Online casino slots has ruined my life

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I have struggled with bad habits for at least 5 years of my life now and gambling has been 3 years, I was wondering if anyone can relate to my story.

Basically as soon I have a drink or sniff I want to gamble.. I do not no why but I have come to the conclusion that I do it for the buzz and nothing else, I’m not playing to win I’m just playing and then when I lose I feel worthless and a proper loser, because there has only been once or twice where I have won money and walked away with it and that money is nothing on the amount I have lost. 2 nights ago I started drinking and managed to get on a website even after banning my self from everywhere blocking my card and putting gam stop on my phone which I just managed to turn off. I lost £1100 the other night last weekend I lost £1000 after being £1599 up last weekend I didn’t take it.. and that’s one thing I wanted to ask when your up a good amount of money why don’t you take it? 
so 2 weeks I’ve done over £2000 I worked my a**e off last year hardly gambled and got my money up finally just to lose it all in the space of  a few hours at a time.. I’m close to losing my job I’ve lost mates over it I lost my family because of alcohol and drugs.. I feel like absolute c**P and feel like there’s no way out of this feeling. Constantly trying to think of a way to get my money back without gambling because working will take so long to get to where I was.. can anyone relate to my story with the worse thing I think online casino games.. and if so what can I do to feel better. Thank 

Posted : 7th February 2021 7:31 pm
Posts: 18

I can certainly relate to the drink side of things, I don't sniff thankfully as I have an addicted personality. You defo need to get the gamban back up and running on all devices. I noticed that I could turn it off etc so have got my partner to make the password up and for her to keep it to you have anyone that will do this for you. I've only been stopped 4 days but honestly my best stint of stopping gambling was losing all access to money and also blocking sites etc. This also has to be kept up for good as I honestly think we are gamblers for life and need this support for life. I agree online casinos are th biggest scam ever and not worth us ruining our lives CAN DO THIS.

Set short term goals and hopefully works picks up and you can work hard again to build your money back up. Gambling is not the way to get ur money back up as no win is ever enough and before you know it more money will be lost. Keep positive and I'm here if you want a chat about things. 


Posted : 7th February 2021 9:37 pm
Posts: 16
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Thanks for your advice Paul I really appreciate it, 4 days clean must be a great accomplishment for you so well done. I will try and put things in place like Gamban, I just feel devastated with my actions like when I think about it all now I think why the hell did I do that.. and constantly think about what I could of done with all that money.. I think knocking the alcohol on the head will prevent the urge to gamble so I just need to be strong like we all do. Thanks again Paul 

Posted : 7th February 2021 10:19 pm
Posts: 14

The drinking part alongside gambling is a real weird one that i can definitely relate to. I remember the days were i couldnt be inside a pub without feeling the need to play the fruit machines. Once i even looked at the fruit machines i had practically already begun playing and lost all my money. It was like when having a few pints all logic went out the window and the urges to gamble were massively intensified and completely uncontrollable as if everything was happening in a hazey state off mind and it just automatically happened. Im 27, gambled for the past 14 years since i was 12 and only recently decided to quit and so far ive went 43 days without a gamble. I havent figured out the link between drinking and gambling yet but ive got lucky as obviously the pubs are closed due to covid 19 so i obviously cant play the fruit machines but when they reopen i know it will be a really big test for me to not give into temptation and play them. Ive actually thought about this already and only time will tell but at the minute im done with gambling. As far as online goes i signed up to gamstop about 2 and a half years ago for 5 years so i literally cant gamble online thankfully. Well i could if i wanted to on some random site that ive never heard off before with minimum of 25 deposits but it literally doesnt appeal to me in the slighest. What helped me quit this time is realising that you can never win at gambling while having an addiction. If you lose you only go chasing (spending more money) and if you win then thats even worse as it only gives you false hope that you can beat the system and then what happens? You go back and spend all off your winnings plus whatever extra you have in your bank account then thats you chasing all over again. The gambling industry in general is designed to rope people like you and me in and take our money. You have to realise this mate and come to terms with the fact that you're never going to win back what youve lost and also accept that, that money is gone and never coming back but you may aswell draw the line there and not keep on adding to your losses. If you can train your mind into believing that nothing good comes from gambling (which it doesnt) then you're more likely to succeed. At the end off the day the only way to win when you have a gambling addiction is to walk away.

Posted : 7th February 2021 10:58 pm
Posts: 88

Well done for your honesty,

I'm going to say straight out, you've 3 battles on your hands, drink and drugs and gambling, and you need to beat all 3. You said you feel terrible and you are worried about feeling terrible in the future. You have a battle on your hands so what are you going to do?

Billions of people have walked on this earth and made use of their talents, enjoyed their hobbies, made a difference to others and then as we know we all die in the end. Are you able to find it in yourself to do the same. If you can great. If you can't then are you able to find it in yourself to use the help of others on offer?

Good luck 

Posted : 8th February 2021 1:28 am
Posts: 370

I think you need to tell someone. After 14 years of gambling i finally admitted to my husband last Wednesday. He has been very supportive. I have lost around £200k in savings and some of his savings. I know this sounds crazy. I cannot believe myself how i got this far. All that money down the drain. I was addicted and nothing was going to stop me destroying myself. My husband has been amazing and i wish i had told him years ago but there never is a good time to say these things . The funny thing is even though we had a lot of money we never have flash cars , fancy holidays etc . We live a simple life. My husband has taken over the finances now. I had already cancelled debit card on our joint current card which he never used as he is a farmer and never really spends money. I started using the business account BIG MISTAKE! The business manager phoned and she saw these payments going through. She said she could close the account if I didn’t stop. So it had to come to an end and i had to admit

Posted : 8th February 2021 7:32 am
Posts: 2933

Like u for me the problem ended up being the drinking.....  If u just give up one the other vices will thrive....  For me the only way to be healthy and save money was to give up all vices one by one.   So I gave up smoking 2016, drinking in 2018 and finally gambling in 2019 now I haven't done any of them for over a year and last year I saved 12k , 2016 I spent 8k on gambling alone and saved nothing.....  Money will not make u happy but health certainly will and coke will Kane ur money and health no doubt along with drinking.... Pubs and clubs closed at no so why not give it a try if you don't feel the benefits by the end of lockdown sniff and drink away in the pubs again.. . what's there to lose?

Posted : 8th February 2021 7:01 pm
Posts: 16
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Well I’m surprised if you like a go on the fruit machines that you have managed to avoid the online side of it so fair play to that mate. I always tried to find ways around playing regardless of Gam stop, to be honest I think fruit machine will be a thing of the past considering the contamination of money most things might disappear like that. But thanks for all your advice and for sparing your time Craig I appreciate that too man thank you ??

Posted : 8th February 2021 7:38 pm
Posts: 16
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Totally agreed mate, I do have a few talents and hobbies I’m good at but I’ve wasted them by resulting to this sad life style, I am willing to take any help possible plus help anyone else 

Posted : 8th February 2021 7:41 pm
Posts: 16
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Oh wow that is some serious money! But you have done the right thing and luckily your husband and forgiven you as like you said you are a addict and nothing could stop you even though you knew it was wrong.. what was you gambling on can I ask? 

Posted : 8th February 2021 7:44 pm
Posts: 16
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That’s inspirational mate thank you, I definitely think that is the way forward my worse one has been drugs so I need to knock that on the head first then follow by the others, it’s been a long time now over 5 years I’m 30 now got nothing to my name it’s embarrassing.. the worse thing is I can do it at home happily have done all the time.. but now my whole life’s at jeopardy my job everything so it’s now or never really.. but at least what your saying shows hope that I can save some money for the future 

Posted : 8th February 2021 7:48 pm
Posts: 3

I used to feel the same way, always seeking that rush without really thinking about the consequences. Losing streaks can hit hard, making you question everything. But you know what? Recognizing the pattern is a huge step forward. Maybe it's time to shift focus, find something else that gives you that buzz without the gamble. I know it's easier said than done, but you're not alone in this. Stay strong, buddy.

Posted : 8th May 2024 7:31 am

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