Help needed

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Just wondering if anyone has any advice or if I should just leave it be. I’ve been gambling on and off for years. The beginning of 2017 it really got out of hand and I signed up for Gamstop which automatically blocked me from every site I’d signed up for. ( pretty much every site available that’s how bad I was I’d signed up to them all) everything was going ok till 2 months ago when I had some personal issues which sent me looking for a site that would allow me in. Long story short I found one and have been using it since and have lost a lot of money. This site states that it is part of gamstop and gambling awareness and must of notice me changing my deposit limits on pretty much a daily basis. Do you think they’d be anyway if getting any of my loses back or do I just need to exclude and suck up my mistakes again. Really feel like I’m drowning at the moment and can’t see any light

Posted : 26th December 2018 10:15 pm
Posts: 1098

If they claim to be part of ‘GamStop’ yet they let you login anyway, then surely they’re breaching their terms and conditions? Unless you signed in purposely using other details etc.

I’m not sure about being able to recover your losses from them as some responsibilty has to be taken by you, but I’m sure they’re in the wrong by letting you sign up if you’ve signed up to Gamstop.

Posted : 27th December 2018 11:47 am
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I’ve used all my correct details and the ones I’ve given to gamstop. The site in question is part of a group as well and I’m blocked from the other sites. I know it’s my own fault which makes me feel bad for been so weak. Just don’t know what to do any more. Just feel at an all time low

Posted : 27th December 2018 2:21 pm
Posts: 1098

Take it as an expensive lesson learnt and move on. What’s gone is gone now.

I signed up to Gamstop a while back and I’ve taken it as though it’s bulletproof. I’ve not even tried to log in to any sites. One reason being that if I were able to log on and then won some money, I’d hate for it to be then taken off me if they then realised I was signed up to Gamstop.

Posted : 27th December 2018 2:32 pm
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Thanks everyone. Think I’m just looking for someone else to blame and hoping for a miracle fix to the financial situation I’ve put myself in. Just feel so weak and worthless with myself. One day at a time I suppose

Posted : 27th December 2018 5:03 pm
Posts: 0

You understand that self-exclusion using GAMSTOP is intended to be an aid to help you manage your use of online gambling websites. It is not intended to function as a replacement for willpower, is not foolproof and we cannot guarantee that it will always result in your being denied access to gambling websites.

Your self-exclusion using GAMSTOP will be most effective if you do not try to work around the exclusion measures GAMSTOP has put in place. You agree not to attempt to register new gambling accounts, log in to any of your existing accounts, or in any other way try to circumvent GAMSTOP's mechanisms for the duration of your self-exclusion. You are entirely responsible for any actions you take designed to circumvent any self-exclusion registered with GAMSTOP.

The terms of use are pretty self explanatory

Posted : 27th December 2018 7:21 pm
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I’m well aware of that and it’s easy said then done when you have a gambling problem but thanks for the support there really helpful. Talking to me like I’m stupid and making me feel worse really helpful thanks! I know I’ve done it to myself but surely if I site states they are part of the program then they are at fault as well. What’s the point in signing up for these things if they don’t work.

Posted : 27th December 2018 7:36 pm
Posts: 0

Sorry if it came across as I was having a go.

That was just a copy and paste from the gamstop website.

Posted : 27th December 2018 9:56 pm
Posts: 12

I'm with Plumdoll on this one.
It should work. Simple as.
In my opinion it's a lack of care if it doesn't. They are responsible to keep you out as long as you don't commit any fraudulent actions to circumvent it. If I'm able to register and gamble on there although I'm blacklisted, they should be held responsible for it.

The terms and conditions won't help here. They have been written to protect Gamstop from any legal actions in case one of the partaking sites takes its liberties with the interpretation and regulation of the matter at hand.
He knows that he can't trust himself at times, that's why he signed up with Gamstop in the first place. He took that step as a preventive measure. It would indeed be useless if it doesn't work.

Of course he has only himself to blame, but his resentment towards that site is understandable.

I know that you didn't mean to have a go at him, but sometimes people seem to forget about the struggles of the early days.

Just my opinion.

Posted : 27th December 2018 10:17 pm
Posts: 0

The op asked for advice where they stood and I pasted the terms and conditions in case they hadn’t read them. All self exclusion schemes are a 2 way service, they won’t contact you and you the same.

As for people forgetting the early days I assume you’re talking about the people who have put the hard work into recovery instead of coming back only when they’ve lost?

Posted : 27th December 2018 10:59 pm
Posts: 12

True. It was just a matter-of-factly statement as an answer to the original question.

If I want to gamble, I'll find a way, that's out of the question and within my own responsibility. Nothing to argue on that one.
Of course I 'should' stay away... just like they 'should' leave me alone...
Still... there should be some kind of reliability.
Anyways, it wasn't my intention to start an argument about this. Sorry for coming across as being offensive. It just didn't seem right, that's all.

As to the last part: Point taken. Well put.
But... for me it also didn't work out on the first go...

Gosh... I'm tired. Goodnight and nevermind. 🙂

Posted : 28th December 2018 1:14 am
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Still waiting to here back off the site in question but having spoke to gamstop I was shocked to learn that sites can display their logo as a warning but it doenst mean they are actually part of the scheme. Feeling kind of confused to be honest but hey ho. I’m chalking it up to lesson learned don’t trust anything you see on line

Posted : 29th December 2018 12:56 pm
Posts: 0
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Yeah it should of been enough for me but I just wasn’t strong enough. Gamstop have said the site isn’t registered with them. Baffles me a bit though as every over site from the same company is. All my own fault for been weak shouldn’t of even tried to register but like I’ve said expensive lesson learnt. Determined to succeed this time just take it one day at a time

Posted : 29th December 2018 1:08 pm

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