Gambling problems #please read

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I have been gambling for about 15 years. The reason why I started gambling was to make extra money. I have always been fed up of renting property and I am the sort of person who craved success. I was always open to business opportunities etc as long as I would be successful I would be happy. Now, we all know how difficult it is to get on the property ladder. You can't make money from a bank as interest is so low. This is why I turned to gambling. Youngsters do not have a chance in this world and more and more people turn to gambling unaware of the consequences. The longer this goes on the worse it is going to be. The people to blame is the government. They are promoting gambling more and more. We turn the tv on and there is a gambling advert on! What's even worse is the roulette and FOBT! Luckily my downfall was live sport action. I have not had a bet for sometime now. The only way you can make money is by working and being patient. I have had lots of ups and downs with gambling, massive wins and lots of small losses but all you do over time is give the big win back. Enough is enough and I can safely say I am done with it all. I also have evidence that horse racing and greyhound racing is fixed! I wouldn't be surprised if even football is fixed. We all know if professionals match fixing in numerous countries. All they do is get a tap on the wrist but what about 'your' money? Will you get it back? Of course not! The bookmakers are the most dirtiest cheating places in the country. You can never get your money on due to restricting accounts if you win regularly. You can't beat them so why let them beat you? It's not worth it! I want everyone to avaoid bookmakers and let them go bust! We don't need them. Sport will still exist! Look at the amount of money in sport. How much does the average footballer get paid? Please take note of this post. I want to help all people if you have and questions or advice please feel free to reply to this.

Posted : 17th February 2017 2:29 pm
Posts: 11
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Please read

I have been gambling for about 15 years. The reason why I started gambling was to make extra money. I have always been fed up of renting property and I am the sort of person who craved success. I was always open to business opportunities etc as long as I would be successful I would be happy. Now, we all know how difficult it is to get on the property ladder. You can't make money from a bank as interest is so low. This is why I turned to gambling. Youngsters do not have a chance in this world and more and more people turn to gambling unaware of the consequences. The longer this goes on the worse it is going to be. The people to blame is the government. They are promoting gambling more and more. We turn the tv on and there is a gambling advert on! What's even worse is the roulette and FOBT! Luckily my downfall was live sport action. I have not had a bet for sometime now. The only way you can make money is by working and being patient. I have had lots of ups and downs with gambling, massive wins and lots of small losses but all you do over time is give the big win back. Enough is enough and I can safely say I am done with it all. I also have evidence that horse racing and greyhound racing is fixed! I wouldn't be surprised if even football is fixed. We all know if professionals match fixing in numerous countries. All they do is get a tap on the wrist but what about 'your' money? Will you get it back? Of course not! The bookmakers are the most dirtiest cheating places in the country. You can never get your money on due to restricting accounts if you win regularly. You can't beat them so why let them beat you? It's not worth it! I want everyone to avaoid bookmakers and let them go bust! We don't need them. Sport will still exist! Look at the amount of money in sport. How much does the average footballer get paid? Please take note of this post. I want to help all people if you have and questions or advice please feel free to reply to this.

Posted : 17th February 2017 2:31 pm
Posts: 0

I think the suggestion that bookies 'cheat' punters is a dangerous one. To me, by claiming that sports or FOBTs are 'rigged', you are shifting the blame away from yourself and portraying yourself as the 'victim' of a corrupt system. One of the most important steps at the beginning of recovery is to accept that you have a problem and can't control your gambling, if you start shifting the focus towards the fact you were 'cheated' out of the money then you are not addressing the root cause.

At the risk of sounding like a broken record, whilst there are isolated instances of 'fixing' in a number of sports, bookies do not 'cheat' their punters. Every sports bet, every spin on roulette and every horse race has a margin which makes the bookies profits. Take a Win/Lose/Draw bet, the odds on the three outcomes will not add up to 1, take the odds of all the horses in a race and, again, they will add up to <1, finally, that green square on the roulette wheel, THAT is the bookies margin.

Bookies do not need to cheat because the odds are in their favour, all they need is a constant stream of punters willing to place their bets.

Why is this important? Because, as I started off by saying, by blaming bookies and becoming 'victims' we are ignoring the REAL problem which is addiction. Yes, property prices are insane and interest on savings is pathetic but, as a CG, the deposit on a house could be fifty quid but, chances are, we'd gamble that away anyway. As for what footballers get paid, yes it is obscene, but that's market forces for you and, to be fair, they are plying a skill of which there is limited supply (even then they are not immune to it, look at Michael Owen and many others, gambling ISN'T a financial problem).

Let's stop looking for a scapegoat to pin our addiction on, it is OUR responsibility to sort it out. If you want to blame Ldabroeks, Coarls, Kris Kamara, Ray Winston, House Prices, Interest Rates, The Minimum Wage or Tony Blair then go for it but, until you are happy to accept that you are a victim of your own choices, you cannot expect to begin to recover.

Posted : 20th February 2017 2:34 pm
Posts: 0

Great comments Phil very true the recovery start with the individual once the addiction has been accepted by the person then the hard work will begin.

Great post


Posted : 21st February 2017 3:03 pm
Posts: 0

Thanks Malc,

It wasn't meant to be negative but blaming outside factors for addiction is avoiding the issue.

Thanks again.

Posted : 21st February 2017 3:57 pm
Posts: 0

I agree with Phil. I know for a fact if I gambled tonight and won enough money to pay off all my debts, replace my savings and have a few grand left over - it would eventually gamble it away. Which is quite incredible really? If I was able to change my life and essentially fix the mistakes, then I would ruin it.

The way I look at it is money is just an outer shell. Yes, having it feels good but underneath the problem is still there no matter how big your outer shell is. Which is why it really is vital to figure out how to help get to grips with what fuels your gambling and how you can start to recover.

There's tons of tips on here, the chatroom has been especially helpful for me.

Posted : 25th February 2017 6:12 pm

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