New here after a very bad night

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So last night I gambled away a large proportion of my savings. The reality has really sunk in today. I have always had a little go online slots, but have only done this once before a couple of years ago. I am feeling so guilty and down today. Although it was savings that would have paid for something such as a new car, trips for my children. 
I have taken necessary steps today and added Gamban to my phone

i don’t see myself as an addict as only gamble occasionally on slots (and buy odd scratch card) but I do know I don’t know when to stop. Only stopped last night as my account was frozen by the site

so two questions…

- how do I get rid of this awful feeling of guilt ?

- is there anything else I can do - if I can’t get on the sites I can’t gamble? So should be ok? 

thanks in advance

Posted : 29th December 2022 12:14 pm
Posts: 1013

Hi Rainbow, first thing well done for posting and owning what you've done. It takes courage to admit you've failed.and ask for help. Gambling is a slippery slope and although you don't want to think of yourself as an addict, this is a problem as  normally people without a problem don't blow a chunk of their savings on spinning reels and the fact the site froze your account means you had heavy losses. This has happened to me and like yourself I only stopped on a " binge" when either my account was frozen or I ran out of money. The feeling of guilt  weighs heavy, sit with it, recognise that it's a normal emotion and use it to stop you repeating this again and again, I know it's a sobering thought but unless you deal with this it will carry on. I'm fast approaching 1000 days without gambling after being found out by my husband and I can truly say it was one of the best things that has happened to me ,I call myself an addict as it gripped me I gambled daily if I could, blew a lot of our savings and ran up big credit card debts. I was a beaten person now I'm not !! I'm happy and much more stable person. You're question...what else do you need to do ? My advice would be if you haven't told anyone then try to, you don't say if you have a significant other. Me and my husband obviously went through a very rocky period but we're still together and continue to work through it in an open way now as I lied and lied to him, now I don't !! Other things I did, and these are suggestions for you to think over. My husband took over full control of finances, now after 2 + years I am totally transparent about finances, it works if you haven't got access to money you can't gamble and use blocks to stop you accessing sites such as gamstop/gamban.. The other thing is keep reading people's stories on here for probably about a year I logged on here every day, kept a diary. Consider talking this through, I had a wonderful counsellor arranged through fanfare also gamblers anon talk to people who understand. You might be reading this thinking you're not an addict you don't need all this? You do have a problem ,stop it before it becomes an addiction, read people's stories there's more at stake than money . Hope you find your way forward. Take care 


Posted : 29th December 2022 6:24 pm
Posts: 1013

I don't know why my posts keep duplicating ?? Anyway autocorrect changed some words ,I just want to clarify my counselling was arranged through " Gamcare " ( not fanfare )

Posted : 29th December 2022 6:47 pm
Posts: 3
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@charlieboy thank you for taking the time to reply. And for your advice. I have blocked my card so can’t gamble using it. I have done Gamban so hoping this will help.

clearly a huge loss last night but I have taken the steps now. I have felt physically sick all day because of it but feel a bit better hoping this will never happen again. I need to own my actions and deal with the guilt and set myself a plan to get my savings back up.

I am a single mum who deals with all he finances so no one to share that load with. Luckily no one to answer to in terms of what I lost other than myself. 

I do have a partner (we live separately) but I now just want to forget what happened and try and move on and prevent it from happening again. I totally recognise my problem and how out of control it got last night. 

thanks again for the advice ? 

Posted : 29th December 2022 7:44 pm
Posts: 1013

Ohh bless you, I understand the need to put it behind you. Just remember the urge will rear its head again at some time and you will be thankful for the blocks, I'm never going to take the blocks off why would I they work!! Like a safety net almost. If you start to struggle think about the counselling, I found it very helpful and it's good to talk to someone non judgemental. Hope it works out for you,stay strong, pull on the determination that helps you be a single mum !! I'll always answer if you need an ear to bend ?

Posted : 29th December 2022 9:16 pm
Posts: 404

@rainbow1982 that awful i have noticed online seems to be worst as it doesnt feel real am fortunate i never got into that as u dont see it as physical cash their no checks and you dont see it as money just numbers on screen which is why they offering big bonuses to entice you to play as they know majoirty of people are going lose in the long run it bit like the vip in las vegas they get offered cars, penthouses etc as they know they are likely to massive profits from these type of customers

Posted : 30th December 2022 12:20 am
Posts: 148
Posted by: @rainbow1982

So last night I gambled away a large proportion of my savings. The reality has really sunk in today. I have always had a little go online slots, but have only done this once before a couple of years ago. I am feeling so guilty and down today. Although it was savings that would have paid for something such as a new car, trips for my children. 
I have taken necessary steps today and added Gamban to my phone

i don’t see myself as an addict as only gamble occasionally on slots (and buy odd scratch card) but I do know I don’t know when to stop. Only stopped last night as my account was frozen by the site

so two questions…

- how do I get rid of this awful feeling of guilt ?

- is there anything else I can do - if I can’t get on the sites I can’t gamble? So should be ok? 

thanks in advance

Look at it this way, the money you gambled away, was the "fee" you needed to pay to realise you need to stop gambling. Think of it as a "bill" that your bank account had to pay to get you the diagnosis that you're an addict. The sooner you accept the money is gone, you'll be able to move on.

You didn't lose money, you paid the fee required to give you the wake up call you needed.

If you get the urge to gamble again, go to the FRIENDS/FAMILY board on here and read the devastating effect gambling has on your family and loved ones. Soon stops your gambling pang dead in the water.

Posted : 4th January 2023 11:09 am

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