We've all been to that dark lonely place....

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4th time lucky
Posts: 34

Hi Kaz, how are you getting on now?


Posted : 13th February 2019 7:51 pm
Posts: 118
Topic starter

not so good 🙁 I’ve reset my counter today and put extra blocks in place, I just can’t seem to be able to resist the temptation. I have vowed to myself to come on here and read threads more often which does really help .... luckily I’ve not completely spent all funds but I will just about scrape through until next pay day. One day at a time, couldn’t be more true! Thanks for caring .. Kaz xxxx

4th time lucky wrote:

Hi Kaz, how are you getting on now?


Posted : 23rd February 2019 1:34 pm
Posts: 0

Hi Kaz,

Don’t beat yourself up too much about your blip. You know you can succeed and you know you want to succeed.

Hopefully the Gamstop block this time will prevent you seeking out a way to fuel those demons. Some things I have done to push me through it are;

1. Spoken to my banks and asked them to disable gambling on my cards. Both had a function in the app which let me turn it off or turn off online shopping. PayPal adviced they couldn’t help so I removed my card and account from them.

2. Deleted the apps from my phone and have hidden them from my purchase history. That way they don’t appear on my list when I look at previous apps I have downloaded from App Store.

3. Set yourself small goals of what you can do with your money you haven’t gambled. I know you are on a debt management plan however you can still move some money each pay period to one side. Think of it as small gains. £10 per month for 12 months equates to £120 for the year. Double that you get £240 etc. Previously you’d have blown that on an online bingo site and had very little satisfaction.

4. talk about your problem. I’ve found talking and being positive here has changed how I feel about it. I am not ashamed I am a gambler and if I can help others along the way then it’s a bonus.

5. Find a buddy. This way you can both check in with each other daily and see how you are going

Keep on smiling and pushing through the barrier. Tomorrow is another day and it becomes day 1.


Posted : 23rd February 2019 11:11 pm
Posts: 0

The biggest problem I would say is thinking you are in control, thinking I don't need to do that because I can manage by myself with sheer willpower because I know how I felt last time..

We are all here because we can't manage. The advice given on this site and others is by people who have tried to self manage and have not succeeded.

Sure you will need bags of willpower but in order to help you succeed you need to put blocks in place to stop you trying it, it will also make you not think of it as much because you know in the back of your mind its not an option!

Ask yourself are you serious about stopping!! In as little as 20 minutes you can register with Gamstop to exclude you from online sites and you can call your debit/credit cards and tell them to not accept any gambling transactions.

Another idea is just to get a cash card for your account, you can if you have 2 banking accounts set up a regular payment to yourself each week so you can budget.

The point I'm trying to make is if your serious about it then be serious about it!

Best of luck kaz and others

Posted : 24th February 2019 5:52 am
Posts: 118
Topic starter

Thanks both.... All great advice and I’m going to sort some of that this week and may even confide in a close friend. I can’t tell my partner, timing not right at the moment. I thought I’d sorted Gamstop but it won’t take me through verification so their online chat guy said keep trying as it refreshes every hour, failing that I have to send details which go to their head office and takes ages - so he said 🙁 I just want it in place now!! Good thing is I have no funds until payday so I can’t even if I wanted to. Kaz x

Posted : 24th February 2019 10:31 am
Posts: 118
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Gordon01 wrote: The biggest problem I would say is thinking you are in control, thinking I don't need to do that because I can manage by myself with sheer willpower because I know how I felt last time.. We are all here because we can't manage. The advice given on this site and others is by people who have tried to self manage and have not succeeded. Sure you will need bags of willpower but in order to help you succeed you need to put blocks in place to stop you trying it, it will also make you not think of it as much because you know in the back of your mind its not an option! Ask yourself are you serious about stopping!! In as little as 20 minutes you can register with Gamstop to exclude you from online sites and you can call your debit/credit cards and tell them to not accept any gambling transactions. Another idea is just to get a cash card for your account, you can if you have 2 banking accounts set up a regular payment to yourself each week so you can budget. The point I'm trying to make is if your serious about it then be serious about it! Best of luck kaz and others

Thanks both.... All great advice and I’m going to sort some of that this week and may even confide in a close friend. I can’t tell my partner, timing not right at the moment. I thought I’d sorted Gamstop but it won’t take me through verification so their online chat guy said keep trying as it refreshes every hour, failing that I have to send details which go to their head office and takes ages - so he said 🙁 I just want it in place now!! Good thing is I have no funds until payday so I can’t even if I wanted to. Kaz x

Posted : 24th February 2019 1:26 pm
Posts: 118
Topic starter

CJ. wrote:

Hi Kaz,

Don’t beat yourself up too much about your blip. You know you can succeed and you know you want to succeed.

Hopefully the Gamstop block this time will prevent you seeking out a way to fuel those demons. Some things I have done to push me through it are;

1. Spoken to my banks and asked them to disable gambling on my cards. Both had a function in the app which let me turn it off or turn off online shopping. PayPal adviced they couldn’t help so I removed my card and account from them.

2. Deleted the apps from my phone and have hidden them from my purchase history. That way they don’t appear on my list when I look at previous apps I have downloaded from App Store.

3. Set yourself small goals of what you can do with your money you haven’t gambled. I know you are on a debt management plan however you can still move some money each pay period to one side. Think of it as small gains. £10 per month for 12 months equates to £120 for the year. Double that you get £240 etc. Previously you’d have blown that on an online bingo site and had very little satisfaction.

4. talk about your problem. I’ve found talking and being positive here has changed how I feel about it. I am not ashamed I am a gambler and if I can help others along the way then it’s a bonus.

5. Find a buddy. This way you can both check in with each other daily and see how you are going

Keep on smiling and pushing through the barrier. Tomorrow is another day and it becomes day 1.


Thanks both.... All great advice and I’m going to sort some of that this week and may even confide in a close friend. I can’t tell my partner, timing not right at the moment. I thought I’d sorted Gamstop but it won’t take me through verification so their online chat guy said keep trying as it refreshes every hour, failing that I have to send details which go to their head office and takes ages - so he said 🙁 I just want it in place now!! Good thing is I have no funds until payday so I can’t even if I wanted to. Kaz x

Posted : 24th February 2019 1:27 pm
Posts: 118
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Day 1

I plan to write daily just so I keep myself occupied and also to see my progress. Have not had any urge today 🙂 still cannot register in Gamstop as can’t seem to verify who I am ... so looks like I’ll have to do it manually which will take 7 working days ... amazing really, I can open another gambling account without much evidence just like that! It’s only when you want to withdraw they want proof .. lol .. hey-ho ... I won’t let the devil beat me! 🙂

Happy sunny gf Sunday all!

Posted : 24th February 2019 1:48 pm
Posts: 0

Hi Kaz,

Day 1 is better than Day 0. Hopefully you are onto Day 2 and ready to carry on the week gamble free.

I don’t think there is any right time to tell your partner. Whether your world has come crashing down or not it is always good to be open about your problem. I have found the more people I speak to the better I feel.

What you could try is seeing if you can block yourself off the sites you have frequented and delete all apps from your device. I have hidden them from my App Store purchase list so I am not reminded about my gambling past. Also see if there is anything in place with your bank that allows you to block your access to Gambling sites. As mentioned to others my Starling account has an option to block Gambling transactions.

Keep on going and take one day at a time. The block once in place should help you but you need to want to quit this.

One day at a time.


Posted : 25th February 2019 10:12 am
Posts: 118
Topic starter

CJ. wrote:

Hi Kaz,

Day 1 is better than Day 0. Hopefully you are onto Day 2 and ready to carry on the week gamble free.

I don’t think there is any right time to tell your partner. Whether your world has come crashing down or not it is always good to be open about your problem. I have found the more people I speak to the better I feel.

What you could try is seeing if you can block yourself off the sites you have frequented and delete all apps from your device. I have hidden them from my App Store purchase list so I am not reminded about my gambling past. Also see if there is anything in place with your bank that allows you to block your access to Gambling sites. As mentioned to others my Starling account has an option to block Gambling transactions.

Keep on going and take one day at a time. The block once in place should help you but you need to want to quit this.

One day at a time.


Thanks for that 🙂 I now have Gamstop in place, manged to get through verification this morning! My bank doesn’t support that and I can’t get another account due to bad credit rating ... so will have to see how I go. I may think about using a close friend who will check in on me and see my bank account (that Ive not gambled) etc but I am determined. To be honest, with all the blockers in place from every angle, if you want to gamble you will. I know every trick in the book now to ‘con’ myself and others, sad I know. Day 2 - feeling positive and such a lovely day :)) I did a major spring clean of the kitchen this morning as I have a week off work. Usually I’d be on line slotting by now - not today Josephine! I’m off to a health farm tomorrow with hubby overnight, will relax and have a good think about strategies I can use to get myself through. Have a great day and remember, we’re all in this together, just to be able to share with others who understand is a godsend.. Kaz xx

Posted : 25th February 2019 12:11 pm
Posts: 0

Hi Kaz,

How was Day 3?

Hopefully the health farm was what you needed with your hubby.


Posted : 26th February 2019 9:59 pm
Posts: 118
Topic starter

CJ. wrote:

Hi Kaz,

How was Day 3?

Hopefully the health farm was what you needed with your hubby.


Day 3 nearly over and gf... I have however thought about gambling due to the very relaxing atmosphere ... in so much as what happens and blocks in place for when I get paid (20th March) ... I am soooo determined to stay on track between here and the 20th isn’t the problem .... problem comes when I have money to spend! Gamstop in place now I’ve already promised funds for other things that I can’t get off or out of, on purpose. I truly hope that, together with that and this forum is all it takes 🙂 sleep well CJ and chat tomorrow ... PS thanks for caring and support! Kaz xx

Posted : 26th February 2019 10:59 pm
Posts: 0

How was your spa relaxation?

I ended up finally crashing at just after 2am haha. I decided to start writing a story late on. I thought it could be a way to take my mind off stuff and just get lost in the moment.

No thoughts about gambling today for me. Work was far too busy to care.

Maybe you could withdraw all the money out of the account except for bill money and then put it in a drawer. 🙂


Posted : 27th February 2019 9:58 pm
Posts: 118
Topic starter

CJ. wrote:

How was your spa relaxation?

I ended up finally crashing at just after 2am haha. I decided to start writing a story late on. I thought it could be a way to take my mind off stuff and just get lost in the moment.

No thoughts about gambling today for me. Work was far too busy to care.

Maybe you could withdraw all the money out of the account except for bill money and then put it in a drawer. 🙂


Hey CJ, spa was great but we left there early today and went and had lunch on the front in Brighton .. it was glorious sunshine :)) glad you’re taking your mind off things, what sort of story are you writing? One for here or an actual ‘sotry’ ? 🙂 good for you whatever! I wa thinking about withdrawing all the money and might test that out. I am nervous about that day approaching as I’ve been there so many times ... anyway, Gamblock in place I should be over half way limiting temptation... well done us.. spk tomorrow Kaz xx

Posted : 27th February 2019 10:34 pm
Posts: 0

Don’t be nervous about the changes you are making. By removing the money from your account you are unable to spend it online.

Story wise it was a short story type one. All made up in my little brain. 🙂

I did post what I wrote earlier but all the spacing went crazy. 🙁

Glad you are doing ok and keep going. We can beat this.


Posted : 27th February 2019 10:38 pm
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