I have failed again

7 Posts
6 Users
Posts: 2
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I have been gambling for nearly 40 years and and had previously stopped gambling for 5 years but in March this year started again - going in the bookies and playing on line machines, I am so very sad I have a wonderful wife and children but when I start gambling I can not stop

I thought writing it down and reaching out may help 

This topic was modified 2 months ago by Blumat
Posted : 27th July 2024 10:23 pm
Posts: 441

Hi there. I know how you feel. I had stopped gambling for 5 years also with the help from Gamstop but unfortunately I did not renew this! Has this been the case with you! If so, I would suggest you put those blocks back in place ASAP. Due to me not doing so, I got myself into further debt last this and this year 🙈.

I have never used slots in the bookies or online but I do know you can join Moses, which prevents you from depositing in any bookmakers at all.

Hold on to your wonderful wife and children and say goodbye to gambling again by removing yourself from the vicious cycle it often results in.

I wish you strength and happiness on your journey going forward.

Pink Lady 🩷🍎.

Posted : 28th July 2024 8:31 am
Posts: 156

Hi there   First of all I believe you can beat this addiction and then some

Today is a new fresh start nothing but one hundred percent effort and dedication from you and with all of the backup available to us in today’s world we will be more than successful 

Start your recovery diary on here today and put in place every single defence line blocks, financial controls, online bans, bookmaker ban and everything that is available on here

Add to that good exercise great nutrition and yoga plus breathing routines for your physical well being and your well on the way

keep positive and post on here regularly let’s start now

Best MH

Posted : 28th July 2024 10:07 am
Posts: 376

Hi mate i did the same was nearly 3 years gamble free and i too assummed i was past  it, i didnt even have an urgue to gamble at the time i just had a silly thought to see what had changed and if i recognise any of the people seen as though gambling was not an issue, little did i know i will be sucked back to the place where i started i actually didnt gamble for a few time and just had a chat, one thing led to another and i got hooked again i had few relapses on the way started going Ga again by coming on here i learnt a relapse could have it doesnt matter if you are clean for days weeks years it all about the first bet

Posted : 28th July 2024 12:18 pm
Posts: 1

Hey I am new to this forum. I am starting to have an issue but not major money involved. Yet..  I am worried that it will get into debts etc. 

One thing I would like to say about this is delay sometimes seems to work. Like delaying gambling for now and keep delaying until the day is done. Then allow myself to feel good having not gambled. 

I'm sure you have seen this technique before.

I am coming from 20+ years of drug addiction which also is amazingly similar to gambling. Other than the physical dependent aspect of Heroin , they are the same.  When I quit H I went on to C*****e which was even more similar to gambling given that lack of physical dependancy and the dopamine situation that affects me after using (dopamine depletion). This seems to be very similar.

I don't know if there are any others here who have these things too but I don't want to get too deep into gambling.  I had big ish win and now I'm chasing that win. I know what is going on just seem to be struggling.


Anyway this is probably the wrong place for this but here is as good as anywhere to write down my thoughts I guess 


Please look after yourself and family. 


Posted : 28th July 2024 4:10 pm
Posts: 1862


It is sad to hear that you went back to an unhealthy habit.

For me recovery helped me abstain from my unhealthy habit,

Only once I was abstaining could I start to heal my pains.

For me clean time can not be  lost.

I use to go to meetings and say I was fine or not so bad.

In time I seriously got in to some healthy therapies.

Going to meetings and talk about money lost was not a solution or healing for me.

Going to meetings and talk about being in action was not a solution or healing for me.

Hence in time my therapies helped me articulate what my feelings and emotions were.

I got to understand that I could not run away from my self.

I got to understand that lying to my self was a very unhealthy habit.

The deep honest therapies help reduce my fears.

The deep honest therapies help me understand my self in a much healthier way.

Yes clean time can not be lost.

Each time I went back to my unhealthy indicated I was still emotionnally vulnerable.

Healing love and peace to every one.

Dave L

Posted : 28th July 2024 9:34 pm
Posts: 2
Topic starter

One week done without gambling, Spoke to the wife and explained about the way gambling makes me feel and she has helped me realise I can stop again.

Thank you to the people who have replied I have followed the advice and blocked betting sites and used the delaying techniques and kept myself busy.

Thanks again and long may this continue. 

Posted : 4th August 2024 10:36 pm

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