Mortgage Advice

2 Posts
2 Users
Posts: 3
Topic starter


Is anyone able to give any advice on protecting a joint mortgage? 

I have recently found out partner of 20 years has a compulsive gambling problem and has 30K debt on credit cards. 

Partner has signed up to DMP through Step Change and handing finances over to me. 

We’re not married and separate finances which is one good thing, but obviously I am concerned about our joint mortgage, and have two young children to think of. 

Any advice would be much appreciated! 
thank you.

Posted : 3rd April 2024 10:19 am
Forum admin
Posts: 6027

Dear Annanon,

Welcome and thank you for posting on our forum.  In addition to the forum, feel free to contact us on our 24/7 helpline to speak to an adviser, we offer a range of support options for you.  You may find this information useful which is provided by our money guidance service

You could also consider speaking to your mortgage provider. 

Best Wishes 


Forum Admin


Posted : 6th April 2024 2:25 am

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