Hit rock bottom

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Posts: 148
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At the age of 42 & 9 years of wreck less gambling I have hit rock bottom. 
250k of lost money borrowed through remortgaging, loans, lost redundancy pay & credit cards. I can no longer borrow or take out any more credit cards or loans with everyone being declined. 

I am paying over £1200 a month on loan and credit cards which is just ridiculous. It’s embarrassing and hideous and I have no one else to blame but myself. 

I am currently in over 50k of debt and 3 1/2 years away from being debt free. I wish I could fast forward 3 years but also wish I could rewind the last 9 years. How can I go from being so good with money to being such an out of control human being? Why me? 

I would begrudge spending £50 on a pair of new trainers but happily blow 1k on football bets at the weekend, it is bonkers. Whilst I am gambling i don’t think about the loses it’s only when I try to stop it destroys me. 

I am now at breaking point, luckily I have a good job but then because of the good income it’s made me have the ability to borrow more so it’s worked in a negative way. I have to stop this before I am ruined with my wife, kids & home. 

My soul and my personality has been taken away from me. I am a broken man living a lie. 

Posted : 23rd May 2024 9:25 pm
Posts: 285

@c17ort Well done for posting.  I think many of us here can identify with what you are going through.  I know I can.

What are you doing to access help for the gambling?  It is essential that you get support.

Problem gambling is a real illness that has a chemical cause within the brain.  You will almost certainly need help and professional support to beat this.  It is a devil of an addiction.

For now, well done for the post.

Posted : 23rd May 2024 9:50 pm
Posts: 19

The question shouldn't be "why me?". The question should be "what can I do to stop?"

Posted : 24th May 2024 5:36 pm
Posts: 148
Topic starter

@v78on051pl so as a gambling addict yourself, you have never said that? 

come on get real. 

Posted : 24th May 2024 7:05 pm
Posts: 3

I relate to your post. I hit rock bottom when I realised I was ny getting anything out of my gambling win or loose I felt depressed. So pleased that I found this site. Taking one day at a time and never complacent about gambiling

Posted : 24th May 2024 7:46 pm
Posts: 161

@c17ort huge well done for posting on here, it takes huge guts to admit stuff. 

I can relate to so much of this, remortgaging, loans and credit cards etc! I even took out loans and credit cards in my husband’s name without him knowing! 

Does your wife know? You need to put things in place now, to help. GamBan on your phone, register with GamStop. Could anyone take over financial control? 

Be kind to yourself, this is an illness and you don’t chose for this to happen. Don’t think about the losses, this will only set you back. Unfortunately, the clocks cannot be turned back.

With the huge support and forgiveness from my husband and family, and me removing the guilt boulder, I’m currently on day 303 gamble free! 

Stay strong! 
Claire x

Posted : 24th May 2024 8:24 pm
Posts: 148
Topic starter

@cpparch thank you Claire. Appreciate the message keep up the fight

Posted : 24th May 2024 9:11 pm
Posts: 7

Posted by: @c17ort

At the age of 42 & 9 years of wreck less gambling I have hit rock bottom. 
250k of lost money borrowed through remortgaging, loans, lost redundancy pay & credit cards. I can no longer borrow or take out any more credit cards or loans with everyone being declined. 

I am paying over £1200 a month on loan and credit cards which is just ridiculous. It’s embarrassing and hideous and I have no one else to blame but myself. 

I am currently in over 50k of debt and 3 1/2 years away from being debt free. I wish I could fast forward 3 years but also wish I could rewind the last 9 years. How can I go from being so good with money to being such an out of control human being? Why me? 

I would begrudge spending £50 on a pair of new trainers but happily blow 1k on football bets at the weekend, it is bonkers. Whilst I am gambling i don’t think about the loses it’s only when I try to stop it destroys me. 

I am now at breaking point, luckily I have a good job but then because of the good income it’s made me have the ability to borrow more so it’s worked in a negative way. I have to stop this before I am ruined with my wife, kids & home. 

My soul and my personality has been taken away from me. I am a broken man living a lie. 


Posted : 24th May 2024 9:39 pm
Posts: 7

Posted by: @c17ort

At the age of 42 & 9 years of wreck less gambling I have hit rock bottom. 
250k of lost money borrowed through remortgaging, loans, lost redundancy pay & credit cards. I can no longer borrow or take out any more credit cards or loans with everyone being declined. 

I am paying over £1200 a month on loan and credit cards which is just ridiculous. It’s embarrassing and hideous and I have no one else to blame but myself. 

I am currently in over 50k of debt and 3 1/2 years away from being debt free. I wish I could fast forward 3 years but also wish I could rewind the last 9 years. How can I go from being so good with money to being such an out of control human being? Why me? 

I would begrudge spending £50 on a pair of new trainers but happily blow 1k on football bets at the weekend, it is bonkers. Whilst I am gambling i don’t think about the loses it’s only when I try to stop it destroys me. 

I am now at breaking point, luckily I have a good job but then because of the good income it’s made me have the ability to borrow more so it’s worked in a negative way. I have to stop this before I am ruined with my wife, kids & home. 

My soul and my personality has been taken away from me. I am a broken man living a lie. 


Posted : 24th May 2024 9:41 pm
Posts: 7

Hi I can so relate to this I too have live a lie for over 43 years and can’t understand my behaviour it doesn’t make sense like I am two people

Posted : 24th May 2024 9:42 pm
Posts: 4

@c17ort how are you getting on now? 

I can totally relate to everything you have said. It’s really difficult, I’ve put all blocks in place online, and life going great once again, but stupidly went to a casino and blew £500 on roulette yesterday. 

I’m really disappointed in myself and like you, have at least 3 and a half years of paying my whole monthly wage on debt and bills. 

I hope you reply and can both, quite possibly get through this. All the best. 

Posted : 10th June 2024 7:04 pm
Posts: 482

@waitingforthend Hi there.  Have you 5ought about contacting Stepchange? That way, you wouldn’t have to use all your salary to pay off debts .  Best of luck.

Pink Lady. 🩷🍎.

Posted : 10th June 2024 8:56 pm
Posts: 148
Topic starter


Good evening, 

thanks for the reply.  Day 19 for me today. 
After several years of failed attempts at quitting this has to be the end for me. 
keep in touch and get battling 

Posted : 10th June 2024 9:35 pm

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