YOU really have got to WANT to stop-to stop

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I've been gambling for a very long while, 30+ years, frequently with bouts of a month or so of staying clear, read my profile and story, it'll tell you basically the same as everyone else on here, we're gamblers, we always will be, but we want to change that 'habit, addiction or illness' That's why we're here.

I really wanted to stop, the losing of money was a by product of gambling, and like most gamblers, I didn't care, I just wanted that addrenalin of 'the win' that inevitably led to the chase of the losses! My dad always said, gamblers mooney is 2 bob a ton, in other words, it meant nothing (he too was a compulsive gambler)

I have been for clear for 163 days now, why this time, I ask myself....I've been in the same situation so many times before, crying, angry, scared, worried, I've lied, just about every trick in the book to hide the fact I was gambling. Why has this time worked (so far) I've admitted to everyone that wants to listen, I've been honest, I've WANTED, really wanted, to stop this time. I've stopped every form of gambling, lotto, roulette, bookies, online, casino's, they still play around in my head now and again, but I have the strengh to forget it and have pride when I can say, yes, today, I had that 'tug' and dismissed it!

I feel proud, it's changed my whole personality again, back to a 'nicer' more tolerant person. I'm so glad I joined this site, as it's you guys, & girls, that have given me the strength and determination to not let YOU down, or myself if I did go back to the old ways.

So. if you want to really must want to stop, forget about the little bit of enjoyment you think it brings, forget the odd win you had, be honest and just tell everyone and admit to yourself, you're a loser if you carry on gambling! I've also learnt that forgiving myself has helped, I've forgot the losses and focusing on the future gains.

Be strong, take advice, it's not easy, but you obviously want to stop, that's why you're reading CAN do it....I have!

Posted : 2nd August 2015 9:15 pm
sonic boom
Posts: 447

Great post Deanyboy,

Could have wrote that myself.

Im 222 days today (nice number). Im younger than yourself but still been gambling for a long long time - 18 years.

Last year I found myself signing up here. Made the commitment to stop FOBT gambling, that was my biggest problem. They shouldnt be allowed in bookies, casinos maybe. But anyway thats another debate.

So still gambled on football and a couple of other sports from May to December, thought that was ok even though advice on gamcare was that I would need to stop gambling completely or I risked returning to my old ways.

Guess they were right. I guess deep down I knew it myself...

Xmas shopping... spent a small fortune..... Mr Gamble persuaded me how easy and good it would feel to win rverything back in 20 mins on a fobt... never ended up in profit, 90 mins later I set off home destroyed.

Then chased it back two days later - xmas eve. Again, lost hundreds....

It was then that I drew a line under gambling full stop. So much anger in me, I didnt like the person I was. Couldnt deal with being this person for another 30 years.

So thats where I was.... and now im feeling so much better within myself. My debts are still big but there going down not UP!

Anyone reading this - stick with it, one day at a time. Things will get better, nothing good comes from gambling. Youve just been brainwashed into beliebing thay its just fun. Maybe for the non addicted yeah but fot yku reading this... its not fun and deep down you know it.

Posted : 3rd August 2015 3:39 am
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Too true! Well done on the 3 little ducks! 222 days! Yes, reading your post, you've had the experience and learnt from more excuses, we know deep down its no good, we have to eradicate any form of gambling to be truly free of it!

Posted : 3rd August 2015 9:38 pm
Posts: 0

What a fantastic set of posts these are. Ive been gamble free for a long time now but for years it practically ran my life, no it did run my life. The most important part of giving up is not counselling, self exclusion, blocking software etc its WANTING to give up. Wanting to become the person that you were, wanting to live a proper life etc etc. So many people say they are giving up gambling, smoking, drinking but the bottom line is that they dont really want to. If thats the case then I would say its doomed to failure. I also believe that it ends up being not about money. Gambling systematically desensitizes you from money. You lose all concept of monetary worth. Its just clicks of buttons and almost imaginary money.

Its about what it does to you as a person and a character. It changes you and not for the better. Thats so much more important. Thats what did it for me. I hated who I had become. The minute I stopped properly I vowed that I would NEVER ever bet again in my life. The money coming back into my hand and that of family is a natural consequence but more importantly I have regained self esteem, self worth and am happy. There aint a price on that

It can be done with sheer want and willpower. But its bloody hard work at first but so so worth it

Posted : 4th August 2015 5:06 pm
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EVERY day, the demons talk to me, but it's getting easier to overpower them! No one should ever think this is isn't....but the rewards for giving up completely, are so satisfying!

Posted : 14th August 2015 7:43 pm
Posts: 0

Some great stories to relate to I'm starting today on the road to recovery, the thing I can relate to most is becoming this different person the shadow of who I was, I'm still their somewhere I just need to get out the shell I'm in because I don't like this person but I love who I used to be and that's the person I'm going to become again I don't know how long it will take but today is the start..

Posted : 18th September 2015 9:39 am
Posts: 0

I'm really happy to see people who stop gambling! I can see it's possible I just found out that my husband is gambling but reading story like yours I know he can do it as well!! Good luck and all the best!

Posted : 1st October 2015 8:57 am
Posts: 0

Wow I needed that. Reading the posts above have given me a good boost. Thank you all for sharing.


Godspeed, otterlady.

Posted : 3rd October 2015 4:04 pm
Posts: 3239

anything that keeps you out the bookies. do it.

Posted : 4th October 2015 11:24 pm
Posts: 0

Amazing post I have been reading all the post when I get a chance during work and the more I read the more I see it can be beaten thank you for helping me belive

Posted : 16th October 2015 1:51 pm

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