Biting my tongue until quarantine is over!

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I’ve been with my husband who is a CG for 15 years, I’ve known about his problem for most of that time but at the start didn’t really know gambling addiction was a thing and by the time I realised I was sucked in and in love believing he’d change.

our first few years together were so hard, constant falling out, not sleeping knowing he was up gambling online and drinking all night losing all of our money. I’m not an anxious person but this made me feel like I had a constant brick in my chest. We had a few good years around the time we got married where if he had a slip he told me but for the most part he was doing ok. He gave up his credit cards and I took full control of our finances which I still have to this day.

About a year ago I realised he was gambling again and has ran up about £9,000 in credit card and OD debt. Thing is he still doesn’t know I know. I told him years ago I’ll never go back to how it was, the arguments and constant mistrust literally felt like they were driving me insane and looking back at that time I never should have stayed. I didn’t say anything for most of last year as we had a big 3 week Holiday booked for end of The year and then when we got back I decided to be smart and wait until I had money of my own saved to set myself up and pay for a new rental deposit on my own and a car. I reached my target just as the COVID-19 craziness hit and so now I’m having to bite my tongue as I feel like now would be the absolute worst time to start talking about this with the UK pretty much In lockdown and after 15 years I finally feel like I’m ready to pull the plug no matter how hard it is.

I’m turning back into a crazy person! Even though I know full well he’s downstairs right now getting hammered and gambling and there’s nothing I can do so I may as well look after myself and just sleep I’m standing at the bedroom door listening in on his phone call as he has now found himself a gambling buddy at work and when he goes out to smoke spying through the blinds as I can see what he’s doing on his phone from upstairs. He’s gambling pretty much every night now.

From his bank statements (yes I opened his bank statements which I know is wrong but I needed to know what I was dealing with)  it looks like his mum and dad are giving him money all the time, and a lot. I have no idea what reason he’s giving them for needing it as they know we both have really good jobs and no kids. Even more annoying is that they fully well know he has a gambling problem (they went to meetings with him when he was at uni before I even knew him) and I don’t understand how this isn’t a bright red flashing warning light for them. 

The thing is he doesn’t have access to our joint account and salaries. His credit cards and OD are in his name only and we’re getting on great so long as I bite my tongue and say nothing so as to keep the peace. This feels like the most sensible thing I can do right now when we’re stuck in the house 24/7 together but I’m mentally and physically exhausted, hurt, sad and feel like he’s taking me for a total fool. He really seems to think he has the wool pulled over my eyes. Plus he’s drinking so much and back to smoking after giving up so we’re spending a ridiculous amount of money on those as well which I resent.

Its hard as I know that in pretty much every way i’ll be better off on my own but I feel so bad at the thought of leaving him as he’s useless at looking after himself. For the most part I have no one to talk to but his best friend of 25 years knows all about it and the last time he was visiting we had a quick chat and he said something that really resonated with me and I haven’t been able to get out of my head that my husband gets so much from me in this marriage but he can’t see what I’m getting from it ....the answer is pretty much nothing. 

Anyway I know now he’s never going to change as the fact is he doesn’t want to. Plus now it will mean him having to give up his new best friend since we moved here and I know he won’t agree to that.....or he would and then just lie about what he’s doing. Like most CGs he’s an accomplished liar. The fact is he can’t win as I won’t believe him.

Is anyone else feeling totally stuck in a corner at the moment? I feel sad and lonely and that brick is well and truly back on my chest. ?

I feel like the things I’d need to be reassured he wouldn’t do and even then wouldn’t be a total block. I’d want gamblock back on all of our devices including his work phone and laptop, tell his mum and dad, stop seeing his friend, let me see a monthly credit check to see if he has taken out any new debt and hand over his current credit cards and show me his bank/credit card statements monthly. There’s no way he’ll agree to all of that and even then he can gamble at his friends house, go to the casino and pay cash, gambling is everywhere and the long and short of it is I can’t trust him. I just don’t know what to do and if I’m honest the reason I don’t talk to my friend/family is because I know they’ll say it’s time to leave. 

This topic was modified 5 years ago by Lucaszade
Posted : 28th March 2020 2:00 am
Forum admin
Posts: 6165

Hello @lucaszade,

Welcome to the forum, and thank you for sharing your experience. 

It sounds like a really tough situation to be in, and I'm sorry Covid-19 measures have meant you weren't able to go through with your plan. It's great that you've decided on the course of action that is best for yourself though, and have made so much progress towards that already.

I hope that this forum gives you a place to talk and get support from people who understand what you're going through. We also have a family and friends chatroom every Wednesday from 7pm to 8pm that you can access here:

Whenever you need to talk to someone who will listen non-judgmentally, whether you just want to unload, or if you're looking for advice, our advisers are available 24/7 for you. You can either call us on the Helpline (0808 8020 133) or Netline (our webchat)

All the best,

Forum Admin

Posted : 28th March 2020 5:41 am
Posts: 2148

Hi Lucaszade.

welcome to the forum.

Pour it all out because its good to talk here. You are doing the right thing in biding your time until the moment is right for you.

We understand what you are going through. You cant help him unless he is ready for help and he sounds nowhere near ready to stop gambling.

Ive been a problem gambler and I wouldnt live with a gambler. Whats important is your mental health so dont fear moving out and leaving him at some point.

I would rather be alone that have someone gambling away my security in a household. We are not relationship counsellors but we do know that gambling is a drug addiction he needs help for.

These are strange days and its driving me a bit crazy staying in. Keep mentally stimulated and keep planning how and when you will make your decisions 

Take care. Its not your fault. Dont feel guilty. Try and get a network of family and friends.

You need to protect yourself and make sure he cant affect you any further with his gambling. You may only be able to help him from a distance but its his problem and hes going to lose you

Best wishes from everyone on the forum

This post was modified 5 years ago by Joydivider
Posted : 29th March 2020 2:50 am
Posts: 237

Hi sorry to hear of you and your husbands pain, I myself put my partner through c**P for 10+ years, finally self excluded from land based casinos for 5 years and signed up to Gamstop for 5 years that bans you from all online gambling.  Try and get him to self exclude from the above + the local bookies, I’m nearly 2 years gamble free and I owe that to self exclusion . I also have control of my finances. 
all the best...

Posted : 29th March 2020 8:05 pm
Posts: 4

Hi Lucazade

I just wanted you to know you are not alone. I too feel I have to bite my tongue and this current situation is not helping.

For me I feel I can't do anything right. If I try and help I'm wrong.

My husband is a type 2 diabetic and his blood sugars are out of control. He also smokes which also effects his mood swings. If I try to help I am nagging so I can't win. I guess I should just give up

This site is a welcome release

Take care and stay strong 


Posted : 10th April 2020 6:52 pm

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