My Story

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Hi all


Dan here, totally new to this site, just wanted to say hi.


Nervous, scared, at a loss, however I'm also feeling brave and determined to get through my personal challenges


I've struggled with my gambling for a few years now, started in my previous relationship with the children's mom, she was on a low income, I was working all hours to make ends meet, started having a dabble on the slots, won a decent amount and then slowly but surley started to be hooked, this gave me the thoughts that I would eventually win big and ease our money stresses. It slowly took over my life. Battled this alone u till one night I confessed to my problems and didn't received the support I was craving. 


Fast forward a few years and I'm still struggling to fully contain my gambling, a hard and tough bout of depression which is at the moment finally under control and another relationship breakdown had seen my gambling become yet again very excessive. I'm always chasing the win, the high of a win regardless of how much I've spent and lost. 

Recently it's overcome me in a huge wave, 3k loss and having to use 3k of my savings to replace it, another 1500k + 1000k loan taken out to try and recuperate my losses. 


I finally won a large amount this evening, excellent, withdraw and put it back to pay my loans and rebuild my life, NOT SO FAST, stupid me put it all on just preying for 1 more big win.

I need help, I need support and this is my first step towards getting that help.


Thanks for reading

I am a gambling addict.

Dan x


This topic was modified 5 months ago by Forum admin
Posted : 3rd June 2024 9:45 pm
Posts: 285

@u9c7grxots hi Dan.  Well done for your post.

As for what you did tonight in winning and blowing it....  I have been there and done that.

I have not had a penny to my name, somehow got to over £6000 bank balance and blown it all in the course of 2hours.

Please make sure you put blocks in place.  Gamstop, Gamban and block gambling transactions with your bank.  Do not fall into the trap or thinking you can regain the loss 

What you have done tonight it right.  You lost and reached out for help.  Job well done 👍 

Posted : 3rd June 2024 10:49 pm
Posts: 19

Hi. Yeah I get you. Depression and stuff can make things so much worse. 

I had a couple of big wins and put it all back. It happens all the time. 

But the sooner you put blocks in place, the better. People literally chase that big win all the never comes. And on the off chance, it does, it's never big enough so it's pointless. It's a bottomless pit. 

Posted : 4th June 2024 4:09 am
Posts: 2
Topic starter

Hey, thanks both for taking the time to reply.

Before I went to sleep last night I made sure all cards are blocked from gambling, I've deleted the two apps I had on my phone and excluded from them. 

I need to find something to fill the void, for example I'd usually gamble after work when there isn't much to do or when there is nothing decent on tv.


That's my next challenge, one step at a time


Much love 


Dan x

Posted : 4th June 2024 6:53 am
Posts: 11

Don’t worry about it,the whole thing is just a repeating pattern of big win then loss.As soon as you recognise this the situation will just fade away and the behaviour will change.

Posted : 4th June 2024 10:28 am
Peer Supporter Patsy
Posts: 87

@u9c7grxots  Evening Dan

Well done on joining the community here at Gamcare. I volunteer on here as I supported my son for 9  years with gambling harm.

The harm and losses that you have already experienced is behind you. Your only mission now must be your own recovery and journey.  It is only after that, you can perhaps rebuild lost relationships. Gambling harm is destructive to all. You sound as if you have reached end of your tether with it now , so that is so positive to move onto a better life.  Step change can help with managing your debts.

Just in last day you have moved mountains!! Should be proud of yourself.

Fill your time perhaps with sport, running, or invest in a community gym. Delve into the Gamcare community and reach out to Chatroom to be spurred on by others that know how you feel.

Confide in any good friends or family that will support any new activities that can help your recovery.


I wish you well Dan



Online Peer Supporter

Posted : 4th June 2024 8:25 pm

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