Yannis Diary

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So here it is after months of stop starting and falling short of my goal to give up and become gf i have decided to join this forum.

Im not one to discuss my feelings with other people (face to face) but i know i need some serious help to get through this.

I have got myself into a mess financially and have borrowed thousands upon thousands to keep this addiction going. Sometimes i win and sometimes i lose but it just doesnt affect me anymore.

I think the hardest realisation for me is that Gambling has affected me more than i originally thought it would have. I have realised that through this last few years it has caused me to lie to family, relationships and to myself. It has caused me depresion and with this i have ended up massively over weight.

From today i am going to tackle both my problems and live a healthier, happier life and enjoy the things that matter the most to me... my family and my child.

I know this is going to be hard and i know im going to face some tough battles especially facing up to the financial mess i have put myself upon selfishly and without the knowledge of my partner.

My only saving grace is that i know if i can stick to this i can be completely debt free and gf in 30 months. I also know that if i can stick to not gambling that within this 30 month period i would have regained my confidence and hopefully have tackled my weight problem.

All i can think about is that every time im in the bookies gambling is that im wasting away my 2 year olds future life as with the hundreds/thousands i waste each month could give her and us so much more in return than a quick hit of a buzz of winning.

Today is my first day. I will report back to you every day. I am addicted to gambling and addicted to an unhealthy lifestyle. Today is the start of something new.

Posted : 13th January 2017 5:57 pm
Posts: 0

Good luck to you. Well done for facing up to it. Always remember why you came here, you can do it.


Posted : 13th January 2017 9:17 pm
Posts: 0
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Been a few days now without gambling. It hasn't crossed my mind too much. Just facing the reality of the debts that I have accrued over the passed 2 years.

It's actually very frightening to look at the sums that I have actually wasted on something. It is very stressful knowing that I have had to keep this away from my partner but I have sat down and realistically calculated that within 30 months I will be debt free.

This has also spurred me on to start to focus on losing weight and having a healthier lifestyle. I think both my addiction to gambling and food have stemmed from one another. I gamble because I'm overweight and it gives me a buzz. And I over eat as I'm down and depressed about the level of gambling and financial pressure in putting on myself.

i truly believe that they both go hand in hand and I know I need to tackle them both!!!

Posted : 17th January 2017 1:10 am

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