Why "I'm not reallly an addict!!"

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Of course I'm not realllly an addict. What's a few pounds in the slots? Who does it really harm? Its only a bit of fun! I can stop anytime I like. Its my life and I'll live it as I see fit. People should mind their own business and not interfere with what I'm doing. The thought of playing the slots only enters my head every few hours. Its totally normal to have flashbacks about the "big win" lights and sounds!!

Wow, there are some really creative excuses out there and I think I've used them all in my time. I have never thought of myself as an addict and that is part of the problem. I knew it wasnt true when I installed blocking software and then spent hours thinking of ways around it (successfully unfortunately!!). When my kids started questioning my time on the computer I would snap at them and come up with one of my creative excuses to make them feel like the guilty ones. When I counted up what I have spent in the last couple of months (thats how long I have been playing online slots) it is probably not a huge amount to some people but it is to me, a single parent of 5 children and responsibilities. So now I'm going to use all that creativity to find positive alternatives to gambling. I'm not going to wallow in self destructive thoughts or "what if's". I'm going to stay upbeat and learn from my mistakes. I was going to ask you to wish me luck but I "bet" that would be out of order 🙂 ......................... Don't worry, the puns will improve over time 🙂

Posted : 23rd December 2015 12:09 pm
Posts: 0

Hi ya noobie, what about, I don't drink, I don't smoke, why shouldn't I spend my money gambling, followed by, it's not like I have a problem or anything :-0

Welcome to the diary section, I have found humour a very successful tool in my recovery, not that you are probably feeling very funny @ the moment!

If you've found your way round the blocks, how about starting your journey with exclusions? I know it's still gambling related but it will keep you occupied for some considerable time I believe! GT has a thread on Tips for keeping busy, not that you need that with 5 (o*g 5, how do you get any time to yourself) little ones?

Looks like you're about to give yourself the best Christnas present ever...Recovery! MERRY CHRISTMAS!

Good to have you on board, time to get your life back - ODAAT

Posted : 23rd December 2015 12:38 pm
Posts: 651

I have 3 children and my house is madness lol i couldnt imagine 5 with gambling getting to me at same time.good you dont have to worry bout that anymore and you
can give all your attention to kids.goodluck in your recovery and have good xmas and newyear 😉

Posted : 23rd December 2015 2:20 pm

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