Motivational Endurance Quotes

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Here Are Some Great And Amazing Endurance Quotes. I hope You Guys Like These Quotes.
"Patience, Perseverance, and Sweat are an unbeatable blend for success."
- Napoleon Hill
"Our real blessings often show us pain, loss, and disappointment; but we must be patient and soon we will be able to see them in good form."
- Joseph Addison
"The misuse of patience turns into fury."
- Thomas Fuller
"How poor are those who have no patience?"
- William Shakespeare
"He who has patience definitely gets the result."
- Franklin
"Be patient and wise. Life is too short to be repulsive and spiteful."
- Phillips Brooks
"I live patiently with stupidity but not with those who take pride in it."
- Edith Sitwell
"Negotiable, condemn or admire the policy, whether Lakshmi comes or goes, death may be done today, even after an era, but a man of patience does not deviate even from the path of justice."
- Fraternal
"Tolerance is the concentration of patience."
- Thomas Carlyle
"Beware of the anger of the patient."
- John Dryden
"Be patient with an opponent."
- Ovid
"There is some goodness hidden in every failure. She will not be seen yet. Time will show him. Keep calm."
- Sivananda
"He who rides on the sea of ​​the Nile should sail his boat patiently."
- William Golding
"Lack of enthusiasm is often considered patience."
- Kin Hubbard
"Do not panic in difficult situations, rather be patient."
- Lord Mahavir
"Lack of enthusiasm is often taken for granted."
- Kin Hubbard
Other Endurance Quotes and Quotes About Endurance
"There is some goodness hidden in every failure. She will not be seen yet. Time will show him. Keep calm.
A little patience is more valuable than a lot of wisdom. "
"If there was only happiness in the world, we would never have learned to be brave and be patient."
"It is easier to find people who are ready to die than those who are willing to bear the pain with patience."
"Whenever you start losing your patience with someone, imagine how much patience God has with you till date."
"He who is patient and who does not panic with hard work, success is his maid."
"Just as gold shines in the fire, so does the resilient calamity."
"Abstinence and diligence are two of man's best practitioners."
"If there was only happiness in the world, we would never have learned to be brave and be patient."
- Helen Keller
"All people appreciate patience but few are willing to put it into practice."
- Thomas a Kempis
This topic was modified 5 years ago by motivationwishing
Posted : 14th September 2019 2:50 pm
Posts: 2026
Posted by: miriam amorosa

-Good and bad moments allow us to see reality. Be happy.
-If you can change your perspective you can improve your world.
-We cannot predict the future, but if you create it every day.
-While you decide to move forward you can be sure that you will achieve what you set out to.
-Smile as much as you can and live the life you want, since in this world there are no second chances.
-Live to the fullest, not in a crazy way but feeling alive every day.
-Do not look for many reasons to smile, live for the reason of being happy and making the lives of others the most joyful.

From me:
Give everything you have sincerely, we all act moved by something, it can be a thing, a person but clinging to something gives us strength to overcome our limits.


Let's move on, i have have hope and faith that
miracles happen.


It took me time to understand that my recovery was not about right wrong good or bad, it was about moving from being emotional vulnerable and unhealthy to becoming emotionally stable and healthy.

I am  a non religious person and today I am a healthy spiritual person, my conscience is based up on spiritual values.

Sadly when I go against my spiritual values and my conscience I hurt myself and other people.

My motives before my recovery was anger resentful reluctance and penace, being healthy my healthy motives means I get some thing for doing and saying healthy in every day of my life.

By living for today, I am emotionally healed stable and disconnected from my past, I am in effect emotionally detached from gambling, I do not hate it, I do not resent it, I do not love it, gambling means nothing to me today.

Having healthy motives I get pride from being healthy, I get pride from my healthy expressions, I get pride from my healthy actions.

Love is giving of myself unconditionally, giving of myself is an expression of my values today.

My expression of gratitude and my appreciation is another expression of my values today.

When I walked in to the recovery program I did not know how unhealthy I was, escaping deviating, avoiding my commitments, becoming less and less self sufficient.

When I walked in to the recovery program I did not know how emotionally traumatized I was, I was emotionally traumatized from the emotional abuse I experienced, I was emotionally traumatized from the physical abuse I experienced, I was emotionally traumatized from the sexual abuse I experienced, I was emotionally traumatized from the abandonment I experienced, I was emotionally traumatized from the rejection I experienced.

Sadly I was emotionally traumatized from the self abuse I caused myself through my addictions and obsessions that I had caused myself.

How much time and effort am I worth today.

How much more selfish can I become in my recovery today.

Today I understand my needs my wants and my goals today.

Relationships and time are very precious to me today.

Relationships and time are the most important things in my life today.

Am I willing to learn new healthy skills today.

Am I willing to learn to become more self sufficient today.

Do I feel threatened by questions today.

Do I feel threatened by emotional intimacy today.

How much do I value myself today.

Love and peace to every one.

Dave L

AKA Dave of Beckenham

Posted : 30th September 2019 10:11 am

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