“If you’re going through hell, keep going.”

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Currently 2 months gamble-free. Hoping to stay gamble-free for the rest of my life. I hit the rock bottom many times and every time the bottom was even more deeper, painful and crushing. When I hit it the last time, even deeper this time - I lost everything I cared about. Woman of my life, my pride, my savings, my friends. And I honestly believe I needed this. I had to crush my pride before I could admit that I have this collossal problem and I am not in control anymore and likely I will need to be very careful for the rest of my life. When my pride was stomped to death and I cried like a baby when she left that moment I was born again.

I wont deny that I hold a lot of anger and a lot of self-disgust sometimes, but there is a lot more compassion to myself, a lot more love for myself as well. I honestly want to do good in life, be healthy and be happy. And these normal human emotions are quite new to me. I cherish them every time I feel it. I have changed my life in these last 60 days in a way and form that I could never thought it would be possible.

* I have lost 20 pounds and finally I do not fall into obese category.
* I can speak with myself. I can be with myself in silence. And boy, that is amazing feeling.
* I started excersising and eating healthy.
* I keep a journal where I spill my heart out.
* I am much more succesful at work and attract co-workers like magnet.
* I finally feel like a man. I feel confident, funny, charismatic, s**y and I am not ashamed of my body.
* I take showers and dress nice - and that might sound funny, but before I didnt care a single bit about myself. I hated myself.
* I stopped lying and giving promises I know I wont fullfill.
* I can look at my eyes in the mirror and not feel shame, hate and disgust.
* I finally doing what I loved before - reading books. I focus on self-help books right now.
* I make my bed when I wake up, because I know I will sleep in my bed and not on the couch, car or somewhere else passed out drunk. That makes me calm.
* I find happiness in small things - I almost fell into tears when I bought something that I wanted to buy for years which costs 0,01% of what I lost gambling. When I was gambling I felt like I couldnt afford it because of my gambling problem while putting much bigger money into online casinos. What a joke.
* I fell in love with music again. I fell in love with making food again. I fell in love with painting again.
* I finally have dreams. I love having dreams. I can close my eyes and imagine something and that makes me genuinely happy.

I never thought that there is this kind of life when I was gambling. I am very thankful that I hit the very rock bottom and havent died. There was many times I almost killed myself when this disease was controlling me. I am happy that I can understand what happened to me and I know the ways to help myself.
I stand tall and I am looking into what the future will bring. I feel like if I could achieve all of this within couple of months then only God knows where lies my limitations. I feel powerful.

If you still gambling, please know, that there is a sun behind all the dark clouds. It doesnt have to be like that. If you start changing things - this will snowball into other areas of your life. You and other people will be quick to notice the changes and that will accelerate you even more.

If you just stopped gambling and you are going through your personal hell - keep going - there is only one way and that way is up.

Good luck everyone, I will see you on a bright side!

Posted : 20th December 2022 6:50 pm
Posts: 863

Hi european,

What a powerful post from despair to hope & optimism. I certainly hit rock bottom in 2018 & haven't gambled since. Sometimes I gambled all night, even betting on a Vietnamese football match at 6 am going all in a desperate attempt to recover losses. When my wife had asked why I didn't come to bed I'd say I fell asleep at midnight & didn't want to wake her at 6 am.

The withdrawal was awful when I stopped, trying to fill a void I believed only gambling could fulfill. It was so hard. Nowadays I go to bed always, crash out almost immediately but wake up really early before my wife's alarm goes off. Sometimes as she sleeps I look at her & thank god she didn't say " SLING YOUR HOOK " back in 2018. I ponder, say to myself " Just For Today " . Recovery is a slow process for a CG.

Couple of hours later I'm showering knowing I have to get 2 grandsons to school & drop my daughter in law off at work. Thoughts of gambling don't enter my head until my job's done & I sit down to maybe a slice of toast & a cup of coffee. A million thoughts go through my head, like Xmas almost here, you've abstained, one winning bet won't do any harm. One win I could spoil my wife rotten.

The thoughts of earlier in the morning watching a woman sleep, stress free, not worrying about what dark secrets I'm holding from the previous day, asking myself does she really deserve this given her support. So far so good, another day common sense prevails. She deserves better, I deserve better. A dog walk in the freezing cold, the vacuum cleaner out, cleaning the bathroom & anything else I can find to keep me busy till it's time to pick the boys up from school usually does the trick. After getting the boys home from school the most wonderful woman ( untouched by addiction ) returns home to someone who's nothing to hide.

I'm not cocky, I'm not complacent, I'm not trying to convince myself I'm free from addiction. However I am grateful that several hours before I set myself no targets other than "just for today" & I survived. I'll worry about tomorrow when it comes. You're absolutely right there is a sun behind dark clouds.


Best Wishes





This post was modified 2 years ago by slowlearner
Posted : 21st December 2022 12:30 am

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