I was so focused on the 50 day mark, that I forgot about the 7 week mark and as the 50 days is here tomorrow!!!, I am now turning my target to ten weeks or 70 days. So 11th April will be that 70 day or 10 week mark hit. As i sit here now I am 100 per cent focused on this. The urges to gamble are fading day by day, tonight I switched the TV on and saw the football and had a quick thought come in my head, I could have won some money on this, then I laughed and said in my head dont be an idiot!!! and then switched the TV over.

50 days tomorrow !!!

Posted : 21st March 2011 9:59 pm
Posts: 0

50 days... o*g well done you!!

sounds like you've got things cracked... stay strong dave.

i'm feeling much more focused and in control again now... not sure why i let myself down... but hey... it's done with and i've got to just look forward!!

take care



Posted : 21st March 2011 10:14 pm
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Day 50 done and dusted!!! 10 weeks is now my big target

Thanks Jen for the post, its always nice to get a post!!!

I have just been on chat and it has depressed me loads, and in the end I had to come off. There was an idiot on there, who I swear was just on to take the pi55 out of us all. In the end I just came off, which is a shame as I never get a chance to go on Chat, so not a happy bunny, but I will not gamble so I feel good about that. Been keeping really busy at work and tomorrow is my yearly apprisal, so fingers crossed I may get a pay rise which would be amazing!!!

I will let you all know the outcome, sleep tight all and happy none gambling to you all

Posted : 22nd March 2011 8:51 pm
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Day 51 completed without a problem!!

Just tought I would check in and say all is good at the start of my 52nd gamble free day, and just to say why did I not do this years ago ?? How silly have I been for the last 20 years??? I have spent alot of time in the past two days reading peoples diarys, and searching for storys on internet of FBOT watching videos on you tube, and this just drills it home that you will never beat the industry, it does not matter how hard you try you will never win, simple as that. I honestly beleived I could win/beat the system I thought I was the special one who knew how to win, just because I had won big a few times I thought I could do it again, I thought I had a system after a red 7 was a red 27, the ball always fell 3 numbers down form the previous number etc etc. The truth is we will never beat the system and we will never win as we cannot stop, it is borrowed money and they know this.

Rant over and on with Day 52

Posted : 24th March 2011 10:39 am
Posts: 0

thanx for your post dave... always good to know that others are interested in how we're all doing... ty

i am indeed loving the sunshine... makes me realise what a beautiful place we have moved to... it really is quite stunning here when you take the time to look around you!!

lots of walks / cycles on the strawberry line i think!!

take care and well done on your 52 days



Posted : 24th March 2011 8:06 pm
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Day 52 passed without issue

I also managed to play football again, which is 3 games in 9 days!! considering I had not played for nearly two years I am really pleased with myself, but I have to say knees ankles back all killing me, but not as much pian as losing a grand in the bookies!!!

So on with day 53, I have a day off and we are spending it as a family, hopefuly the good weather will continue and we can have some fun!

Keep going my friends

Posted : 25th March 2011 7:50 am
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Day 53 rinsed!!

No slips, no thoughts or urges, today has been easy!!

As I have told you in the past I always spend the weekends with wife and kids so no chance to gamble for at least 2 days, which will take me even closer to 10 weeks or my 70 day target!! if ai get here my next target will be 100 days then I will up it to 150 days etc etc.

I hope the sun is shining where you are, and I wish you all a gamble free weekend

PS - sorry if this reads like I am being a show off, but I cannot help but be happy for myself, as 54 days ago I would spend a min of 4 hours a day in the bookies/casino and would think nothing of losing 500-1000 pounds a day. To go this long is amazing and such an acheivement, but I will not lose sight of the fact it could creep up and suck me back in at any time!!

Posted : 25th March 2011 6:04 pm
Posts: 0

dont think that... be proud of your achievement... i'm proud of you!!

are you playing football this weekend?? i must ask how old you are dave?? as worried about you injuring urself with all this footie!!! lol... only joking you

keep strong and enjoy the weather this weekend



Posted : 25th March 2011 7:00 pm
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