Can appreciate that pal it's the debt that's doing me and the fact i put gamberling before everything
Would it make me sound pathetic if I said I think if I had some sort ot mentor I could get outta this
If your struggling with debt contact Stepchange, they can help you sort it out & it's free 🙂
Best wishes
M x
It's not the sort of debts a company could help with unfortunately
That is the sign of a true gambler Blownitagaib we do not think about anything or anyone and the consequences when we are gambling !! Like it has been mentioned get yourself along to a GA meeting in Leeds it will help you !
All the best
Yes debt always part of gambling but the money is gone but take some steps to sort that out once you get on a reasonable plan then it takes the pressure off it takes time but can get easier then you can focus on the important things like your emotional wellbeing and health which is priority above everything else because if you are in a bad place it's hard to focus be positive good luck .keep reading the forum every now and again By the way none of us are pathetic
Iv read it constantly for last 4 hours pal its stopping me going bookys
Hi and welcome, your not alone on here, everyone is supportive and know the journey you have to face, it's hard but so worth it, as each day passes that you are gamble free you will start to like the person that stares back at you in the mirror, you will re discover your self worth and return once more into the person you once was prior to this awful addiction taking hold. You have to put the blocks in place and really want to give it up. Forget the losses, you would never get them back x keep reading, you will see so many similar stories, some will make you cry, the success stories will spur you on. Best wishes x
Hi, I feel you pain. I have a real problem with machines in bookies. They are highly addictive. I have gone from a decent financial position to owing 2 pay day loans before payday next week. It's no life. We need to beat this addiction. Today I witnessed a man pumping note after note into 2 machines, he must have done £1500 at least. They are evil, I am determined to quit playing them and quit gambling just struggling at the moment. Things will improve, quitting is our only option to a better life.
Sorry tried to open a new forum but doesn't let me. Just copy and pasting what I have said earlier and brief summary of what's happened to me.
Hi all, Have been addicted to gambling for a couple of years. Lost a could of grand actually don't even know how much. But had stopped couple of months back but started again. I'm 25 years old and have two kids wife etc. Luckily I have lost my own money and not taken any loans out, however back in the day I used to open up student overdrafts to cover my bad habits. Football bets live casino online gambling should be banned. Anyway I had stopped for a good couple of months and started on a clean slate. However recently I started off with £50 and eventually over the week went for £450 through online casino and football bets. Also going near to £0 and back to £450. I had cashed out and left £50 to play with. All of a sudden lost the £50 then kept cancelling my pending withdrawals. Ended up losing all my profits and started deposited my own amount. Currently £580 into my own money and looking like getting back to my old habits. I'm trying to stop but something keeps eating away at my head, honestly can't think of anything else other than getting my money back
However I am 2 days no betting so close again today. Would of lost as been checking my football bets. However, I keep thinking oh I could of done this and easily won then start feeling sad as could of won, should of won and so on. It's a lol moment because my brain has gone mad with all this gambling. Wish I never put my first £1 down been chasing since.
Well tonight instead of putting what ever iv left into a slot machine I drove up to a car park and sat there reading the chat room on here it might sound daft but really helped just because it wasn't a constant reminder of why I shouldn't go, some on on there asked me how I was getting on and said some nice stuff as well. Really made a difference to me those few words probably saved me 300 quid tonight.
Im going to start a diary on here and I need to stop thinking im a piece of s**t. I know it's going to take time. But reading what guys were putting in the forum. They had not gambled for 2 week and even though iv never met them I was proud of them. Truelly. If I can feel like that about some one else Imagine how I'll feel about myself.
im going to be on the site everyday every time I get urge to go to bookies I'm coming on here. And I will feel like a human being again instead of a rat that scuttles to bookies to try and fix my life. Thank you to the guys on forum and chat room it's given me a tiny bit of self worth .
That's the spirit Blown!
Keep posting....It really does make a difference
M x
Well done mate that is great to hear let's all stick together and fight this addiction. Exactly the same as me I'm reading forums on here everyday. It saved me betting yesterday aswell. Hopefully I don't bet weekend as that is the hardest to resist with all the football. Keep going mate very proud.
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