Same old

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So I'm outside work waiting for a taxi to take me home because I lost all my wages on my break again.
Instead of just walking off site, I spoke to the site manager and told him about my problem and he was understanding and he's ok for me to go in tonight and said from now on security will hold my phone for my when shift so I don't gamble.
I'm more wounded my loan payment won't paid so my credit score will be more f****d.. great.
Hate myself as usual.. I was ВЈ110 up off my first spin. That's more than I wanted to win tbh, I peaked at £200 up and got greedy though, you all know how it is..
I'm disappointed in myself and want to cry but I'll continue to smile and keep moving forward.

Posted : 16th November 2018 3:35 am
Posts: 0

I've been following your posts for a while. Sorry to hear you've relapses again but without sounding rude, you haven't exactly been open to suggestions of advice or help.
You clearly didn't try gamstop, you didn't exclude and you haven't taking the offer of talking to a professional.
If you are not prepared to put in the effort you will never reap the rewards.
I'm in a daily battle and on day 10. I haven't logged on or even looked at a betting site but the urges are hard to get through.
You need to get out of the cycle but I'm feeling like your not quite ready to really stop yet. Maybe I'm wrong but if you were you'd start listening and apply measures.

Posted : 16th November 2018 7:48 am
Posts: 9

It's good to hear your work are aware of the issue and they're going to help you by looking after your phone during shifts.
That's a step towards progress in itself and at least your job will be more secure now your less likely to walk out on it 🙂
Keep us updated mate, it helps to talk about it and it's nice to see you getting there slowly but surely even if it is small steps at a time.

Posted : 16th November 2018 1:23 pm
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I borrowed £110 off my girlfriend and lost it in the bookies, as usual I was hundreds up but it wasn't enough.

Usually I'd give up on my job now and self destruct but the site manager really needs me tonight and tomorrow and after he's been so nice I'd feel even worse about myself letting him down almost immediately.

Cody and Sam, you don't understand, I've said this multiple times so Cody I'm surprised you've even suggested it of you've followed what I've been saying. If I can't gamble online, I will go to the bookies, if I lose in the bookies I could potentially lose my temper and do something that puts me in prison or gives me a huge fine and court costs which makes things worse, I've done it before and I gamble online most the time to stop it happening again. I don't see why that's hard to comprehend? Gambling sucks but being in prison with and not being able to do a thing debts sucks more.
I'm going to try deactivate my account for a month I can't afford to mess up next week, I have too much to pay back.. ВЈ110 to my gf, ВЈ10 to my mum £153 loan.. and I'm meant to be buying some furniture off someone that I've had to Push back a week as well as a new phone. That will be all my wages so yeah.

I'm staying positive and I'm gonna keep trying.

Thanks for the support promixo

Posted : 16th November 2018 8:23 pm
Posts: 0

The fact you say you could potentially do something that could put you in prison suggests you have issues.
I can't work out what it is you actually want from here. Please don't think I'm being offensive I'd love to see you get out of this hell your living but you generally sound like you need professional help.
If you can't control your own actions by your own admission you could end up doing time over it that's more than a gambling habit. I strongly suggest you talk to your doctor.

Posted : 16th November 2018 9:46 pm
Posts: 0

Why did your girlfriend lend you £110. How wil you explain to her what you did with the money. You still post about winning money, but it was'nt enough and if only you stopped at the right time you would be in profit.

I'm only repeating what lots of us have already told you, I hope the penny drops 1 day. It is noticeable that no matter what advice is given, you have an array of excuses to ignore it. If you do not change your way of thinking then how will your life ever improve.

You're grafting away on a night shift and you blow your hard earned wages on your break. Why can't your girlfriend look after your card and finances? Why do you need financial access while working a night shift. Anyway I hope things improve as it took guts to tell your boss about your problem.

Posted : 16th November 2018 10:11 pm
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I think you're right, there's definitely something wrong with me but I just think I am who I am now. People taking control of my finances won't help, they'll give it me when I ask and if they didn't god knows what I'd do.

I really need help. I'll try Doctors again, I think if I don't I'm gonna have a breakdown soon.
I'll block my account for a month, I'll make a conscious effort not to gamble now, I'm taking your guys advice on that ok.

We'll see how it goes.

Posted : 16th November 2018 10:35 pm
Posts: 0

Good luck with your Journey Onepunch,

Hopefully the advice that you are taking on board will help you arrest this terrible disease.

BUT..... after reading your contributions on here they do seem a bit contradictory and i do get the sense that you have yet

to hit rock bottom. You are very good at offering advice and pointing people in the right direction. Blocking your account for a month is a half measure, go for the full hog and block for as long a duration as possible. Put blocks in place for all gambling sites, take away the access and take back control of your own life and finances. Take my advice and take advice

Posted : 16th November 2018 10:55 pm
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I hope this is the last time I have to say this. If I block myself from sites, I WILL go bookies, and I could get mad and assault someone or damage the machines. I've done both before and been prison and I have too much to pay to be in prison. I genuinely don't understand why I need to keep repeating this, gambling is bad I get this but me getting myself put in prison is worse surely ? And even in prison I gamble. There's always a way to gamble, please if you're reading this, take it in, understand what I'm saying and open your mind. Most people here think blocking yourself from the sites is the be all and end all and that's problem solved and it's just not.. not for everyone. If I make myself desperate and stress myself out, I will do something ...(Edited by Forum admin)... I don't want to hear the blocking advice again tbh, I've explained myself numerous times. I appreciate people trying to help but the same way you all want me to listen to you, please listen to me.

Posted : 17th November 2018 3:45 am
Forum admin
Posts: 6151

Hello Onepunchjamoo,

As you can see on the forum, several members have posted concern about the content of your posts, and they have encouraged you to see your GP. It is good that you’ve also posted on the forum that you feel you need help, and that you plan to see your GP again. You can talk with your GP about difficulties you might be experiencing with your mood or with your anger management. Sometimes GPs can refer you to local anger management training courses, or other forms of therapy or treatment that could help you to moderate or tolerate the intensity of your feelings, or help you with learning to problem-solve and communicate without violence or threats of violence, and reduce your risk of perpetrating abusive or criminal behaviour.

Please check the inbox of the email address that you have used to register your forum account, and read the emails that we have sent to you. If you would like emotional support and details of local services in your area, you are also welcome to call us on our freephone 0808 8020 133, or on our netline.

Take care,

Forum admin.

Posted : 17th November 2018 10:02 am
Posts: 0

Morning jamoo

I think others will see your posts as overly aggressive, what I see is someone who’s scared.

The thought of never being able to gamble again used to scare me too, every gambler dreams of winning enough money that they never have to work again.

You’re of that age where people around you are either settling down with a family and a mortgage or seem to be traveling around the world every other week, you might see yourself as a bit of a failure?? Social media has given us an unrealistic view of how life should be.

When I was your age I didn’t want to listen to anyone either, I used to pray for rain so I could go off and gamble or I just wouldn’t bother turning in at all , it was easier to go win a hundred quid than slave all day for it, most days I’d probably lose 5/10 times that and would be chasing to just to end up even. Like you’ve mentioned before I could win a few hundred pounds pretty much within the hour, but if always lose it because it was never enough for me , what I perceived as greed was actually a severe addiction and know matter what I would never leave when I was up know matter how much I told myself this time would be different. Even on the days I did walk away with big money I’d be back the next to try to win more.

Addiction is a never ending cycle of win lose repeat. It’s only when we lose do we go back to being normal and that’s only until the next cycle.

I was 50k in debt before I even started talking about my addiction to anyone and even then I still believed I could fix it with a bet.

It wasn’t until I came here years later that I started to do anything about it. At first the advice seemed a bit repetitive, self exclude, ga, give your finances to someone to look after , or counselling.

Self excluding seemed pointless a gambler always finds a way ,ga seemed like a place the down and out would go , and counselling was for the broken, and I’ve been giving my money away all my life so why would I want to do that?

Addiction gives us a false sense of bravado I’ve gotten myself into this mess I can get myself out.

But if you look for the people who have arrested their addiction on here they have done it with one of those tools or another, a mechanic with no tools is some guy just staring at a car with no real means of fixing it.

But tools aren’t the be all and end all , they’re there to help , in a way they’re like an asprin it won’t cure the headache but will ease the pain . To stop gambling you need a whole life overhaul you need new goals and the willingness to see it through. There’s no written rule of who you have to be or where you going that is completely up to you , if you don’t like your job and get another one the only person standing in your way and stopping you from progressing is you. I haven’t gambled for over 2 years now and I can tell you , you can do it , it won’t be easy but it will be completely worth it. All the best

Posted : 17th November 2018 11:06 am
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I don't think I'm being aggressive or alarming at all, I'm not s violent person in my day to day life and I'm trying to avoid being like they which is why I haven't blocked myself and made myself desperate.
See past the gambling and think about life, I don't want to put myself in a position to be in trouble again.

You're right, everyone my age is doing great. Buying homes and travelling and enjoying life. I don't have any social media, I haven't for years because I believe it does make me more unhappy. I just keep myself to myself.
I work 6 nights a week and I've been doctors twice now for gambling and depression and I don't get taken seriously. I was sent here not to s professional that might be able to help me. I live too far away to go to GA, I'm stressed and fed up and I just want everything to stop, I'm tired, I'm unhappy, I just cba anymore. I'll block my sky account now.
I'll see s doctor when I can.
I'll be fine soon I'm just feeling low right now.

Posted : 17th November 2018 2:52 pm
Posts: 0

Hi again Jambo,

I can appreciate that you must be sick to death of hearing this broken record from all and sundry. But like Jason5819 says these are the tools that have worked and are still working for many people. These are the tools that help in there journey along the way. It is a whole new life change and this has to come from one person only., Guess who that is? Why not go into the bookies and get yourself banned from those in your area? Whats stopping you from doing this? I can appreciate its a scary and daunting thing to do, even the thought of it probably seems incomprehensible. You are angry because people don't understand your situation, but all we are trying to do is offer advice and words of encouragement on this painfull journey. You will have false starts and sink back again feeling like a failure. Seeing the Doctor is a good idea and again he/she will offer advice and then ultimately it down to guess who again.

Keep posting on here as there are many people who take time out to offer advice and encouragement and have or are going through difficult times within there own lives. such as Merrygoround, Cynicalwife and Jason5819 amongst many others. Some of the paths that have become well troden might not be what you want to hear and can come accross as harsh. But everyone on here has an ultimate goal.

Don't give up on yourself, we all wish you well for the future however bleak and uncertain it may seem.

Stay strong, keep calm and carry on taking the road you deserve and need to go down.

Posted : 17th November 2018 2:59 pm
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I'm cool now, just needed time to calm down.

If I block myself from bookies I'll go another bookies further away or I'll just ignore them and gamble and get in trouble.
Hoping one day I don't need to keep answering the same question.

I have assaulted staff, smashed windows, broken a machine, thrown my bike at someone's car then started on them even though I was in the wrong, I have committed burglary, shoplifted and more all so I could gamble. I don't say any of that with pride but to get you all to finally maybe understand I'm better off in my room on my phone or at a close by bookies so I can just go home and sleep it off. If I make myself desperate, I will do something wrong. It's that simple yet I'm sure I'll explain it again after the next few posts.

What if I block myself from gambling online and bookies then I get arrested because I commit a crime for money, what will you all say then? Nothing because I'll be in prison so you won't know, you're oblivious to my life and the potential risks. I appreciate it but I'd appreciate some understanding too.

I'm fine now, the fact I'm still working is a step forward for me. My relationship is falling apart too and I'm still working hard giving it another go instead of living in bed for months. You can't see the progress but I can.

This all probably comes across very defensive but if you had to continuously repeat yourself you might be annoyed too.

Posted : 17th November 2018 10:20 pm
Posts: 0

Hi again Jambo,

Message received and understood. That slippery slope your on has been greased up even more. Just saying...

But hey, you know yourself better than anyone and the steps you need to take. From the sound of your posts, anger issues should be high on your agenda.

I sincerely mean it when i say good luck on the journey you are taking on your own advice.

Posted : 18th November 2018 7:06 pm
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