iv always had a thing for slot machines quite difficult before hand as don't drink so had no excuse to go down pub and play them. Then last year a friend of mine said he was popping in bookys so went with him, did quite well 60 quid in 280 back. Next morning I was a man possessed went back in bookys at 10am left at 7pm 800 quid up! Next day went again blew the lot plus 350 out of cash point this went on all last year until I spent all my money, then borrowed money of mates etc until I am nearly 10k in the hole. I sold my car iv lost my job. I can't get another job as I'm always trying to make a quick buck to pay something off my debts half the time I do have a bit of money I go back to bookys to try make it more. iv never got anoth money to cover anything, because I'm always desperate to get out of this hole. Today I sold some things to cover a debt that really really needs paying and went straight to the bookys blew the lot. I'm trying this forum because I'm just starting to think death can't be as painful as life I left bookys today and just wanted to end it all. Why am I such a idiot I have honestly tried not going in and lasted a few days and gone back. Iv litterally destroyed my life and I just don't know what to do.
I will not preach to you as we are all here for the same reason. I may not even be able to help you but I can offer you my support. This forum helped me more than I thought so pat yourself on the back for reaching out and seeking help. Just over 2 weeks ago I was in a similar place to you right now. It's tough my friend. I won't lie and say it's not going to be easy. But there is help out there, with blocks in place and the support of those around you, you can be that person you want to become. Don't give up this could be the beginning of something great for you.
I -Thank you nick Iv litterally sat refreshing page for last hour. I know I'm a pat on the back kind of bloke. it's hard because half my mates I wouldn't tell they just wouldn't understand and point out what a selfish sack of **** I am, and the other lads I know can afford to gamble no matter what they loose. Spent ages reading through people's posts
Yes reading other posts will give you strength and no doubt you will be able to relate to most.
No one will judge on here and you will get some great advice. so get it all off your chest. I know what you mean about telling people about gambling. A very small percentage in my circle just don't get it. My mum never has money and if she knew the amounts I'd lost over the years she'd be sickened.
Are you able to go all your local bookies tomorrow to self exclude?
I think there is a number you can call to self exclude from all bookies in your area...you need to make it difficult for yourself to gamble.
Oh that sounds a lot easier. Give that a try mate!
mThere is that many bookys round here I wouldn't know where to start. There's also a motorway services litterally 10 minutes from my house. Iv just been looking to see if there's any meetings can go to but can't find anything local. I genuinly don't think I'm brave enough to just end my life, but I get that far down I just think there's no possibilitys it can make things worse. I just don't understand my own head why do I destroy everything to go in a bookys. I know I'm loosing then I'll do what every one else seems to do and chase what iv lost thinking even if I can get half back I'll be happy. I'm not a rich man I struggle for litterally everything. But yet I'll go in bookys and spend £££
Just spent a productive half hour on lunch self excluding from around 40 bookies. Called 0800 294 2060 spoke to a lovely young lady took all my details and the postcodes of the areas I used to bet in around me home and work and she brought the bookies in that area and I agreed to be SE for 12 months at all of them. Just need to email them a copy of my passport and another recent colour photo and that's done. It can be done by post if you prefer. .........just copied this from Oldhams diary...it has the number for self excluding from bookies...it works. That just leaves you with the motorway services....you need to avoid it.
Does it work to self exclude as I've done it in past and still be able to get in without a word? I would love to do.that would help me so.much cheers
How do you find out about groups to go to any ideas
Gamblers anonymous website and type in nearest town. Contact gamcare as they can sort counselling for you.
That I think a best route for me I won't feel so bloody alone trying to get through it. Iv just turned into some one I never thought I'd be not in a million years. This time last year was in a decent job average car, at gym 5 days a week now Iv lost 4 stone and every part of self worth has gone out of me that is what hurts the most 34 year old and nakered I tried the gamblers anominouse but says there all down south and I'm in Leeds
No says there is one on spen lane, Leeds, one in Wakefield and another in Bradford. Here is a link https://www.gamblersanonymous.org.uk/index.php/ga-meetings/find-a-meeting I just typed in Leeds on the map.
c**P at that sort of thing thank you
No one dreams of ever being in this situation but it has now dawned on you how serious it is scary and frightening but fear not if you genuinely commit yourself to recovery you will find a path and joining this forum and reading the posts can guide you in the right direction don't panic because yes it's hell on earth especially the stress and anxiety that's part of the recovery try to listen to advice take things on board and slowly you will see some clarity but main thing is stop gambling good luck
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