It’s so hard to overcome these emotions after losing everything

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Hi it’s so hard to talk about this but I feel so ashamed that I played online casino and lost my salary everything. Lied to my family why I don’t have any money , cried all day , now I have to started from zero again . 
I’ve never play in my life but then I met my already ex boyfriend, he was very addicted and I didn’t know that will have impact on me as well . Since I broke up with him because I couldn’t take it anymore and I was working so hard and was paying everything because he always lost his salary . After I broke up with him I didn’t play I was so angry about gambling. I was happy , had always money etc but until today after 8 months I registered on one website and lost everything. I don’t understand what happened to me and why I did this but I realised that it was big mistake and I have to start over again. I can’t cope with my emotions it’s so hard to feel that guilt when you lost everything and these repeating thoughts “why I did this , I’m so stupid etc” ,, I feel so sad because I’ve been working so hard and I wanted to save some money but I lost them without even thinking about my future and next months . I already self excluded myself from every single website and registered on GameStop, but hope I’ll feel better and will find motivation to continue with my life. 

Posted : 10th August 2024 11:44 pm
Posts: 2

Hey you are not alone . I lose again and now I have to start again from minus 20000euro. I lose all I have . I fight for my boy he has 5 year old but I fell guilty because I don’t make this before . 
I don’t now what to do right now . I have a place where I sleep and food . I m lucky . But my depression is at high level . 
I m 40 s and I thing my life is ruin . I hope a miracle will happen but is only my mind that is affected by addiction . In reality nobody will save as . We got to save ourselves 

Posted : 11th August 2024 7:08 pm
Posts: 33

hope you find in̈ner peace and stop gambling as it never will bring you a happy life everyone on gamcare has their own personal path to a gamble free life and yeah we are all addicts mostly financially and emotionally bankrupt.

Posted : 12th August 2024 2:41 pm

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