Why do I Procrastinate is it fear based, is it lack of confidence, is it lack of commitment to my self. When I procrastinate I cheat my self.

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Procrastination for me is an unhealthy habit. By Procrastinating I think I am just delaying getting things done. By Procrastinating I am cheating my self of being succesful and fuilfilling my needs my wants and my goals. Why do I Procrastinate is it fear based, is it lack of confidence, is it lack of commitment to my self. Now often people think that wealth and money means you are succesful. One day I asked a very rich person was he happy with his goal of being rich. The man laughed, do you think my goal in life was to become rich. No my goal in my life was to become succesful, it is only by being succesful that I become more successsful with getting money yet my goal was never money. So if we ask our self am I succesful how do I feel succesful. By acheiving my needs my wants and my goals. Procrastination for me is about my commitment to my self. Every day to write down in prioroty my needs my wants and my goals. Every time I get some thing done I cross it out. For me it is no longer important to be perfect but to do my very best in every thing I do or say. My success is based up on my healthy actions and my healthy words. Ideally I do thing for healthy reasons. Every time do some thing reluctantly or resentfully I am cheating my self from any kind of reward or credit. Healthly motivation is very important in my life today. Some people might fear or be reluctant in asking for help. Asking for help does not indicate I am a weak person. Asking for help measn I want or need to do more with my time and my life. It is not healthy to get people to do things for me. It is healthy to get people to show you how to do things for our self. Let them instruct on best ways of getting thins done. For me my cosncience is based up on my healthy actions and my healthy waords. When I go against my cosncience I often know that I am being unhealthy and I am adversely affecting my relationship with my self and with other people. I am causing my self pains and some times I am hurting other people. A spirtually healthy person will not go against their conscience or do or say any thing that adversely affects other people. I am a non religious person yet I am spirtually healthy person. Only when I could respect my self could I respect others.  Only when I could love my self could I love others. Pains in my life caused fears I did not understand. Sadly by pains not being healed my fears caused me to fear emotional intimacy. In effect my hurt inner child was protecting him self from being caused pains again. We can resolve our pains and face and reduce our fears if we learn to trust a little it over time to some one who is healthy for us. There are and were spirtual people in my life, they did impact me in some very healthy ways by being nurturing and encouraging me in healthy ways. How much do we value our self today in a caring nurturing way, nothing to do about money or material items. The most important things in my life today is very healthy intimate relationships and time. How much time and effort am I willing to invest in to my needs my wants and my goals today. At the end of each day the question was I productive and did I do the very best I could do in every thing I did or said. I use to be such an unreliable person. Always leaving thinsg to the last moment. I was in effect putting pressure on my self. There was a time when I thought that love was a physical sexual thing. You will often hear people say I love my car, I love my house, I love my money, how then can we love a material thing or money. Surely love is about healthy intimate relationships with our self and with other people. Why use the word  love when it is not correct and it is not a healthy realtionship. Once we get motivated and committed we can a chive so much more in our life. The question how many things did I get done today.  How many things did I do that gave me pleasure today. When was the last time I told every member of my family that I loved them unconditionally. 

Posted : 17th August 2023 7:15 am
Posts: 165

Hi Dave I feel that it is our feelings of duty and care for those around us that drives guilty outcomes that we try to repair this setting up a perpetual circle of rebuilding our image

Posted : 19th August 2023 1:42 pm
Posts: 2033
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For me my conscience tells me that deep sdown I am a healthy person.

I am a non religious person yet I do beleive in spirtual values and a healthy conscience.

Guilt shame regret indicate that we understand that when we go agaist our own conscience that we cause our self and others pains that seem almost impossible to heal.

Yet if we understand that by being in recovery we start to understand our unhealthy reactions to people life and situations where we could not cope emotionally in healthy ways.

If we understand that my recovery is about healing our pains, learning from our pains we can heal from the past knowing that we were very unhealthy vulnerable people.

In attending my meetings I get to understand ehalthier ways in dealing with my life people and situations and I no longer have to run away to my addictions or obsessions.

As we heal our pains we no longer feel guilty shamed or regretful as we understand we were unhealthy yet not evil or bad people.

The recovery program is about healing our pains learning from our unhealthy past yet not live in it any more.

By being open and honest is part of healing from or past adn as we get more honest our fears reduce yet our trust grows in us.

In sharing our therapies we elarn to articulate our feelings and emotions.

The pains of my past caused fears in me that I did not understand or was abale to reduce my fears.

As a child when I was honest I was punished for that honesty.

You tend to think that being honest is painful.

Not so now my honesty in the meetings leads me to more intimacy with my self and with others.

The time we invest in our meetings leads us to exchange some very unhealthy habits in to healthy habits.

More intimacy leads to healthier relationships with my self and with other people.

I was a loner walking in to the recovery program from day one.

Admitting how unhealthy I was, helped me learn much healthier emotional coping skills.

The buzz or adrenaline rush was very much fear based.

The buzz or adrenaline rush casued me to think that my addictions were the most happy points in my life.

Once I was able to abstain from my addictions and obsesssions I become healthier in many ways.

Then intimacy with in my self started and much more intimacy with other people.

 By attending meetings I am no longer a loner living in fear today.

Love and peace.

Dave L

AKA Dave of Beckenham

Posted : 8th September 2023 8:39 am

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