Here i am 9 years into my gamcare journey...... This year i have as allways spent a lot of time thinking about changing my ways...... I've spent a lot of time exercising..... i spent a lot of time analysing my finances...... ive spent a lot of time watching boxsets..... ive spent a medium amount of time playing computer games and eating........ive spent a lot of time with family....... ive spent a medium amount of time with friends......
I can't help but think that i am a bit too hard on myself......but im an obsessive character..... my ocd travels thru most of my life......
Now i've just had my annual review and alls well..... no critism but still i wasnt happy..... they said i was "performing" which is aparently good but i somehow took all those positives and still thought that i wasnt doing well..... im over critical.....
So this year i didnt take drugs, tick, i didnt drink, tick, i didnt smoke, tick, i didnt gamble , tick, i stuck to only spending 100 pounds a month on food and socialising, i was obsessing soo much about my finances and life that i did all this performed well at work,.... ive got a good health mot too and still im not happy/?????
so i feel i need to give myself a bit of a break this new year...... im aiming to only look at my finances once a aiming to not obsess about my spenidng soo much...... to appreciate what i have more i feel i need to loosen the straps a bit and feel the release a bit more....... So if i spend double on food for a bit then soo be it......
However these negatives, this obsession has also got me to where i am....... its helped me in a lot of ways..... it shows i care.... it shows im passionate......its show si work hard (or try hard) at life....... but i feel thinknig too much about everything is hindering me a bit... mainly hindering my time.... time i can spend relaxing unwinding this year....
So in 2025:
Three hours a month spent on looking at finances.......
Ill spend mon, wed, fri night 8-9pm in gym on treadmill and on gamcare chat at same time..... doubling up porductivitiy in that hour..... exercising and socialising.
Friday after work a coffee out to relax.....
Apart from those im going to try to relax more and spend more time watching tv and listening to music.....Â
Ill work as hard as i can and try to get the same review next december.....
Well done Adam 👏.  I agree that you can be a little too hard on yourself 🙂. You deserve more for all your hard work you put into your life, week in, week out 👏👏. I think you should at least allow yourself more monthly spend on your food - we can barely buy anything these days on a weekly shop for £25.00 - says the expert! 😝. Food inflation is also going to continue to rise this year, so it says on the news!😡
Take care and continue to treat yourself and allow yourself to relax on those things above you said you would do 👍.
Best wishes.
Pink Lady 🩷🍎.
on that thought pink i went and bought a steak today...... what is usually 40 pounds a kg,...... i got for 20 pounds a kg reduced today....... £4.53 no1 aberdeen angus beef rib something steak..... it tasted immense....
Well here i am new years years day now ...... its 2025....... 25 years since i was first legally allowed to drink alcohol....... 10 years since i bought my flat....... onto a fresh new year.
Im proud to say ive nailed all my 2024 targets..... no vices..... lost weight....healthy living....etc its been all good.
Ive worked very hard this was a fine example as there were less patients and staff parked in the car park i took the opportunity to clear all the leaves in the staff car park......took a few hours.... was quite tiring totally shattered at end of the day but it looks good and job satisfaction was there.....
Stayed in again this new years....watched a film then the fireworks on tv.......I don't drink nowadays so feel a lot fresher each new hyears day.
Day off tomo will walk up my folks for dinner....then onto a new year at work...... Ive got 40 days holiday including bank holidays and thats really good. Decided im not going away this year with folks.....going to stay here this year.....makes it easier for booking holiday also theres no world cup or euros footy to watch...... think ill book three weeks thru summer months.....32 days spread out over six is five so i can have a week off every two months...... Prob work thru jan and feb and march before taking any holiday might pin first holiday to easter.....see how tired i get in the first few months of the year.....
Any way feeling a bit tired so ill go to bed now..... didnt eat my spring rolls tonight so got them tomo. woop.
adam xx
Here i am 5 days later....... Had a weekend where i didnt do too much...... dont want to push myself too hard as just getting back into swing of things..... done 13k steps today at work.... not bad..... then went for a hair cut at folks..... dinner... chilling..... work going well been super productive lately.....
Tome theres the arsenal semi final then spurs wednesday night will watch both very interested in outcomes.....
Need to watch my weight a bit as gone up 2kgs over christmas ....... back up to 88 kg..... think i can get back into the groove..
All the best adam xx
Another day has passed.... went to work put a shift in for five hours....then back home.... went food shopping.....wetnt ogym...... had a bath....... ate....... watched footy.....all in all a good productive evening.
work was good got a lot done...... it was cold and i cant wait for summer months tbf.....
All the best Adam
hi trying to write my thoughts each night....... tonight is easier than most with a dramatic first leg win over liverpool horray......
clocked up another 40 days gamble free on top of the 5 going great.
Get to watch rest of season on sky sports horray......
Taken a down swing in fant footy but i like my team just need to be patient which isnt my thing.
Evening dear diary...... another 3 days have passed....i ordered a nintendo switch and 4 games..... total of 320 pounds.....great price....found an amazing deal.....but them though tim kinda being greedy and ive already got two consoles wirh like loads of games all the best games around so i cancelled the order.....and thankfully got my money back.
Everything going super well and its mainly due to my avoidance of gamblling i am fluid when it comes to money...... every month i spend less than i earn...... i look for deals on everything i purchase and buy at the right time.....or i leave to purchase when there is a good deal.
Of the 1179 net ill earrn this month..... i will so far after all bills and food and 777 pounds......pretty pleased with this..... the motnh of december is allways the most expensive month and i still saved 450 pounds.... so happy with that...... ive saved the same amount as last year at the end of last month and there is still three months left of the financial year..... and im aiming to just spend money on food and nothing else so ill hopefully save another 2600 pounds...... Im looking to be debt free by december 2029 should my budget be correct..... then one year to save up and ill take 6 months off work for a sebatical to wathc the football and relax....... I dont know whether i will do this i may just take it off as holiday so i continue to have an income thru the time off we will see.... but all in all the not gamlbing whilst continuing to live a modest humble lifestyle really does work for the finances.
hello dear diary 5 days later here i am...... Well tbf ive been pretty down...... my sister isnt well.... ive put on a lot of weight...... all of the weight that i grafted to loose ove 6 months has now within two months come completely back on.....Â
weighed myself yesturday and was over 88kgs.... so at 11pm last night i went for a lobng walk..... then did some chores in early hours....then went to work....grafted to get thru the meh of the january blues im feeling..... then came home ate a healthy meal and then went to the gym and in the end yesturday i done 16k steps and today ive done 18k steps.....then weighed myself and already down .4kg so really happy with that.
My weight yoyos so rather than being disappotinted when it goes up tomo ill not weigh myself for a week..... will work ghard on the steps and weights and hopefully eat a bit less too.
i think it came down tto too many snacks, puddings and convenience cheaper food that ive been buying to save money..... So now im going to eat weetabix and shreddies for breakfast...... bannanas everyday wirth my coffee.....plenty of veggies with meals.....Its not rocket science its just the weight clings to me like no ones business... here we go again......
Health Kick 2025......
wow exactly a week has passed since my last post..... flown by....whats happened? well spurs have played terrible...... ive eaten too much...... last week i done 82k steps (12k more than my target woop).....for the first 4 days of this week ive done 54k so if i do 10k each day rest of week ill be on 84k up again...... so in that rich vein of form ill go to gym tomo night and maybe friday night and mostly rest the weekend.
My diet has hit a stumbling block today where i ate three packs of crisps and half a strudel after my dinner....... but if done plenty of exercise and rome wasnt built in a day so im all good with this.
I have been neglecting to play my computer games for about a month now...... which is a real shame as i really do enjoy them when i get started.......So a month ago i bought the ps vr2 game horizon call of the mountain..... the aaa plus main seller for the ps vr2....... its about you being on a mountain with robotic dinosaurs that you shoot with ur bow and arrow and climb climb climb...... i played it for the first time tonight and tbf its brilliant u really feel ur there to the point a bit of vertigo came over me with u not wanting to let go of ropes and rocks...... then i played gran turismo and i got to the end credits tonight(so main story (or races and licences) has been completed..... ive spent 67 hours playing it since i purchased the game in june..... really is great.....i have so so so so so so so so many games to cathc up on on both consoles.......the main ones i want to play at mo are horizon, gran turismo, indiana jones, call of duty, god of war bot games, anything star wars and fifa.......oh and f one racing online with friends when we get a chance......
Ive also been watching a lot of box sets lately (main reason why no computer games.....Plus watching the footy....... although that been tough lately......with results not going spurs way.
Tbf work is going blazi ngly well...... Jay on chat said with the extra hours im working not for money i should make sure they arent taking advantage of me...... but i like to do well and be seen to be doing all i can and to be fair if i was going on time id just be sitting at home doing not a great deal so in all honesty im happy if i can help in any way more than most would.
here i am six days later....... been focusing on steps.....rested at weekend.....then was back to it monday and tuesday 20k steps each day.....then today 11500.....pretty tired so stayed in bed tonight....dont want to burn out.
holiday day friday and weekend to relax and watch footy.
all the best adam
here i am on my break......
last night spurs won to take them thru to last 16 of europa.....horray.
Today played table tennis with mum and dad.......then lunch......then cafe nero for a coffee.....then to my folks for dinner.....a lovely day.
Going to rest this weekend.....need to do 6k steps tomo morning to hit the same this week as last 82k so ill set alarm for 10am go to gym and get a coffee then ill relax watch footy and c how my fant team does......
Got paid yesturday so i transferred 800 quid to my dad to pay off debt..... Soo far this year 10 months in 7.5 k paid off.... earnt 10k so pretty pleased with my money management.......
In december bags of vegatables were 15p each in sainsburys so i bought 6 and ive still got a bag of potatoes and a bag of parsnips and 2 carrots....this has been great as its healthy food and has cost nothing well 90p for like 30 meals worth
Hi Adam, been having a read through your diary and just wanted to congratulate you on your progress this year and in the previous 5 years. You’re keeping your targets clear and simple and I think that helps massively when in recovery.Â
I’m still in the early stages of my recovery (36 days) and have taken great inspiration from your diaries to aid me in my support.Â
As a fellow sports fan, aside from other hobbies and interests, I have also taken to Fantasy football to help combat the sports interest and urges I may get to gamble and feel involved with the action whilst also safe in the knowledge that I’m not risking anything to play. I really enjoy playing and trying to improve my rank season upon season.Â
It really has helped to keep me focused on staying away from gambling and I regularly watch content online to help improve my team etc.Â
Keep going strong in recovery mate.
hi dan....thanks for popping by....cheers for reading.... really really glad it has helped you........ thse early dys are the hardest....keep working at it....try ur best....and youll go far.... all the best. adam
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