Censorship of the word g a y

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Posts: 2966
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Hey Gamcare,

Totally appalled, especially in the current political climate, that you would censor the word "***" on my recovery diary! Seriously not cool.

I don't know if your auto-swear filter needs updating or one of your staff needs equality and diversity training, but it needs sorting out ASAP.

Please show commitment to anti-oppressive practice by removing this censorship and the cause (retraining human or technology) so it doesn't happen again.

*** is not an offensive word.

Reposting as this post ended up in recovery diaries for some reason?!

Posted : 19th August 2017 7:21 am
Posts: 1037


Posted : 19th August 2017 12:08 pm
Posts: 1037

Yep. Asterixes. Seems a bit strange that a commonly used, inoffensive word should be regarded as profanity by the automatic filter?

Posted : 19th August 2017 12:09 pm
Posts: 1143

I was recently on the train and somebody called someone g a y. A complaint was made to transport police and the person who shouted g a y was arrested. Some homosexuals do find it offensive as I witnessed on the train.

Posted : 19th August 2017 12:41 pm
Posts: 3239

Comes down to the context in which it was used for me. f*g, P**f, q***r wonder if these are censored?

Answer yes they are so maybe they are just screening any potentially offensive word?

Posted : 19th August 2017 1:21 pm
Forum admin
Posts: 6155

Hi all

We've removed the word *** from the filter. Thanks for drawing our attention to this.

Best wishes

Forum Admin.

Posted : 19th August 2017 4:07 pm
Posts: 3239

Have a *** day everyone. #cheeryandgayday

Posted : 19th August 2017 5:34 pm
Forum admin
Posts: 6155

Dear Forum Users,

Following the post on the use of specific words, which is no longer censored. However please remember to be more sensitive and responsible with the use of words which can at times be used offensively and also positively, please remember to be respectful and not trivialise a word which has sensitive use.

Thank you

Kind Regards

Forum Admin

Posted : 20th August 2017 11:48 am
Posts: 3239

agreed. hence i put the hashtag in as the context.


Posted : 20th August 2017 3:40 pm
Posts: 0

Has no-one looked @ the list of censored words? It beggars belief some of the ones that we have had to bring to your attention 🙁

Posted : 20th August 2017 3:58 pm
Forum admin
Posts: 6155

Hello ODAAT,

If there are specific words that you feel should not be automatically filtered, you are welcome to email specific feedback to forumadmin@gamcare.org.uk

Please remember that we aim to provide an inclusive space that is accessible to people of different ages and backgrounds, and people do vary in their sensitivity and taste. What may seem like ordinary language to one person, might be perceived as off-putting, intimidating or offensive to another person. The forum etiquette guides forum members to show consideration, sensitivity and respect for other forum members, and to be careful about how their posts could be perceived by others. The forum rules warn against posting comments that are obscene, insulting or considered malicious to others. The automatic word filter is there to help forum members post within forum guidelines. If you find that the filter is censoring particular words that you believe should not be filtered, you can email forum admin about that, and the forum team leader will consider your feedback.


Forum admin.

Posted : 20th August 2017 4:33 pm
Posts: 0

I do get what you are saying but offering an inclusive space seems a contradiction in terms when the profanity filter works in this way!

I was told quite unnecessarily that Queen can be used in both a 'respectful & pejorative way' and since then 'we' have had to ask for LGBT & *** to be authorised.

Whilst I accept the rules & regulations around the automatic filter 'helping us' I don't think it was unreasonable to ask if a human had ever glanced their eye over it...Having to ask for words like this to be removed is not cool!

Posted : 21st August 2017 4:51 am
Forum admin
Posts: 6155


It's reasonable to ask if we have ever looked over the complete list. The answer is yes, we have. '***' was in among a long list of insults that had the word *** in them. Each word or phrase is separated by a comma. When you're scanning a text file of hundreds of words, a comma is easy to miss. I don't know how we missed 'LGBT'. But please remember that we are human, and that we are constantly balancing supporting people on the forum, the Netline and the chatroom. We try to focus our time effectively on reading and responding to posts, emails and problems on the forum. The profanity filter means that we don't have to spend time scanning posts for swear words.

Apologies that we have allowed some positive words to be left in the profanity filter. Again, we're human, and remember these words were in there because they could be used as insults, either on their own or as part of a phrase. If in future you spot any other words that you feel shouldn't be filtered let us know and we'll consider them.

Best wishes,

Forum Admin

Posted : 21st August 2017 9:33 am

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